Modding discussion for DRIV3R.
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By crashman2552
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whooo, after nearly a year, im back, and I love the work im seeing.
I finally bought a great pc, and am now doing some vehical texture mods and also some easter eggs for people to find.

I love the strength you guys have and haven't given up at all on this game or the mods, keep up the good work, ill post some pics soon...
love ya guys
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By crashman2552
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.... So i was drinking a can of MONSTER, and then I thought....

Well, i still have antilli on my main HardDrive, so maybe… just maybe it will still work
And sure enough, it did...

This is the product of a 5 mins well spent, and - I still had another can to drink right after I was done. PMSL...

oh, great, does anybody know how to add pictures here, cos I dont
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crashman2552 wrote:.... So i was drinking a can of MONSTER, and then I thought....

Well, i still have antilli on my main HardDrive, so maybe… just maybe it will still work
And sure enough, it did...

This is the product of a 5 mins well spent, and - I still had another can to drink right after I was done. PMSL...

oh, great, does anybody know how to add pictures here, cos I dont
Hi crashman,

If you want we can work together. Please make your mods on my modded version. Don't use vanilla files and then we can be a team and solve problems together and finish our work very fastly. upload images from and please send me links DM from discord or here.
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By Dvima
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Thanks man. This is awesome. I am so glad so many people still work on this game. Can you help me setup my controller for ps2 controls i can't set it up properly, is there a cfg file for that? I hate playing driv3r on keyboard and mouse.
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By jr15032000
the mod have one bug in the file miami night pc for some reason the creator of the mod put the original file of the game in miami night pc and put the mod of texture in miami day pc if you try to play free ride in miami in nightthe game crash my solution for the bug is simple put the archive of the mod miami day pc in night pc and the mod go work in night.
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jr15032000 wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:05 am the mod have one bug in the file miami night pc for some reason the creator of the mod put the original file of the game in miami night pc and put the mod of texture in miami day pc if you try to play free ride in miami in nightthe game crash my solution for the bug is simple put the archive of the mod miami day pc in night pc and the mod go work in night.
Thanks a lot for your warn you can download fixed version from here
jr15032000 wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:06 am you're welcome, my congratulations on the mod is amazing I want to see how the nice version will be.

Sooo what did I do wrong? All I did was change the front and back of the police car ( not the damaged one). Is there anythign else I need to change?
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By jr15032000
hello man sorry i saw your message just now dude i used a program that edits texture in the same format as the game but i dont remember the name i did the color changes sideline alignment and decals all over it for both collision textures as normal the program name is
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By Vortex
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My last video shows the excellent results of combining Interiors HD with Snoopii's cockpit view mod.

Is there going to be a release for Nice and Istanbul vehicles?
Hello! @bibidibabidibu Like the previous poster, I'm a long time fan of the Driver series and I've been using this mod to play the game, but unfortunately I lost it due to a failed hard drive. I'm a big fan of your GTA mods and when I saw that you were working on a texture pack for Driv3r, I had to try it. I saw that you wrote on the discord that you decided to stop sharing this mod because apparently you received some criticism from a couple of randos (who probably don't know anything about modding) on Vortex's videos:
tbh nobody likes the project, mostly bad reviews and I stopped to work on it. yeah files gone now, I still have original files maybe one day I will reupload
That's simply not true. The response to this mod has been overwhelmingly positive. Just because a couple of idiots were harshly critical of your work, that doesn't mean that the rest of us who appreciate it should be deprived of enjoying it. This game deserves an HD remaster. I tried using some of the other "HD" mods, but I was underwhelmed. I couldn't really tell the difference between the vanilla textures and the "new and improved" ones. Your mod is the only one that really breathed life into this old game. The only criticism I had was that the reshade was a bit too bright and caused some eyestrain, but the textures themselves were fantastic. Please reconsider uploading your mod for those of us who appreciate your work and consider continuing to work on it. It's not fair that the negative criticism of a few individuals should rob the rest of us from being able to enjoy this mod. Thanks! Check out the Ramp S[…] :specialdriver: !⚠️ […] […]