Moderator: SOAP

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By NikkiChan92
Thought I'd open up a post that's not exclusive to the Madness discord.

Link to my archive: ... 1322UPmthG
Some of my mods have direct links in the website as well:


1. Syndicate City Extension (DefaultNikki) Version 5.4.103 (last updated in November 2020)

Status: Updates on hiatus but the lev is stable and compatible with the current build of the game.

2. Victoria version 2.8.200 (Last updated July 1st.2020)

Status: new version in development.

Sound Mods:

1.Driver Quadrilogy Sound Archive

Status: Engines complete, other sounds to come eventually.

2.Driver 3 English cop lines.

Status: complete

3.Driver 1 main menu sounds + music

Status: complete

Commonly updated:

1. Menu Mod

-More take-a-ride options. Choose the time of day, spawnpoint location (if the map maker made them available), vehicle color, vehicle body groups, music, and a lot more in the extra take-a-ride sub-menu!
-More settings both in the menu and in-game. The in-game menu has a cheats menu and a menu to easily access some useful debug options.
-more control options and features.
-additional utility to expand the Speedometer mod's tachometer functions.
-More to come.
Status: Always being updated.

2.Speedometer and Tachometer

Feature. View your speed and RPMs in game. The speedometer will flash when you are speeding as well. Speedometer is available in both MPH and KPH options. The speedometer also comes without the tachometer and will blink red like D1 PC did when speeding.

Status: compatible with current build.

3.Custom Broken Car Glass


1.Custom music insertion for menu mod

Feature: automatically adds music to menu mod's MenuMusicList table for ease of access.
Status: compatible

2.Community_Trailers insertion for menu mod

Feature: adds your own u-haul trailers to menu mod's MenuTrailerList in its own list separate from the car menu.
Status: compatible

If there are any issues, requests or feedback feel free to let me know. Though I am more active on Discord than these forums and I apologize in advance for slow replies.

The images below are a work in progress from Victoria.


Below is a sample of menu mod.


Below is a small sample of the speedometer w/tachometer mod.
Last edited by NikkiChan92 on Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By NikkiChan92
Today June 14th makes a full year since I released v2.0 of Victoria. Since then I have got into learning 3D modeling, furthering lua knowledge and been gradually expanding the map. Though the map's expansion hasn't been as quick as before nor is it being rushed in anyway. However, in the last year I have to admit progress also slowed due to a full-time job, numerous motivation droughts, and exploring other games and personal hobbies/interests I had put off a bit.

With that said I am currently considering a update with the city expanded up north from the v1 and v2 areas with a few fun suburban and scenic locations to explore. There will also be many improvements and bugs that were resolved since the old build in November. This new build will have a few bonus lua features as well, more on the lua based additions later, and it'll come with the '71 Byzantine Police Car (made for Victoria by Hallgarth).

There is also a chance that this could be subject to change based on personal comfort with the state of the map itself, but atm I feel like updating it again sometime this month after a few more revisions are made.

A small note in advance that unfinished areas will be blocked off, and the map is still far, far from finished, but the revamp of the old areas and expansion to the new areas up north should provide a fair bit of additional fun to those who were and still are taking a ride in Victoria.

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