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Gas, helicopters planes

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:51 am
by D5
Sorry, I'm new at this

I think there should be gas to fill up in your car (not in the missions, but when you are free roaming around the city)

I also think there should be planes and helicopters to drive :idea:

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:20 pm
by madness
No Worries you always have to start somewhere.
I agree that gas would be a good idea, but as long as it's only a setting or an option you can set before you take the ride because some people like to practise there driving with out worrying about how much petrol they have.

And going onto the subject of planes and helicopters it doesn't sound the best idea since GTA fans are going to go syco... since GTA was the first to have planes and helicopters.

About that option

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:30 am
by D5

about that option of having gas, do you think they would put that in the game as an option so when you want to put in on it would be on inbefore you free roam only?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:01 pm
by madness
Basicly only reflections know what there putting in the game at this stage. Although Reflections are always scanning Driver Forums for idea for there game.

If they chose anything i'd beleave it would be an option :)

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:40 am
by D5
Because why do they have gas places in all the drivers before when you coldn't do anything exept make believe that you are getting gas?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:20 pm
by madness
The gas pumps where just part of Miami when they placed Maimi into the game, If you took a look at all other good games out there you'll notice that gas pumps never work. Take a look at all the GTA gamee they've never allowed you to get gas, even when you shoot them they don't even blow up.

But you could look at Midnight Club 2 and 3. WHen you crash into gas tanks and all of that they blow up, but you can't get petrol.

Also the main reason Reflections don't use petrol tanks is for 2 reasons
-Too Much coding
-And they don't want the game too packed with everything

There was one game i recall where you could fill ur tank up and that was Mafia :)

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:20 pm
by bb_42001
the idea of gas is a great idea and if it had that the driver 5 game would go far

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:32 pm
by madness
I guess by "far" you mean more gameplay. When you think about it some people would kinda getfrustrated by always getting petrol.

Once again the Option Idea would make this better. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:27 am
by DriverAmir
Yeah, gas is a pretty cool idea, but they might also have to do sometin' with the cars handling (more realistic {stuntman like) so it can be easy, and realistic when you drive into the gas station, and look smart with your cool sun-glasses while going out of the car, and then go in Film Director and create a FaNtAsTiC Replay!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:56 pm
by madness
DriverAmir wrote:Yeah, gas is a pretty cool idea, but they might also have to do sometin' with the cars handling (more realistic {stuntman like) so it can be easy, and realistic when you drive into the gas station, and look smart with your cool sun-glasses while going out of the car, and then go in Film Director and create a FaNtAsTiC Replay!!!!
I think DRIV3R's handling was the best, i'd like to see DRIV3R's handling again.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:12 pm
by DriverAmir
Yeah, doesn't Stuntman and Driv3r Handling reminds of each other?

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:22 pm
by madness
They fell kinda different... I perfer DRIV3R tho.
I noticed that the same engine was use in DRIV3R as Stuntman but a few tweeks where made to include higher building and to give them more freedom. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:10 am
by Sedans
I would hate gas: in tha middle of hot pursuit and i need to gas

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:09 pm
by madness
At least it would be more realistic, in DRIVER games you can easily get away from the cops, they should make it real realistic so you don't have to get into pursuits in real life :specialdriver:. And if you run out of gas it would be funny how you could still find a way to get away from the cops. Like just run from your car, dodge the bullets and jack another car just noticing it's locked and then you get busted.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:27 pm
by nobodie902
GAS filling was in Mafia as madness sayed. Was it annoying? Did it made game worse? Did it made somebody any problems? NO!! Everyone enjoyed the game.
So they really could add gas tanks. Question is, how fast your tank is going to zero. It could be quite long time, so those who are very negative about that could shut their mouth a little and stop crying.

Its hard to code it madness? Illusion Softworks did it right? They also have manual transmission in mafia. And the game is full of freedom too, like gta or driver now. But these two are different. More arcadic and less thinked about. I want to see more Mafia clones, not GTA. Or you would say mafia was a gta clone? *laughting

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:32 pm
by madness
I think both driver and mafia are unique and aren't clones, driver has it's driving and realism and mafia has it's unparalleled freedom as well as some realism.

Mafia is a gangsta game based on the mafia a real living gang.
Driver is a close to a realistic but make it fun driving game with the freedom.

I've never been certain what GTA is but I think it puts all of these together so GTA is a mafia driver clone, rofl... not really but you know what I mean.

GTA still focuses on gangs and uses unrealistic driving to get around, gta's driving is very arcade and mafia driving is slow and realistic for it's times where as driver focuses on lots of driving elements and places it with an action packed storyline or point a, point b task.

I think there all different games, and they developers all deserve a pat on the back because they have all done a great job!

Especially the driver and mafia team.
GTA team did great but were unable to make a 3D ps1 game, lol rofl... :P

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:01 am
by Steinng
Mafia is much more realistic than Driver IMO.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:43 am
by daan
madness wrote: GTA team did great but were unable to make a 3D ps1 game, lol rofl... :P

I see no point to laugh
GTA 1 was released in 1998, and Mafia was released in 2002.
In 1998 the first 3D graphic accelerators were made (exactly in 1997) So not much people had them, because they were very expensive. And so on, there wre not much games, that were using 3D graphics accelerators.
DMA (the new name is Rockstar) released GTA2 to continue GTA1 so it was in 2D.
When they planned to make GTA 3 they wanted to change GTA world and they putted it in fully 3D graphic.

You can't compare GTA, Mafia and Driver, because they are totally different games. And as you can see the Driver series compared to the GTA and Mafia is the worst series. I don't say it's the worst game ever but compared to this two other games. I very much liked Driver 1, it was the best game in Driver series. Driver 1 was released when everyone was still playing in GTA 1, so it was kind of better game, because it was in 3D.

This my objective opinion of this games

Yes, I totally agree, The Mafia is the most realistic game.

Sorry for my english

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:30 pm
by Daltarin-Elite
Sorry for my english
Don't worry. i don't think many people other than me & Miller particularly care about how things are spelt and worded.

And yes you can compare games that are unalike and that is how you come up with how good they are. By comparing them to games you have previously liked.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:55 am
by bryand751
i like helicopters not planes that or if they didnt have helis for the police in the next game if they did i would like helis but if they didnt i wouldnt cause it would be cool to drive a heli with the same controls as a car oh and to fire the machine gun it would use the same control to fire the turret on the negotioator

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:13 pm
by Nikusakken
I don't like the idea to use an helicopter or anything like this in Driver. Seriously, it's Driver, the own name says it, and someone that use a helicopter isn't a driver. Keep the helicopters to games like GTA or Saint Row, to keep away the resembles to GTA or it's rivals.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:41 pm
by bb_42001
what about a hovercraft?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:33 pm
by madness
The name 'Driver' can refer to driving cars, trains, buses, helicopters and planes. But the game has always been about driving cars really fast in an open-environment while being chased by tones of skilled police officers.

Because of that sparking my original interest in the game. They should remove everything else and focus on driving. Once there happy and have mastered that then they can think about changing vehicles, shooting (which is a must for a good storyline).

But I don't think we will ever want to see Helicopters or planes in the series. Lets keep our driving on the ground and hopefully in high-powered muscle cars.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:04 am
by Nikusakken
Boats may even be a "nice" idea, or are you going to say that boat chases aren't cool. They can also include motorcycles. Helicopters or planes would destroy even more the series reputation.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:55 am
by madness
In stuntman there was a helicopter and you had to destroy it. (you couldn't drive it).

I think it's alright to have helicopters and planes in the sky, but very rarely in the game and they shouldn't be accessible.

They should be there in police chases, and when using the film director they player should be able to choose heli-cam and it should perform like it did in one of the Driver: Parallel Lines trailers.

If it's a country area, Reflections could use Gone in 60 Seconds 2 "The Junkman" for some ideas. As planes where used a fair bit in this movie.

But I would prefer that they exclude Planes and Helicopters.
But if there is a film director there should be a heli-cam option, they player should be able to choose if it's just a camera or a camera man with a camera on a real helicopter (therefore you should be able to hear he helicopter with this option turned on).

As long as the player doesn't leave the ground I'm happy.
Then Reflections can focus all there time on the city and not the roofs of all the buildings.

If boats were in the game, I'd hate to use them to get somewhere.
There fun when your being chased.

The mission in driv3r which introduces boats is super-boring because your driving from point a to point b with no traffic, no obstacles and you could almost complete the mission with your eyes closed.

Cars are more exciting because you find yourself weaving around traffic, pedestrians, light poles, buildings, heavier objects (fire hydrants, full rubbish bins, ect) pretty much all the time.