Discussion for DRIV3R (2004)
This is an attempt to make a comprehensive bug list for Driv3r. The hopes of this list is that in the future there will be a community-made patch that will fix common and uncommon bugs.
  • [Player]If Tanner combat rolls or jumps onto a downwards slope, Tanner will be unable to move and the animation will not finish until Tanner reaches the end of the slope - Unfixed, hardcoded or animation bug? (Mentioned by Olanov)
    [Vehicle]Tanner clips through seat in the Miami Go-Kart - Unfixed, perhaps model or animation related.
    [Vehicle]The Miami Scout Cargo Van has texture alignment issues - Unfixed, texture issue.
    [Vehicle]The Miami Scout Cargo Van has headlight texture issues - Fixed by Skylabh, texture issue.
    [Vehicle]The Miami Adams Liberty also has headlight texture issues - Fixed by Skylabh, texture issue.
    [Vehicle]Miami taxi taillight is off at night - Unfixed, a model issue?
    [Pedestrian]Male ped walk is slightly out of sync with speed - Unfixed, animation related perhaps.
    [Pedestrian]Cops will sometimes break completely either just standing or staying in vehicle - Unfixed, either hard-coded or script related.
    [Pedestrian]Pedestrians will float when killed by gunshot in water - Unfixed, perhaps animation or script related. (Confirmed by Olanov)
    [Pedestrian]Pedestrians may loop the death anim - Unfixed, is it a simple animation bug? (Mentioned by Olanov)
    [Pedestrian]Women don't have Idle_default animations causing them to loop the previous animation while not moving - Unfixed, animation bug.
    [Map]Grand Bazaar has no transparency on floor - Unfixed, is it model related, the texture has tranparency?
    [Map]Turkish baths also have this issue - Unfixed, same as above (Mentioned by Vortex)
    [Map]Calita's Motel in Miami has a transparency bug - Unfixed, which is probably a shader issue. (Mentioned by Skylabh)
    [Map]Night texture on a hidden part of Nice TAR - Unfixed, Texture bug. (Found by Vortex)
Could all the transparency issues be linked?

Any more to add?
Last edited by L33TMaster on Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:51 am, edited 12 times in total.
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By Olanov
Can confirm the one with cops/peds in general floating above wated after they die by gunshot.

On that note, I would add a few just off the top of my head:

- sometimes the dispatched cops stay inside their police car no matter what, even if you're on foot
- dispatched cops far away from player's vision would stray off bridges and seemingly "drive" on water until they come near the player
- peds end up looping the death animation
- if Tanner combat rolls into a downwards slope, the player will be unable to move and the animation will not finish and return to idle state until he has reached the end of the slope
In Miami when 18 wheeler havoc mode is activated and you go to the bridge that is near the docks sometimes if you then do something that would normally send a cop, a police car actually comes.

That will continue all over the map with the cops acting as they normally would until at some point the game simply crashes to the desktop.

When cops are in pursuit two things can happen.
1. Destroyed cop car can come back to life when you are out of sight of it.
2. Out of sight cop car can go much faster to catch up to you than its normal max speed.

If a cop car falls through the road it can sometimes create an extremely large explosion. Even with invincibility cheat on Tanner will die from that explosion.

Sometimes when coming off a ladder from the water, Tanner can get stuck on whatever he stepped on and will be unable to move.

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

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Crazy Copper Frenzy
