Modding discussion for DRIV3R.
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By thiagokc1
There is a modder in youtube that succeeded to edit any vehicle top speed, I have talked to him, he do this without cheat engine and do this by using a HEX EDITOR. I know there is VO3 EDITOR but this tool can't edit vehicles top speed. Also I know there is the cheat engine, but I do not think cheat engine is a good way for this because everytime you will need to apply cheat engine by opening this tool and applying this while in game, also cheat engine will do the change for all vehicles and not do the change for specific vehicle you want, also cheat engine will not allow you edit an especific top speed you want for the vehicle you want, also vehicles gears will not be synchronized with cheat engine and the result is weird with cheat engine.

But with the method using by this modder I talk about here, the change is done in driv3r files, by his method you will can edit each vehicles top speed the way you want, and edit specific top speed for different vehicles and also gears can be synchronized also (and by this way no one managed to do it, only this modder).

The modder that has done this has this channel in youtube:

And he has posted videos with his editions that he has done by editing vehicles top speed, he said that his aim is to edit all vehicles top speed according to the driv3r guide (in driv3r guide vehicles top speed is different from the game, well in game many vehicles has lower speed compared to driv3r guide) and also he said that he plains to release a tutorial for editing top speed this way! Maserati Huge Stunt […]

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