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By madness
Finally Driver: 76 is here and if you have a PSP this could be one of the greatest games you’d ever play. If you don’t own a PSP and are unable to purchase one I suggest you purchase this game for a friend, I’m sure they’ll enjoy it as long as they are into those driving free-form type of games.

The average media rating for this game is quite low around the 6 out of 10 mark but don’t be discouraged because the average public rating is 9.0 out of 10 so you can never trust gamespots review and in this case IGN’s horrible review. If you do visit IGN or Gamespot take a look at the Average Media rating and compare it with the rating from the public you’ll surly notice a massive different and you can never trust the opinion of one individual but you can either trust it of many individuals but mostly your opinion counts best so thats why it's best to try the game first.

If you not sure weather to buy the game or to take a look at our download database and checkout the trailers and game play videos and if your still not sure try and borrow it from a friend or rent it first and if you still not sure you can contact any of us in the Driver: 76 forum on our boards and all of us who own the game will give you our opinions and we will answer any questions you might have.

Happy Driving
Driver Madness

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