Discussion for Driver [EU] / Driver: You are the Wheelman [US] (1999)
And I'm willing to share it with you guys!
You can get it from here:
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Repack features:
- US version
- Patch v2.1
- NoCD
- Fully working music from the original CD (ripped audio tracks as .ogg & working with "winmm.dll")
- In-game music working fine without looping
- Game executables modified to support the following resolutions
1280 x 720
1366 x 768
1920 x 1080
Should you encounter any problems just replace game executables with the non-patched ones from game directory - "~Backup" folder.
If in game the tyres of the vehicle aren't visible then try configuring the graphics with "Primary Display Adapter" or "dgVoodoo Graphics Adapter"
While configuring the display settings your display may flicker and the config setup may stop working, in such case try again and again until it works
- Redefined keyboard buttons to use W,A,S,D while driving, R-Shift to spin wheels & Space key for handbrake
- Works with Windows 10

Repack v2 changelog:
- Enabled cheats screen
- Maxed out graphics settings
- Added AppCompat flags in the registry for Desktop Window Manager - 8 and 16 bit mitigation (DWM8And16BitMitigation)
Without this the game configuration wouldn't start on some systems

Repack v3 changelog:
- dgVoodoo included

Repack v4 changelog:
- Fixed a noob mistake from back in the days when 'MagiPack Games' was established -- this version now includes cutscenes!
Keep in mind that this game was the first one that started it all with the repacks ;)
- To enable Carnage Mode, on main menu select "Car Chases", then "Load Film Replays", select "1. Carnage Mode", when it loads the replay press Esc button and Exit the replay (unless you wanna watch it). Now you have Carnage Mode (your car essentially destroys all other cars)

Repack v5 changelog:
- The installer is now component based and dgVoodoo is no longer forced, which means the game is now again playable on Windows XP
You can also choose whether to include game cutscenes & music or not
- The original (4:3 aspect ratio) executables are now named "config.exe.original" & "Game.exe.original" in the root directory of gamedir
- Fixed a minor installer bug

Run the setup, install, configure & play
Have fun and let me know what you think!

P.S. Since this game is abandonware I hope I haven't broken the site rules :) :specialdriver:
Last edited by Lolza on Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:01 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Lolza wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:38 pm
Aravindtop wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:54 pm Can you restore the original 4:3 resolutions? HUD is messed up in widescreen.
Did you try restoring the original unpatched executables as mentioned in the description?
Also what is your resolution? I need feedback to see if I should be making changes

I restored the original config and game exe files and the max resolution it gave me was 1600x1200 which is 4:3 but now the entire game is awkwardly stretched to fit into widescreen. My screen is 1440p.
Aravindtop wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:17 pm I restored the original config and game exe files and the max resolution it gave me was 1600x1200 which is 4:3 but now the entire game is awkwardly stretched to fit into widescreen. My screen is 1440p.
Okay, then you need to also remove the dgVoodoo wrapper and you are good to go.
Delete those files: D3D8.dl, D3D9.dll, D3DImm.dll, DDraw.dll & dgVoodoo.conf
You might aswell need to delete config.dat after that. dgVoodoo essentially provides a virtual graphic card adapter (since the game sometimes says that no graphic card was found) and stretches the game horizontally to the whole screen resolution. It was added in v3 of the repack. I unfortunately don't have a screen with such high resolutions and can't test the games with higher res, but I do have 1366 x 768 and it looks fine to me.
Lolza wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:46 pm
Aravindtop wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:17 pm I restored the original config and game exe files and the max resolution it gave me was 1600x1200 which is 4:3 but now the entire game is awkwardly stretched to fit into widescreen. My screen is 1440p.
Okay, then you need to also remove the dgVoodoo wrapper and you are good to go.
Delete those files: D3D8.dl, D3D9.dll, D3DImm.dll, DDraw.dll & dgVoodoo.conf
You might aswell need to delete config.dat after that. dgVoodoo essentially provides a virtual graphic card adapter (since the game sometimes says that no graphic card was found) and stretches the game horizontally to the whole screen resolution. It was added in v3 of the repack. I unfortunately don't have a screen with such high resolutions and can't test the games with higher res, but I do have 1366 x 768 and it looks fine to me.
Even after removing these files it is still in widescreen.
It took me a while to get it to recognize my controller and then it was working for a while but now it won't recognize it again. :evil:

I feel like I've tried everything, it's so frustrating. It's just a wireless X360 controller using Xinput. Any ideas?

Edit: Downloading DirectX fixed it yesterday, but now it's not working again. WTF?!
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