Modding discussion for DRIV3R.
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By Fireboyd78
Submaniac wrote:I don't think i should start a new topic for this, so i'm putting it here. After some trial and error, i've managed (based on what has been found out about the mustang's colors of the miami.BO3 file before) to make a chart of what changes what between the start of the "DV03" line and the paint.

Here goes:

If every car has the same arrangement setup as this one, then it's pretty easy to change their handling, isn't it?

Little demonstration of what can be done in roughly 2 minutes)
I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to figure this stuff out and document it. You will be credited when the full modding suite gets finished eventually. (Y)

I'd also like to point out those are Float values. You will need to use a converter (for now) that will take decimal values and convert them to float values. When you convert them, make sure if there is no option that says "Little-endian" put your new float values in backwards. Basically the same rules as the paintjobs. If the converter spits out '3F 80 12 34' then you will put it in Driver handling as '34 12 80 3F'. Write it backwards, in other words.
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By Submaniac
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@CarLuver69 No problem =) I really wanted to find where to change the car's speed and what you said about having changed the car acceleration fueled up my will to do it ;)

So far i'm not very much experienced in the little-endian or the float systems but yeah, i managed it. Though i find it overly complicated to write backwards at first.

@janujeq Hmm.... so it would seem that if the car goes on a wheelie, it can go faster the speed limiter. Or is it because your reverse gear goes forward? :P
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By Fireboyd78
Submaniac wrote:So far i'm not very much experienced in the little-endian or the float systems but yeah, i managed it. Though i find it overly complicated to write backwards at first.
I was the same way, but the more you do it the easier it becomes.
Code: Select all
56 DF E1 C9
Code: Select all
C9 E1 DF 56
Code: Select all
96 24 12 45
Code: Select all
45 12 24 96
And lastly,
Code: Select all
12 34 56 78
Code: Select all
78 56 34 12
You reverse byte-order. Read it backwards. :P
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By Klancnik777
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Submaniac wrote:@janujeq Hmm.... so it would seem that if the car goes on a wheelie, it can go faster the speed limiter. Or is it because your reverse gear goes forward? :P
all i know is that if i go reverse. car goes forward and wheele. same with the burnout.
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By Submaniac
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So, a little update on what i'm doing: I've been trying for a few days to make a list of handling stuff for nice.B03

Here's what i got. So far, every car seem to be coded the same way as the mustang in Miami. Some vehicles such as the Frightliner and the Antilli V03 have different coding as the rest. I haven't found everything yet. I don't have the boats, nor every car. But i just need a few more hours really.

It would seem that the first car choice of nice isn't like the rest because i don't remember modifying it. Also, the Trailer has its own setup O.o (didn't try it, i just changed its color)

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By Fireboyd78
You should take note of the numbers just behind those values, as those are what will really help you identify traits. For example, look at "Gear lengths 1st/2nd" on the Antilli, then look at the numbers just behind the boxed values.

1st gear: 32
2nd gear: 33
3rd gear: 34
4th gear: 36
5th gear: 56

"Pitch of the engine": 2A
"Maximum rev/burnout": 2B

Those are the most important values. I'd also like to point out you're boxing only 3 values, but the length of the parameters are actually 4. You need to include the number to the left of your boxes.

With your help, I've made a list of "attributes" which basically controls car definitions. They do not have to be in any specific order.

0x01: Number of Parameters (only used once)
0x02: Suspension stiffness (front?)
0x09: Suspension stiffness (rear?)
0x0D: Suspension stiffness (?) [SEMI?]
0x0F: Tire friction(?)
0x10: Brake power
0x11: "Affects the way the car reacts to direction changes" (1)
0x12: "Affects the way the car reacts to direction changes" (2)
0x13: Forward acceleration power
0x19: Reverse acceleration power
0x1E: Vehicle height
0x20: "Roll effect"
0x28: "Makes truck lighter" [SEMI?]
0x29: "Creates a rev-up effect at start" [SEMI?]
0x2A: "1st gear revup" [SEMI?]
0x2B: "Maximum rev (burnout)" [BIKE?]
0x2C: "2nd gear revup" [SEMI?]
0x2E: "3rd gear revup" [SEMI?]
0x2E: "Burnout rev-up speed"
0x30: Gear shift speed / "Gear smoothness [bike]"
0x31: Reverse Gear length
0x32: First gear length
0x33: Second gear length
0x34: Third gear length
0x36: Fourth gear length
0x56: Fifth gear length
0x8E: Vehicle durability
0x8F - 0x9D, 0xA0: Vehicle colors

The ones highlighted in red are conflicting - could you verify they are correct? (Y)
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By Fireboyd78

I have made an unfortunate mistake for the past few months with BO3 files! The numbers I have spoken of are INCORRECT! I have been reading the BO3 identifiers backwards, and it only started to make sense when I watched DRIV3R pool in all of the data last night after finding out how to fix car colors.

This is how it is truly read:


Paintjobs are read from ID '8E' to '9D', for a total of 16 colors max per car. They are read a little differently, in which they are no longer floats, but an array of 4 bytes minus the FF in the beginning.
Code: Select all
8E 00 AA AA
Code: Select all
struct BO3Color {
    unsigned short      paintID;
    unsigned short      pad;
    unsigned char[4]    RGBColor;   // Where R = [4], G = [3], B = [2], skip FF [1]
Just some pseudo-code for you lurking programmers...wherever you are...:P
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I'm trying to make the semi stupidly fast.... Or all the cars stupidly fast.. I'm lost going through these codes .-.
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By Fireboyd78
I'd love to help you out, but I'm stuck on Ubuntu until I can afford an SSD. Ugh.
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CarLuver69 wrote:I'd love to help you out, but I'm stuck on Ubuntu until I can afford an SSD. Ugh.
Hey no problem, I'm just messing things up and so far got a lamborgini with only white paintjobs and can only get into second gear. xD I'm mainly getting the animations started. :specialdriver:
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