Discussion for Driver 2: Back on the Streets [EU] / Driver 2: The Wheelman is Back [US] (2000)
By Miller
I guess perhaps the best way is to get in front of him right at the start, but that is not always the easiest thing to do. Little about this mission may be.

In the American version of Driver 2, as you get back in your car and begin to pursue this dude, the mission instruction thing says
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By Nikusakken
I always grinded on him to try to beat him, but I also try to hit in his side as strong as I can (Despite that it's much more difficult). Wow, that's the most difficult mission on Driver 2, and I've tried more than 10 times to beat that mission...
By Miller
Yeah, that's what people say, that it is the most difficult mission in Driver 2. It's over pretty quick if you can get in front of the gunman by the time you both are turning onto the avenue that passes under the elevated freeway. I want to see somebody post a video of the gunman's car getting knocked over the edge on that dirt road.

Thanks for the reply, Nick.
By donutbandit
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You don't actually run him off the road or the cliff - you just max out his damage meter like everywhere else.

It would be much easier to do it if your could use the nice, big heavy Thunderbird sitting there, but if you take the extra time to go get it, the gunman is gone. So you have to beat him with that crappy little Ford Cortina. I gave up trying to get in front of him, since when he hits you, he'll knock you so far off the road you'll never catch him. When I finally beat him, it was by staying on his quarter panel and rubbing constantly.

It probably took 250 - 300 tries the first time I beat him. Controller breaking stuff.
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By MikuMikuCookie
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Miller wrote:I guess perhaps the best way is to get in front of him right at the start, but that is not always the easiest thing to do. Little about this mission may be.

In the American version of Driver 2, as you get back in your car and begin to pursue this dude, the mission instruction thing says
I hated that mission...
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By MikuMikuCookie
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Miller wrote:I guess perhaps the best way is to get in front of him right at the start, but that is not always the easiest thing to do. Little about this mission may be.

In the American version of Driver 2, as you get back in your car and begin to pursue this dude, the mission instruction thing says
I hated that mission...
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By 0takumetalhead
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I'm stuck at this mission now D: it's just ridiculous after every restart the timer changes ( 1:20/1:50/2:10/2:15). Everytime it gets away or knocks me so hard that i fly and lose his tail =_="
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By 0takumetalhead
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I'm playing it on ePSXe, i cant efford to brake my laptop in 2. I hate to ask this but anyone with a savegame or savestate right after this mission? I tried 2 hours straight to beat it with no luck. My eyes hurts because of this. I think that D2 goes in my book as the hardest game ever played.
I just started in Rio (playing with epsxe), if i complete the mission maybe i'll post the savegame here
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By 0takumetalhead
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I'm gonna try it again tonight, hopefully without hurting my eyes and cursing the developers =_="

An big edit: I pasted the freaking mission, it only took me 4 and a half hours and a couple of 100 tries @_@
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By 0takumetalhead
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I never came past the "Tail Jericho" mission in Havana when i was a kid, it kept freezing at the same spot. I'm getting offtopic but i have to say this:

Hardest game i ever played and i finally finished it, some missions where unnescecary difficult but i did enjoy some.
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0takumetalheadgamer wrote:I never came past the "Tail Jericho" mission in Havana when i was a kid, it kept freezing at the same spot.
Hey! that happens to me also. If it is on CD, what does your CD look like???
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By 0takumetalhead
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That was the reason i broke it, cant remember the looks of it i only know that it was a PAL edition. I had an burned copy since then but that one had alot of errors not caused by the game. Sorry dude that i cant help you more.
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This is my D2 CD:


It has features that are not here like big vehicles missing and some glitches and we bought this only 1 CD. I believe we bought a fake (or pirated) version!!!! :( but good thing emulations were invented!!!!!!!! :D
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By 0takumetalhead
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Indeed xD

And i have a question Ta1lgater, how do you put an image in your signature (i know it's via tinypc or something similar) but which code do i need so that it doesnt become a link?

Sorry for going off topic again >.<
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btw about the mission, I got 100 retries to beat it and I never been pissed off and even D1 final mission, I got 100 retries to beat it and I was a little kid!!!!
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By 0takumetalhead
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Thx for explaining, sometimes i feel like an total idiot ^^;

and the Presidents run (or how was the mission called) was easy compared to Chase The Gunman if you ask me. I can gett angry really quickly even with games but i'm stubborn as hell and i really wanted to finish it.
It has features that are not here like big vehicles missing and some glitches and we bought this only 1 CD. I believe we bought a fake (or pirated) version!!!! :( but good thing emulations were invented!!!!!!!! :D
Sounds exactly like the burned copy i got, did you got out of your car while being chased? And did the felony never disappear when getting in another car?
By J_Sky9432
Took me 12 years to beat this level. Had to save state on espxe constantly and took 300 tries to beat it this way. The developers made this level too OP. FYI, gunman won't die if he is thrown off cliffside, he just keeps on driving in the lake
By driverretro
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The gunman car is not like other vehicles, it has infinite mass. It's the same as any other mission in the game where you must destroy the car by scraping it. That's the only way it takes damage. And there's no way at all for a player to send the gunman into the lake; the car is like a solid wall, will not move at all by being hit by the player. It's on a predestined path through the area of the map and the only way it'll fall into the center is if the vehicle movement glitches out from its pre-determined route.

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