Modding discussion in general.
In my opinion is better to focus on one thing and after it completion some of the stuff may be useful for the other games and make it easier to progress.
DRIV3R and DPL are very similar to each other. The model formats are almost exactly the same, so if I can load DRIV3R models, I can load DPL models. Not only models, but textures too!

Thinking about it now, I think it's a good idea to just focus on loading models and textures for now. Then I can move on to reading the other goodies. I'll try not to take too long :P
Small update. Chunk reader is no longer broken, now in the beginning stages of reading MDPC data. I should probably ditch the stupid "Buffer" idea I had, it's causing me all sorts of problems at the moment. Tomorrow I will focus on removing the buffer (maybe put it on the backburner for later) and just implement it like I usually would (no buffer).

As always, I will keep you guys updated. Any questions regarding DSCript, DChunk, or any of the other tools planned, feel free to ask here in the thread. I'll be sure to answer them. (Y)
Still working on this every day. I had a working PCMP editor last night, it loaded Driv3r and Driver Parallel Lines textures. Unfortunately during testing, I found out about a memory issue. Yeah, another rewrite.

At least when I finish it, I could probably get another beta out for you guys. It would be an interactive SL Converter-type program where you can pick and choose textures to replace, or just export them. Only thing I'm not entirely sure how to do quite yet is resize each chunk when data is added. I probably should've practiced writing new chunk data before getting this far into the project, haha.

Stay tuned :P
CarLuver69 wrote:Still working on this every day. I had a working PCMP editor last night, it loaded Driv3r and Driver Parallel Lines textures. Unfortunately during testing, I found out about a memory issue. Yeah, another rewrite.

At least when I finish it, I could probably get another beta out for you guys. It would be an interactive SL Converter-type program where you can pick and choose textures to replace, or just export them. Only thing I'm not entirely sure how to do quite yet is resize each chunk when data is added. I probably should've practiced writing new chunk data before getting this far into the project, haha.
CarLuver69 wrote:Stay tuned :P
Do not worry, we are :)
Skylabh wrote:I have a question, shall we be limited to a texture size ?
It's likely that the first version of the PCMP editor will restrict you to the same texture size as it is in game, but this will only be temporary. It is one of my goals to be able to replace any texture in DRIV3R with a higher-res version of it.
CarLuver69 wrote:
Skylabh wrote:I have a question, shall we be limited to a texture size ?
It's likely that the first version of the PCMP editor will restrict you to the same texture size as it is in game, but this will only be temporary. It is one of my goals to be able to replace any texture in DRIV3R with a higher-res version of it.
Ok, nice :)
I've been taking a break from any kind of programming this past week. I'll try to pick back up on it soon - I'm also trying to get some DM Theme work done as well, so haven't had the time to work on DSCript. I will definitely update you guys when there's more progress though. Try not to get too excited though, there's still a lot of things I need to figure out first. I might end up putting DSCript on hold and just giving you guys simple tools to mod cars instead. The project has only gotten bigger and bigger and it's starting to be come overwhelming :P
Sorry for the lack of updates. It's not because I'm lazy or anything like that, but I'm rather frustrated. DSCript is actually a huge project, and as such, there's a lot of things I have to undertake on top of what people want.

Which is why I am going to be changing the way I work on DSCript. I need to keep track of what I work on and plan out things thoroughly. I spent so much time trying to load in data, that I never took into consideration how I am going to write that data. What good is a program to any of you that doesn't do anything useful except for just spit out data? I could just hardcode some functions to read files for DRIV3R, but that would completely defeat the purpose of what I intended DSCript to be.

At this stage, it looks like I will be rewriting DSCript entirely. I've done it once already, but I feel comfortable doing it twice. I will be building my tools with a focus in mind from now on. Before, I was just jumping straight into it. I had plans for a vehicle editor, level editor, character editor, mission would've literally been the equivalent of having the same tools Reflections did. But I realized something - they had different "Packagers" for different purposes, which started making sense the more I've worked with chunk files. I will need to make separate tools to do separate things.

First and foremost, a vehicle editor. I will be hardcoding the values of files you can open with this tool. I've had XML files in mind for a long time now, and I think this would be the best way to configure a vehicle. After this tool works the way I intend it to, only then will I begin to work on a Driver: Parallel Lines vehicle editor. If at any point during development of these tools I can slimline the process and implement the ability to modify multiple games with one tool, I will. But if I have ever strayed so far off of the path I intended to take, now is the time.

It's time to get back on track.
Oilfan wrote:I wish you good luck with that! :)
Just a quick question though, will it be possible to export 3D models to other modelling programs like 3DS Max?
It's most definitely going to be possible. I wouldn't be making these tools if it wasn't! :P
CarLuver69 wrote:
Oilfan wrote:I wish you good luck with that! :)
Just a quick question though, will it be possible to export 3D models to other modelling programs like 3DS Max?
It's most definitely going to be possible. I wouldn't be making these tools if it wasn't! :P
Great! Keep going :) (Y)
DSCript is now open-source:

This is linked directly to my developer build. If you're interested to see what's going on with DSCript and want to be a part of development, it's all on GitHub.

You must compile the developer tools yourself! If you prefer not to do this, please wait for a proper beta! (No time estimate)
Skylabh wrote:Nice work man. I have a question : does the " DSCript " folder needs to be compiled also ? For now i have successfully compiled the " DVEdit" folder and make the tool runs, but i have a little compilation error with DSCript.
Get in touch with me on Skype so I can help you out better. (Y)
Hey guys! I haven't updated the GitHub for quite some time now, but there's a reason behind my madness. Basically, here's the situation - I was trying to reinvent the wheel. DSCript isn't very modular and will need a reworking in how it's used. To help understand my own work and how it could be applied in a positive way, I've made my best creation yet:


Yep, a work-in-progress mission editor. I understand the majority of people here want model/texture modding, and trust me, I do too! I do these side projects to gain more skills and learn new tricks, because in all honesty, I've been working on some form or another of DSCript since October 2012. I've driven myself to complete madness trying to do the same things over and over again. So I work on these side projects to get my mind flowing, and that seems to be a good solution 99% of the time. Look at Zartex - it's beautiful!

It may look like a good program, but it's far from finished. The most important thing on my to-do list is lay out the missions in the form of a flowgraph. This would've been done much sooner, however it is nearly impossible to find an open-source flowgraph/flowchart that can be redistributed without restriction. I suck at doing custom GUI controls so I think making my own flowgraph control is out of the question, but it's a priority that is currently holding up production. Until then, I am working on displaying Exported Mission Objects and finishing up my new loading routine for everything. Just basic code cleanup.

When Zartex gets cleaned up a bit more, I will be updating the GitHub source and will include Zartex as well. Please leave any feedback, comments, or suggestions you may have here as well. I read all of it and take everything into consideration. You guys are awesome (Y)
It's so beautiful!

Image thumbnail

With that said, I think it's time to take a break from Zartex for a bit and start working on what you guys really want: models and textures! I'll need to work on Zartex another time due to how complicated things are getting, and gain some more experience with GDI and stuff like that.
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