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DPL-List Released

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:40 pm
by madness
If you can't be bothered reading this entire newspost and want to get straight to the DPL-List - Click Here.

The DPL-List has been long awaited by everyone ever since it was first announced by Paul around when Driver: Parallel Lines was first released.

Paul was the main founder of the DPL-List. Until I teamed up with him to create this amazing website. Originally Paul created a site using freewebs however I decided to help him create a better site which is hosted here at Driver Madness.

The process of creating the website was very time consuming and as you can see all that time has helped into creating one big exciting website.

So What is the DPL-List
If you have had or eyes closed the entire time you may not know what the DPL-List is yet. So to find out more information about this please Click Here to find out more about the website.

Now the DPL-List isn't 100% complete however I'm constantly am updating it, so check back weekly for a list of updates on the front page.

So if your stuck on a mission or you can't remember what TK said in one of the FMV's or you just want to take a look at some of the cars go check out the DPL-List and don't forget to spread the word that the DPL-List is out there as the more Unique Visitors and Page Views there are the more time and effort I'll put into the DPL-List.


Old DPL-List