Moderator: SOAP

Hey there!

Latest beta/automated builds have analog controls disabled, moving the sticks to maximum present no effect at all. There was a issue opened about that on github, but the OP closed it without actually solving the problem (there is a workaround, which isn't true analog control). 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Also, whenever a 2nd controller is connected, it disables the first one entirely, leaving the second controller as Player 1. (Might have been fixed up already, battery just got empty before I updated to latest betas)

Tested with Xbox 360 controllers!!!

Edit: Ok, seems like the Controls Wiki page was updated. So now you need to move the analog stick down and press START+SELECT to activate analog controls, thanks for finally making this change public!!

Still need to test if 2nd controller is breaking joystick maps though.

Edit2: Multiplayer mode needs an additional step to be activated. Press F4 and another keyboard button to enable it.
Last edited by NTI on Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
After all, is the multiplayer mode public available or enabled for REDRIVER2?

The Facts page at github ( ... t-Driver-2) seems to point out there has been improvements for the 2 players mode, however the Multiplayer option is always disabled, no matter if various controllers are conected (and again, if there are two controllers, REDRIVER2 messes up the input and kills the first controller)
Apparently, you are required to follow a keyboard combo to enable the Multiplayer mode:

Press F4 and any other keyboard button. Seems to work great!!!

Looks like the automatic controller recognition is still bugged though, as only setting the controllers pad manually is that it makes to work correctly, so make sure to edit the config.ini file to:
Code: Select all
pad1device=0				# player 1 controller device; -1 for automatic assignment
pad2device=1				# player 2 controller device; -1 for automatic assignment
This has the side effect of making the keyboard to control both players. Also, rumble seems not to work on controller 2. Maserati Huge Stunt […]

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