Old news can be found here.
Just an update from the site theme designer - you may have noticed the new theme that has been in development is now the default theme for everyone. This is to get as much feedback as possible since there were about 17 beta testers, with only about 5% of them giving feedback. This is necessary in order to receive as much feedback from everyone as possible, so please, leave feedback! I really appreciate it!

However, I have temporarily left the old theme active for those of you who do not like the beta theme. Just know that if you do switch over to the old theme, there is no telling how long it will be available to use. Once the beta theme is finished, Madness V2 will disappear forever.


After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

https://youtu.be/7UtWj3THgfg See for yourself! […]

https://youtu.be/_2yMdyltjIw Lucas in Nice takes […]

Crazy Copper Frenzy
