General discussion for the DRIVER series.
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By max.thunder
I post this topic again because it's missing since forum crash.

He (a guy that lives in Australia) says that it appears in Game Informer Issue 222 (October 2011)
By cleone
honestly, i think it's bs. with the edmondsen brothers gone and Reflections currently helping with Far Cry 3, I honestly think Driver is done. Even if another company took over then it would not be the same classic Driver experience we would know and love.
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By bb_42001
Many companies take other projects in between major projects, this farcry 3 project seems to be only a minor project, i doubt we have seen the last of DRIVER



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By max.thunder
Driver: San Francisco sales were "better than planned"

In my opinion if sales were good, probably there will be another Driver.
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By Nikusakken
Driver sold well. You won't finish a series if sales are good, specially if you are Ubisoft. (*cough* Assassin's Creed * cough*)
By cleone
Nikusakken wrote:Driver sold well. You won't finish a series if sales are good, specially if you are Ubisoft. (*cough* Assassin's Creed * cough*)
Ubisoft hardly ever kills a series (hell I cant even think of a time they did). my main concern though is that the next Driver would be a disappointment due to the fact that multiplayer would have to be completely different and gameplay may return to on-foot car jacking (what are they gonna do? put Tanner in another coma?!). i could be wrong or straight up speaking jibberish it is late as hell righjt now
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By max.thunder
Driver: San Francisco - successor may already be in progress

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By max.thunder
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By max.thunder
Driver dev making an Xbox 360 Kinect game?
Under his "Published Titles" heading, he lists "Confidential for now (X360 Kinect)". Under his "Art Lead" at Ubisoft Reflections heading, he lists "Confidential Kinect Project - Art Lead".
Now you only can see "Art Lead", maybe he modified his profile after the leak of the information.
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By RacingFreak
I dont think it will be something big and worthful, atleast we're talking about Xbox 360 Kinect, which is meh. Look, if it was for Nintendo Wii, then... I think it could have been something. See Driver: San Francisco Wii version for example, it's awesome! Also Reflections worked on some Wii only games before that used some Driver styled cars.
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By max.thunder
Same here, mostly Kinect games are aimed to casual players.
Like this one.

But there are also more complex games like Forza 4 which support Kinect. My opinion is that this can be a collaboration project with another studio like Just Dance 3
2011: Just Dance 3 (PS3 - Move) - collaboration with Paris

Hope that this project won't ruin the reputation of Reflections.
Last edited by max.thunder on Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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By Nikusakken
So far we know that Reflections is working on a Kinect game and Far Cry 3. And they are working on something for Vita too.
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By Nikusakken
More in my.. ahem "investigation":
On Development:
Unannounced Title (WiiU, 2012)
Reflections employee. A Driver or any other driving game for the WiiU? Or something entirely different?
Sound Designer (Feb 2012 to Present)
New action/adventure/driving IP - PS/XBOX/PC
I would say Driver, but it's a "new IP". Ubisoft's answer to GTA?
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By RacingFreak
From what I see it's most likey going to be a new game from UBI, I see both were working on Driver: San Francisco, so it will be possible something big. Let's wait for announcement :)
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By Runo
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I honestly am looking forward to it! I hope it will be a new Driver, aka, Driver 6. :D
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By max.thunder
Next branch already in the works? (old news: of January 23rd)

Translated with google from german
Yes, even "Driver: San Francisco" is no longer the newest what Makre has to offer, and so now rumors are circulating that supposedly Ubisoft has created the next spin. It is based upon current vacancies at developer Reflections. Ubisoft has even been voiced on this issue but not yet, however much you need to tell you to not really enough because you can read between the lines out. Sun fans should definitely taste the fact that you are looking for a " Intermediate Vehicle Artist is ". The closest one can get with that is exactly what the "Driver" series in conjunction. Add to this the fact that in an extended description of "experience in AAA action area" is mentioned, which may leave on the assumption that the passages in which you are traveling on foot, again come out to play.

Another source saying the same stuff (maybe it was really there, in Intermediate Vehicle Artist but now is gone)
Driver: San Francisco appeared in the last year and has already several months old. Thus, at present intense rumors are circulating that Ubisoft is the next branch in the works already. Reason to believe is a current vacancy at the Reflections development team. The tender will be looking for an "Intermediate Vehicle Artist". In the extended description is still the talk of experience in AAA action area, suggesting that the foot again find passages back into the game.
Ubisoft is silent on this issue still awaited, but honestly, we should know but Ubisoft meanwhile bore good enough, right?

After checking out the vacancies again you can't see nothing about "Experience in AAA action area" in Intermediate Vehicle Artist, maybe this was deleted because the article was posted months ago.
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By max.thunder

Driver "Put on hold for the time being"


It has been revealed that the next installment of the hit open world driving series, Driver, will not be the main focus for developers Ubisoft Reflections until further notice.

An inside source, working at the games developer's studio in Newcastle, England has told us,, that the series has been "Put on hold for the time being."

The source, who wished only to be identified as "S", due to non-disclosure agreements, told us that the main focus of Ubisoft Reflections is now the upcoming game "Watch Dogs".

The Ubisoft employee explained in an e-mail conversation with us over the last few weeks that "Watch Dogs is our main focus right now, there hasn't been much talk of a new Driver."

They went on to say that since the release of Driver San Francisco only a small section of staff had been working on Driver, "mainly working on sorting out bugs"

The source, "S", however, was tight-lipped on any news on the upcoming game "Watch Dogs" which is set for a 2013 release.

"S" was also reluctant to disclose any information on any unannounced projects, apart from saying that a new Driver was "definitely not top priority here right now."

Driver fans are known to patient due to the fact that it was several years from the release of Driver 76 on PSP, until Driver San Francisco was announced.
Following it's announcement it was then delayed which was of no real shock to Driver fans.

There is little doubt that a new Driver will surface some time in the future, considering Ubisoft paid around €20 million for the studio and the Driver franchise.

It would just seem it will be another long wait for Driver fans.
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By Nikusakken
That's not surprising at all. Excluding Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft takes a long time to develop their games. Also, the source forgot to mention that they're working on Just Dance 4 too! Anyway, San Francisco sold well so Ubisoft won't kill the series... yet.
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By Nikusakken
I like most of Ubisoft games, although their treatment for PC players is disgusting. Excluding that, they're among my favourite publishers in this generation.

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