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The Newest Game (NEED HELP!)

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:08 am
by squeaky
YO! I'm making a driver game; but i need help. I need some way to make a 3d game, and I am trying 3Das and Game Maker but they aren't working so well unless the next game can be 2d and ahem, TOTALLY SUCKISH! I also need someone to make some car files (.png; plz) for the following:

-80 + 84 Buick Regal
-85 Dodge Aires LS
-88 Bentley Mulssane
-69 Dodge Charger
-78 Chevy Camaro
-81 Buick LeSabre
-72 Thomas Bus
-85 Ford Crown Victoria

And throw in a few motorcycles too, please. I also need some city graphics for the following (stay in the PNG format!):

- Chicago (Similar to Driver 2)
- New York
- San Francisco

Thank you.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:09 pm
by madness
I've been planning something similar for ages this can be seen in the topic here.

I can offer some form of help too but right know I got to focus on other important things. So now isn't the best time.

Also not if your talking about that program that is really only capable of 2D graphics unless you use an advanced scripting language and even then the graphics is really crap and working work that good in a driving game if it were to be 3D.

Also it doesn't really matter which format you get it in because you can convert it to what you want it to be but yeah as a preferance if it's available it's best.

Making a proper 3D game like the original driver can take forever that's why they pay teams of 100 people for a couple of years to create it.

The ideas I put in that other thread probably wouldn't have the interest and the people to work on it if it were for free because people don't want to dedicate time into things that don't get them any money these days :S

But if someone could create a proper 3D Engine for the game like the post was describing it would be really easy to create the rest since I'm very similar with many other different types of programs.

I think the source engine would be perfect for this project however that's almost impossible to get and if I were a large developing company it'd cost 500,000$ to purchase by an estimated guess.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:34 pm
by Sedans
I'd be more than happy to draw cars for you. Im an excelant artist!

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:27 pm
by Daltarin-Elite
I'm making one too. Hah! how about that. Mine can be found somewhere. if someone could tell me where i have put it, i would greatly appreciate that!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:28 pm
by madness
Daltarin-Elite wrote:I'm making one too. Hah! how about that. Mine can be found somewhere. if someone could tell me where i have put it, i would greatly appreciate that!
wht do you mean by "finding somewhere to put it".
If your talking about webspace I can offer you some.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:53 am
by nobodie902
hee needs server to upload his game

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:39 pm
by madness
I can offer that, if that is what is required. As long as the game is somehow related to Driving, preferably the driver series I'll host it :P.

No matter how large it is.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:36 pm
by Sedans
Madness is setermined, mayb we can create something similar, but a game that all of us here at the forum could contribute too.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:52 am
by Daltarin-Elite
not finding where to put it but finding where pn this site i have already put it. the idea for the game not so much an actual game. i was hoping to run the idea past driver fans before i eventually decide to send off a copy to ubisoft. i have no intention of making the game myself other than maybe a little bit of concept art to send off.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:01 pm
by madness
If your going to send something to a publisher make sure you send as much as you can, usually it's unlikely that they would even read something from someone who isn't a professional. But all publishers are the same and the ones who arn't are unsuccessful publishers any rate. Anyways send it to every publisher on the planet one of the will like it.

I've gone back to making the driver minigames and maybe even a full but small 3D game, it will be pretty basic and crappy will weird handing, but it'll be a start.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:34 pm
by T.K.
I wanted to do something like this back on the ATARI forums. The thread got closed. I'm not good at graphic design, but I can come up with ideas. I hope someone remembers me. I've got the same username. :(

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:02 am
by T.K.