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Ubisoft Reflections rewards top students
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Driver developer Ubisoft Reflections has rewarded four students in north east England with six-month contracts, following a competition run by Teesside University.

The third annual Vis (Visualisation) Awards saw Ole Kristian Homelien win the games programming award, Justin Lim the games design award, Wei Xing Yong the character animation prize and Peter Adamson the modelling award.

Lindsey Hinton also won the "Life's a Pitch" award sponsored by Children's BBC, while Sara Ross won the digital music award. Ross will receive a work experience placement at digital music studio Loft Music.

"We were very pleased that the University of Teesside invited us to sponsor these awards; we were able to spot some new creative talent to further our success as a developer of successful driving games," said Reflections general manager Giselle Stewart. "We were particularly excited about the calibre of students who won the internships and we hope it will be the start of an exciting career within Ubisoft for them."

The Vis Awards were also sponsored by Codeworks, North East England's centre for digital innovation. The organisation attempts to retain talent within the region, with its own placement schemes and liaisons with local universities.

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