Talk about TV shows, movies, or anything else you can project onto a screen here!
Hello everyone! Here I will be posting things about a currently unnamed movie I am making, which will be finished by December 23 of 2014. I won't totally give away the plot, nor will anyone see the actual movie until I get my company started, but you will see models, screenshots, renders, and the movie trailer! This will be updated often, so stick around!
This does NOT represent the final product of the movie, this is beta/ work in progress content.

Post edited by Skylabh.
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So the basic idea of this movies is about a father living in the 1950's. Taking place in December.
I worked on this car for 11 hours total on this car today:
It's not quite done obviously, it still needs textures/materials/Engine etc...
(Vehicle in progress:)
Entire stretch of sewer systems (As of now)
Last edited by VAIMAHDO on Tue Dec 09, 2014 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Amazing? Wow dude, thanks :D The first car consists of 2888 polygons right now. It's kind of difficult to want to make an ULTRA HD environment when my polygon limit is 40000ish.
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Thanks so much guys! I'm excited to see this movie grow in my very arms, myself! :D And Skylabh, I actually didn't build the steering wheel biased on D3, I actually studied a lot of PS2 era games and most steering wheels were a flat polygon with a steering wheel texture on it, and since this looks better then a stop sign steering wheel, I decided to go with it.
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Hey guys, just a small info update. Since I have a rather strong machine to work with, I can achieve over twice the detail I could with my Pentium B940 and intergraded 192MB video chip my laptop poorly flopped around with. Since this Core 2 duo machine is only temporary, I'm putting it up for sale, I'm still designing this movie on the Pentium B940 laptop. BUT, since the scene at the end of the movie features something that I originally intended to have massive detail that couldn't be achieved on the B940, I will create that scene first and render it on this Core 2 duo, so I can at least show some of my abilities off. Even know it won't match the rater low detail environment the entire movie had, it's to show off what kind of detail I am capable of and what is to come in future movies and what a stronger machine will let me do.
Here's a great example:
The Pentium B940 laptop of mine can handle a maximum of 40000 polygons with 16fps.
This Core 2 duo, can handle 508000 with about 20Fps. Massive improvement and I can achieve some crazy high detail with it. Welp, time to re create The Unknown again, since she's the most important part of this entire movie. :)
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It's been awhile since I've had time to touch up on this. But made a neighborhood, and showing off the damage abilities of the only car in existence.
Post edited by Skylabh.
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Post edited by Skylabh.
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Thanks man.
This movie is going to look sexy, and will show what I can do with a low end Pentium B940.

Oh and I must add, the release date has been pushed back to February 2015 due to loosing two entire months to work on it.

Updated car:

Vehicle's specifics:
Top speed: 160
Weight: 1400 pounds
0-60 in 11 seconds
Main body material: Steel alloy with carbon.
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Specific and estimated information about (Unnamed movie):
Estimated land size on final release: 2 - 6 square miles.
Estimated vehicle count on final release (different vehicles that is, not how many will be of the same model): 60 - 112
Estimated building count on final release: 5000 - 10000
Estimated random pedestrians (Models, not how many of the same pedestrian will appear) 20
Exact current square mileage of land: 0.4 square miles
BY THE WAY: I have an accurate count of how many polygons I draw per hour.
Average polygons I draw per hour: 270.
Average polygons I draw per minute: 4 - 8

Estimated time input (In hours) in June: 10 hours
Estimated time input (In hours) in July: 0 hours
Estimated time input (In hours) in August: 26 hours
Estimated time input (In hours) in September: 0 hours
Estimated time input (in hours) in October: 19 hours

-Protagonist appearance idea changed
-Added 0.3 square miles of land and road
-Finalized two vehicles
-Worked on TU (Character)
-Added easter egg
-Re-designed the protagonist's house
-Re-designed the protagonist's neighborhood
-Environmental mood changed
-Character ideas added
-More parts to the story added
-Draw distance increased five times more then planned
-Planned polygon counts changed

("-Planned polygon counts changed") - So you understand what this means, I have changed the planned polygon count design, and the world will be much, much more detailed then planned. For example: (Actual note) "Pedestrian maximum polygon count: 2000" Has been changed to: "Pedestrian maximum polygon count: 8000"
Post edited by Skylabh.
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It's bigger then it looks, 0.3 square miles that is.
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Thanks max, here's some removed content:
Post edited by Skylabh.
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This was going to be a demonstration of how snow realistically snow reacts to weight and correctly darkens tire trails when a vehicle drives over them. Also demonstrating shadows and vehicle reflectivity. Due to time limitations, this demonstration had to be cut entirely. This demonstration as well as these textures were only intended to be used in the demonstration and will never make it into the final version, and as you can tell, it was never finished. When this scene was made, this was also back when the animation was going to be set in the 1970's. As you guys should know, this animation was originally set to be take place in 1972.
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Post edited by Skylabh.
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Thanks to school always wasting my f***ing time, I've lost 5 months to work on this project. Since I've laterally got nothing done, I've decided to place this project on hold so I can work on what was originally intended to be worked on the entire year of 2015, and released in December 2015, the movie 2749. This action movie will be put on hold until 2016, and will be finished in December 2016.
As for 2749, I'll make a new topic posting some stuff about it, and it will take about one year to develop.
I'm already aware of none of you giving an 8th of a sh*t about any of this at all, but I have no one to talk to, so deal with it.
So for this action movie, it has currently went through three redesigns, and will have gone through a fourth because I will have very powerful hardware to work with in the year 2016. In January 2015, I will have a new computer to show off. Yes, I understand yet again that none of you care.
So as a temporary shutdown to this project thanks to school destroying my time, I will show you the one and only, protagonist of this movie;
Also a 466 seated passenger plane, which I was designing to be fully destroyable.
You should make mods of this dude. Car mods, map mods for Driver 1 PC. I tell ya...
DatDirtyBananas wrote:
Wheels wrote:You should make mods of this dude. Car mods, map mods for Driver 1 PC. I tell ya...
what the f**k are you saying, shexshey? 0/10 didn't make my dong expand
No shexshey.
No conga.
No Pootis.
No sense.
DatDirtyBananas wrote:
Wheels wrote:You should make mods of this dude. Car mods, map mods for Driver 1 PC. I tell ya...
what the f**k are you saying, shexshey? 0/10 didn't make my dong expand
No shexshey.
No conga.
No Pootis.
No sense.
you forgot 7/10. too much water
DatDirtyBananas wrote:
Wheels wrote:You should make mods of this dude. Car mods, map mods for Driver 1 PC. I tell ya...
what the f**k are you saying, shexshey? 0/10 didn't make my dong expand
Sorry, I'll try harder next time.

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