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Mission Idea #1

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 1:48 pm
by madness
I was just walking past a movie on TV and a small car chase caught my eye. There where these people and to get away they jump on a truck, there were about 8 cars chasing so the people on the truck decided to let everything which was on the truck off, pushing them into the people chasing them.

So I decided to take some screenshots.


If your interested the movie is called The Island and you can watch that scene here on YouTube.

This would be great to see in the next driver, with loads of crushing cars, with what's on that very truck. Watching cars get torn into threads, maybe it should be done a little realistic rather than how it is done in the movie but either ways would be great!

How this gets intergreated in the story really depends on the story so I won't say much more. Only if it was in my "Life of Tanner" idea it would be tanner maybe getting way, when he was younger and that was what caused him to want to become an undercover cop because he wanted to get revenge on who was chasing him, and maybe at the end of his life he gets revenge, but some how dies.

Or. You could be someone bad like T.K. chasing them and trying to avoid not getting hit. Either ways would be great to see. Even better in a FMV.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 1:56 pm
by Lseven7
yea, thatd be awesome, espiecally with realistic car damage and physics.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:00 pm
by madness
Yeah, I was just thinking about Driver: Parallel Lines and how everything fly's around when you hit it. A lot more than previous games and how much the next generation technology would be able to handle with more advanced physics engine.

The whole idea around this idea to to express the games awesome damage and physics.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:21 pm
by Sedans
Hmm.. In the screenshots those are train trucks that they throw off it appears.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:00 pm
by Daltarin-Elite
What's a train truck...?

I like that movie really, it's quite good.

Anyway, that would be really great having to avoid all that flying stuff crushing cars and crap like that.

This is where DMM would be perfect.