Discussion for Driver [EU] / Driver: You are the Wheelman [US] (1999)
By Dragonboyz
Registration Days
Hey everone do anyone have any cool script for me to download

other then driving can i go outside the car and shoot people with gun?

or do something else like drive boat or something cool ( lol if it possible)

please post here if you have any cool script for driver game

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By Sedans
Huh? if i understood right, that is not possible
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By madness
If you wanted to mod the game to enable users to get out, just recreate the game or copy it into GTA's engine, however to do that you'll have to remodel everything yourself and that would take ages. Basicly the game wasn't designed to get out of your car, and the engine won't be able to handle you having the ability to get out of your car.

So basicly the answer is no unless you want to totally recreate the entire game and with driver being so big as it is, it'll take ages and you'd at least need a team of 40 to be able to do it in just a year if your all working full time.
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By T.K.
Sounds cool, but I ain't working for something like that. :|

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

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