Discussion for Driver: Parallel Lines (2006)
By techmanzman
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i was wondering when you go to buy parts for a vehicle there are a few options unavable how do you get them unlocked. and can you use the trash truck to pic up dumsters.and is there any way to get into that prison island thing besides doing the mission.

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By Skeleton
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i can only answer your last question.
i never tried but you can get in there with the vehicle than you used in that mission in my opinion.
By Moonchild
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Well ok, question 2: No, you cannot pick up dumpsters with the trash truck. Granted, I have never tried it but if you could the game would have probally told you, so again I say no, it's not possible.

Question 3: Yes you can get in there after the mission, but are you playing the console version or the PC version because if it's the PC game, then I can just show you a video that shows you how to get in without me explaining since it's difficult to put it in words.

Question 1: Which options are unavailable? For example, you can't buy Nitro Shots until you buy the Nitrous Injection Kit and some cars for example can only equip the Stage 1 engine upgrade while stage 2 and 3 are not compatible.
By techmanzman
Registration Days Posts
thanks for the info and i'm playing the consule version xbox does it take a certain a mount of buys in roder to get the nitro injection kit
By Moonchild
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The XBOX version hey, well I guess the PC teqhnique of going through the wall woudn't work but who knows. As for the Nitrous Injection Kit, I haven't restarted the game in a while so my memory is a little hazy, but isn't that upgrage available around the beginning of the game.

You just need some money really, so go to the performance parts section and see, it should be available. Yeah, because all the respray, Body Kit, and Accessories are available at the start so the engine stuff should be too.
By techmanzman
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ok and one more thing is there an easy way to beat air mail or any tips i should know because this mission i'am having trouble with
By Moonchild
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Air Mail, that's the motorcycle mission where you have to get the dropped packages from the helicopter right?

The only advice that i can give you is: familiarize with how the bike controls and it's speed/braking ability. At the beginning keep a decent speed (you don't have to be going full speed) then it's all accuracy since the packages start dropping in more open spaces. The last few are up on a roof so use the boards and ramps effectively (good speed for ramps and slow/medium speed for the boards)

Oh, and to get up on the roof/building you have to shoot the barrels (they explode) to make the walkway come down, then use it as a ramp to jump over the hole.

Actually, screw my explanation, watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN4oc39dEP0

This guy is not the best Driver (ok I'm being kind, he sucks) but his video walkthrough shows you what to do
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By Coyote
The wall technique works also on PS2 and they are a lot of better techniques how you can make it into everything you want.
By nitrored
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question 1:he is talking about engine upgrades, you can only upgrade when theres room on the acel/handling/speed/ bars.
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By Coyote
Some cars can't be full upgraded. You don't have to unlock something.
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By madness
Click here for the air mail walkthrough.

Also it is possible to get into the jail via a small glitch in the game, and i've tested this in the ps2, xbox and pc version and it's possible. I'll post a video in doing this soon in the future.
Last edited by madness on Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Coyote
This glitch is everywhere. Try doing that at the Airoprt and you'll see that it works everywhere.
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By madness
yeah I guess it does.
But not into a building. Or have you done this before?
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By Coyote
Yeh, lots of time, also in D3R, but its a bit different,…
I've done that with everything where I wanted to enter :D In D76 I entered in the police station (not the same as in DPL) and lol… they're a lot of funny sayings for example "Don't even think to park here - Chef's Place" or "Turn sirens off" but nothing about Tanner…

I also trie to land from one of the bridges on the island among them, but on one of the bridges they where too many cars and cops, and on the other bridge the train, so I never made it land on that island
By nitrored
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wait...im still in the dark about the glitch......

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

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