Discussion for DRIV3R (2004)
By cleone
Here is a walkthrough and strategy guide.

> When having many enemies shooting at you, shoot their heads so that you can kill them al faster.
> Try to peek in through doorways enough where you can shoot their hands and legs while they don't even see you.
> The pistol with unlimited ammo is really good for the cops, that way you don't waste your other guns on them.
> Take as many allies as possible when being chased. If the cops did not see you on foot and you are out of their sight, jump out of the car to escape.
> Every mission has a "frequent weapon" that most of the enemies use. Always use the "frequent weapons".
> Get every health pack you see, even if you only have a very tiny bit of damage. It will pay off later on.

I will not create an entire walkthrough. If you need help with a mission, ask me, and I will post a walkthrough for that mission. I will post some videos soon, which you guys will totally admire my incredible skills!
By cleone
Yo guys, I found an alternate route in the Dodge Island mission. I'm gonna post a video later today. The route is to just swim to the safehouse instead of driving to the bridge and having to lower it and bla bla bla. You have to swim in the right spot though, or you will drown.
By cleone
Here's the video:
Tell me what you guys think (besides the terrible quality)

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

https://youtu.be/7UtWj3THgfg See for yourself! […]

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Crazy Copper Frenzy
