Discussion for the mobile/GBA games in the DRIVER series.
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By mistamontiel
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So I found it I guess , Driver.v1.1.1 some .ipa format file . On the other hand , I would need to find a shady 'old' iPhone in order to install that ?

I could never understand anything they say , I neeeeed those subtitles , and remastered audio ! Cheers much :oops:
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By helegad
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THE BANK JOB.Get to the bank..Get to the lock up..Well done!.A SHIPMENT'S COMING IN.Pick up the hardware..Get out of there and back to the motel..BAIT FOR A TRAP.Wreck his car..Get out of here, you've been double-crossed!.Ram him!.TAKE OUT Di Angio'S CAR.THE INFORMANT.Catch Jesse..Good Job..THE CASINO JOB.Get to the Casino..Get to the warehouse..Hit the checkpoints..Checkpoint 1..Checkpoint 2..Checkpoint 3..Checkpoint 4..Checkpoint 5..Checkpoint 6..Finished!.THE BRIEFCASE.Get to Levy's..Get to Sonoma Liquors..Get yourself to Russian Hill..Get yourself to Maupin's..GO.Lap.GUNS IN THE TRUNK.Get to Fisherman's Wharf..VISIT TO THE MALL.Go shopping..Get to the yard..TAXI!.Scare him!.Mission Successful!.IN THE PICKUP.Get out of there. Watch the crate..HIDE THE EVIDENCE.Take it to the breakers..COSY TO THE CHOPPER.Pick up Cosy.Get him to the chopper..THE CHINATOWN PICK UP.Pick them up..To the Crib!.THE MERCY MISSION.THE SET UP.Get to the garage..It's a setup! Get back to the Motel!.THE HYDE STREET PICK UP.Go get Ross..Take him to Castaldi..TANNER AND SLATER.Stop Slater. Smash into him..STEAL A COP CAR.Get the car to the lockup..LUCKY TO THE DOC'S.Go get Lucky..Get Lucky to the Doc's..THE CHASE.Stop Duval..Good Job. You got him!.MAYA.Quick, get Maya!.Get her to the hospital..TICCO'S RIDE.Pick up Ticco..Take him where he wants to go..THE MADDOX HIT.Pick up the hitmen..Get to the Chinese Theatre..LUCKY TO THE CRIB.Pick up the gangsters..Get him out of there..Take Lucky home..THE BEVERLY HILLS GETAWAY.Get to Beverly Hills..Uh oh, the cops! Use the safehouse instead..Mission Completed. Well Done!.THE TEST RUN.That's a good time. Mission successful..Do you want to try for a better time? Y/N .Man, that time is superfly!.GRAND CENTRAL STATION SWITCH.Meet the contact..LUTHER'S HEAP O' JUNK.Take this heap of junk to the yard..THE ACCIDENT.Cause the accident..THE RESCUE.Get them out of there..TAKE A CAB.Bring the cab in..Mission Completed..TRASH GRANGER'S WHEELS.Wreck Granger's car..Get back to your Motel..Lose the tail..CASE FOR A KEY.Go meet them..TAKE OUT GRANGER'S BOYS.Track down Granger's gang..He's wrecked..Three cars left..Two cars left..He's history..One car left..Well done!.You've trashed all their cars!.THE NEGATIVES.Get those negs..RITE OF PASSAGE.THE ALI SITUATION.Save Ali..Take her home..THE PRESIDENT'S RUN.Get the President out of there..THE CLEAN-UP.Pick up the car..Get the hell out of there!.Get Jean-Paul out of there..Make the exchange..Chase the boat..Go make the exchange..Go make the drop..TANNER MEETS RUFUS.Go and meet Rufus..It's the cops! Get out of there..Get to Grand Central..You're being tailed..BUST OUT JEAN-PAUL.Ram the armored car..PAYBACK.Get to the first restaurant..Take out restaurant two..Smash restaurant three..Wreck the fourth restaurant..Ram the last restaurant..SUPERFLY DRIVE.Take this puppy home..Too late. Mission failed..Too early. Come back later..Too late. She got away..Mission failed..Too slow, man..Out of time!.You didn't freak him out enough..Mission failed..You broke the crate..Mission failed..Too late. Cosy's been caught. Mission failed..Too late. Cosy missed the chopper..Mission failed..You've had a tail since you picked them up..Lose him..Too late..They got tired of waiting..Too late. The cops got Ross..Mission failed..The car's too beat up..Mission failed..Too late. Lucky's bought it..Mission failed..Too late. Duval got clear..Mission Failed..Too slow. Maya's dead..Mission failed..Man you've totaled the car!.It ain't goin' nowhere..Busted. Mission failed..Too slow..A car got through..Too slow. That time's embarrassing!.Mission Failed..Checkpoint 7..Don't lose him..3.2.1.No trace of Mojo. Mission failed..Wreck everything!.Time Bonus!.Get to the safehouse! The cops are coming!.Someone called the cops....To be continued....The Briefcase (continued...).GUNS IN THE TRUNK (continued...).THE MERCY MISSION (continued...).TAKE A RIDE.THE MADDOX HIT.(continued...).GRAND CENTRAL STATION SWITCH.(continued...).CASE FOR A KEY.(continued...).THE CLEANUP.(continued...).BUST OUT JEAN-PAUL.(continued...).Hit the road cones..Smash through the front of the restaurant..You've wrecked your car..You've beaten Slater's time. Mission successful..Too slow. Mission failed..The cops are here! It's all over..Time's up..You lost your target..You've blown it, man..Damage.Felony.Freaked!.Crate!.Slow down!.Wreck everything!.«».«».The trolley's on its way..See, here's what's goin' down. You're talkin' to Rufus. The kitten's Jessie. The wheels you drivin' around this town are makin' a whole lotta noise, and you know what? I know you. I know your face. You know who this is, Jessie?.He's just some drivin' cat..No, no he ain't. He ain't just some drivin' cat, baby. This cat's got gasoline in his veins. Looks like you could use a drink, pussycat..I ain't thirsty....Looks like you could use a drink, pussycat. I was at the track when Slater got a little bumpy with ya. Man, you started some fire that day. I thought they'd never put that baby out. Okay, so listen. You an' me gonna do some business, see? The cops're babysittin' a friend of mine, and he ain't too happy with the arrangement. I'm gonna take him off their hands, you catch my drift? There's a French cat in an armored car. Man, he's one mean, cold-blooded killer. When he ain't in jail, you know some cat somewhere's gonna take a visit to the morgue with a cap in his *ss. See, we gonna bust him out. You gonna drive him away, all the way into a sweet eight thousand bucks. You dig? ...My friend, you better understand about Rufus. You screw up, you better not show up. ...We got a deal, man?.Small... bills..Truth is, Tanner, three years on the department and you're still the best driver I got. We don't get too many ex-racing boys in here. ...Low-life rumble in Miami is there's a hunt on a guy who can pump the gas. Big getaway, big job. Maybe even some kinda hit. Some hood by the name of Rufus is in the picture. We need a line on it. ...Coffee? Black, right? ...Guys upstairs were asking for you in person. Look, we need you to go under, but no one's gonna know except me. If I bring anyone else in, I'll let you know. ...I need your badge. Any questions?.*laugh* Baby, baaaby... Listen to me... Why don'tcha come into the office? ...Come on, baby. Maybe I got a little somethin' for ya....I got somethin' for you. Now back off!.Whoa, Jessie... Stay loose, kitten..You know what this is, don't you?.Gimme the piece, baby..Back off, Rufus. Don't you go makin' this worse! This ain't what I wanted!.Baby... Gimme the piece..You got what's yours, "baby"....Listen, lady. I gotta tell you, you got a real bad attitude. That ain't helpin' any-.I wanna see my lawyer..You don't get it, do ya? We don't want you, we just wanna know about the French guy. ...Or maybe you wanna tell us why you blew away your boss..He wasn't my boss..Whatever. .Listen, if I don't do what I'm told, I don't live too long. If I tell you what you wanna know, I don't live too long, either..Life sucks, huh?.Ain't you just a wiseguy?.You gonna cut a deal, or you gonna take communal showers for 20 years?.The French guy was pullin' the strings..Who's pullin' his?....I don't know. I don't know..Uh huh. Well, we can come back to that. Suppose you don't know where he is, either, huh? ...I said, I suppose you don't know where-.I heard! I heard! ...The guy's in Frisco....Listen, I dunno how they know, but they know. Maybe they lookin' for me. Soon as I take care of business, I gonna haul my beautiful *ss outta here, you know what I'm sayin'? ...Hey, be cool, man! Okay? ...Listen, just buzz me when you get a line on this thing, okay man?.You know Rudy? .Man...! I... I dunno no Rudy! ...Oh, that Rudy. Sure, I know Rudy. He's my main man! Lay a little more of that green stuff on me, man, an' I will sing you any song that you like. .You know the Gold Rush Motel, Mojo?.D*mn, man! Hey, the threads! Watch the threads, man!.You know it..Yeah, yeah, I know..French guy in the city, on the run, Miami. Tell me who he talks to, where he goes. ...For Rudy.....We gonna get on fine, man! Sh***t....Wow... Maybe ya need ta... lean on the guy a little more. I'll uh, leave it to your, uh, professional judgment. Tanner, hey, c'mere. ...Slater, here's the guy I wanted you to meet. He's been doin' some drivin' for uh, associates of mine. Uh? So, uh, you two know each other? .his guy used to be a driver... until he had a little accident..Heh, well... A little competition might be, uh, good for ya, Slater..He ain't no competition. ...Uhn!.This is the guy who got me out. I don't think you want to shoot him, my friend. Not with a .357 magnum in between your eyes..Hey, hey, put the piece away, Slater. That's what happens when you run off at the mouth. ...Now the score's even, so let's everyone just... take it easy. Hey, I may even use both of you when, uh, Jean-Paul here earns his pay. But we'll get around to that. Slater... Tanner's doin' work for me now..The ten thousand dollars, Tanner... Hand 'im over, Chester!.One day, you and me gonna dance..Strike up the tune baby.....Talk..Those punks, Stan an' Chester, just a couple 'a low-lifes. You got lucky in takin' me for a meal ticket, man! Figured I knew somethin' you was gonna "uncrease" some bills for. You know what I sayin'? I guess I was their ace, an' they played me, man! Ah, the French cat and Castaldi met some suit up in the painted ladies. The suit goes by the name of Hancock. Ah... Don Hancock. That smooth operator runnin' for office on the east coast. That self-same cat who serves the backwater of sleaze, you know what I'm sayin', my man? You know somethin' else? ...There's some cat called Slater, he don't like you, man. He don't like you at all. If you brakes ain't workin' too good, he's the cat who knows why, you know what I'm sayin'? He ain't finished with you yet. So be cool, man! .Shift your *ss, Tanner..D'ya hear about Slater?.We think the cops got him. We saw what was left of his car. Looks like he chewed on too much speed..Wasn't even a job. It don't add up..Mr. Castaldi don't want you workin' for no one else from now on. Only his contact. Understand? Ya can't trust no one here. Town's packed full of gangstas, heh heh heh..Get your bags..We got ourselves some work in L.A.! We gonna do our gangsta sh*t there!....Okay, it's time we took care of the business we came here to this town for. Since we don't have Slater, we got ourselves a different driver. But, uh, Jean-Paul, you handle the hit and I'll handle the backup..When do we go?.Tomorrow night, on the steps of the Chinese Theater..I want to know, does this mean the hit in New York is lined up?.This means we take out Bill Maddox, then we wait for the signal and....Yes, my friend..Then you can start shinin' up those silver slugs with a famous name on 'em, okay? Thank you, gentlemen. ...Oh, and one last thing, gentlemen. Don't let me down..It's Lech! McKenzie sent me!.Hancock met Castaldi in Frisco. They're cookin' up some serious sh*t together. Find out what you can..Sure! But McKenzie's gonna want more than that. All he's getting is bodies and expenses!.There's gonna be a hit on Bill Maddox..Bill Maddox? The FBI security guy? I didn't think anyone knew he was in town..Castaldi knows, and he's gonna cut short his visit..When?.Tomorrow night on the steps of the Chinese Theater.....We'd better pull him out..No. Don't change a thing, I want to keep my cover..They ain't gonna groove to this, Tanner!.Put a vest on 'im, wrap him up in bodyguards, pull what strings you can, but make sure he's seen at the Chinese Theater. Do what it takes. I'm staying under..Ah, they knew we were coming, I'm sure of it!.They were just sittin' waitin' for us! We were like tin ducks in a shootin' gallery!.Quiet..Godd*mn this sh*t, man! We got a rat!.I said, quiet. ...Yeah, ya d*mn straight we got a rat..You think it's the driver?.I don't remember askin' you a godd*mn thing. We got a rat for sure. ...You drove well tonight, Tanner. You, uh, you got somethin' you wanna say to me?.I drive well every night..I'll ask you one more time. If you got somethin' to say, then you better say it..Slater..Slater's in a Frisco cell takin' heat. You better get real specific, real quick..It figures! Slater knew all about this, and so he sings a song to the police and saves himself some circuits on the exercise yard!.No way! Slater? That don't lay right..You would never do that, right?.The question is simple: do you trust Slater, or do you trust Tanner?....This changes nothin'. We finish up here, then we move on to New York and wait for the signal..Lech! ...It's Tanner. Why all the officers the other night?.Not my idea. Maddox wouldn't play ball unless they were there. Did your cover hold?.Is McKenzie talkin' to the FBI?.They were with him this morning. Marcus Vaughn, no less! One of their top guys paid him a visit. He told him nothing! Hell, that ain't hard for McKenzie. He don't exactly dig Vaughn.....I'm piecin' this together, Lech. You wanna know who flew into town tonight? ...Marcus Vaughn! I know, cause I've just seen him talking with Castaldi..Godd*mn, what the hell you sayin', Tanner?.Just telling you what I saw..You tellin' me Castaldi's talking with Hancock and Vaughn? What the hell's goin' down?!.That ain't the kind of information I plan on keepin' to myself, Lech. Castaldi's gang's flyin' out to New York tomorrow. I'll see ya there..Hey, Skim..Hey..Fix me a quarter pound of them chestnuts..Sure. ...McKenzie wants you out, ya know? They don't think your cover's gonna hold much longer. He's doin' what he can, but there's holes everywhere. McKenzie wants you out.....Keep the change..I heard you were in town, Tanner..You still breaking and entering, Ali?.As a matter of fact, I was just about to leave. You're still keeping girls waiting far too long.....Don't look to me like you're leaving..This time, I'm going to make a fresh start. New city, new job..How long you been workin' for Hancock?.Couple of years, I guess. *sigh* I know, I know he's crooked. ...What are you mixed up in, Tanner?....What I know and what I can prove ain't exactly seeing eye-to-eye right now..What are you going to do when this all blows over, Tanner?.What's the matter, Ali? Can't kick this lock-picking sh*t?.Hancock's safe was....What the hell were you thinking?.You said you couldn't lay enough on Hancock..I didn't want you mixed up in this..I got this.......Never pull this sh*t on me again. ...You gonna let me read this?....Got a feeling, Lech. I got a feeling it's gonna happen real soon. They're gonna make the hit..Who'd you think it is?....I got a feeling it's big, Lech. It's all I know..I'm not getting a kick out of saying it, Tanner, but I'm gonna play the same tune you've already heard. We're not sure if your cover's clean anymore. Man, you pieced all this sh*t together in the first place! Hancock's bribed half the FBI, and whatever deal he's cut with Castaldi means your *ss ain't lookin' like it's gonna see winter this year. Should I spell it out for you? It's time to get out!....Tell McKenzie I'm gonna need that safe house real soon. I got a hand, Lech, so I'm gonna play it. And I'm gonna play it good..Screwin' up over Maddox cost us time, but now we pay that in full. So today you gonna see how it works. Jean-Paul takes up his position across the street, Tanner's gonna pass for FBI, and so he's gonna be our guy on the inside drivin' the Cadillac. All he's gotta do is drive past Jean-Paul, nice and easy, and bingo, we got ourselves one helluva martyr and one helluva news story. Now we're gonna have four backup cars in case anythin' goes wrong: one at each junction and around....Excuse me, Monsieur Castaldi, but uh, who is the hit?.Today, gentlemen, we kill the President..Where you goin', Tanner?.I gotta, uh....Didn't you hear none of that in there? We're goin' now, baby! ...You better start givin' off police vibes if you gonna get into that drivin' seat and do this thing..Need you to make an exchange. This case for a locker key. It's a sweet deal. Cash for a key, in and out, wham, bam, boom! Meet them at the marina. Get the key or stay out of town..I heard you were in town. Got some work and no room for second-raters. The casino. You wanna come along?.My fee?.Ten percent..Twenty..Man, guy's gotta make a livin'! Fifteen!.Twenty. You know my price..Okay, but we do it my way..Here's the story: take this case and make the exchange. Go over the Golden Gate and into the mountains. I'll let them know the car you're driving. You'll get the picture. Just don't get all hot-headed. They won't try anything. Just make the exchange, and get outta there..It's all ready, man. Yeppy's punks know about this for sure. Now we're gonna just see how smooth you operate!.My man! We gotta work fast. Someone's tipped off the cops. We gotta get these outta here now.....Get out of here! Use the RV park lockup! Don't lose the crate! It ain't tied down..No, no, no. This ain't no Sunday school ride, Tanner. A phone's gonna be ringing the other side of the Transamerica buildin'. Mojo's hopin' no one answers it before you do..You gettin' the hang of this now? Now you gonna have to get yourself over the Golden Gate. One last thing: better hurry cause it's gonna ring any second, and if Chester gets tired of waiting, that's bad news for Mojo here. Heh... Ha ha ha... Real bad news..We were startin' to suppose you'd lost interest. Hope we ain't borin' you any. Sh*t, listen to me rappin' on. I already started the stopwatch and I never told ya where to go. That ain't too fair. Still, if you think you can get yourself to the Coal Box by the Palace of Fine Arts....Switch this key at Grand Central. There's a guy in a Stetson waiting for ya. Just be careful. I don't trust him....D'you get it? ...They try anything? ...They wired ya, huh?....Good, we'll call..Get the case, Seth. Nothin' personal, buddy. Take care of 'im, and I'll see ya back at Dodge. ...Seth? ...Seth!.Well, thanks to you, I don't have a job anymore. Don Hancock just doesn't seem to need his staff right now. ...Did I ever show you this? It's something else I found in Hancock's safe: a rather neat little stack of bills. I had a feeling he wouldn't get much chance to use them, and I thought it would be a shame to waste them.....Clever girl..I know..Next time I need you quickly, I'll try to give you a head start. Either that, or I'll just drive myself out of trouble. ...I nearly had to leave this behind. I found a lot of things in Hancock's safe. This, for one. A little stack of bills. I had a feeling he wouldn't get much chance to use them, and I thought it would be a shame to waste them.....Clever girl..I know..You okay, sir?.I'm fine, son..We got him... Sir, you okay?.Uh huh..We got 'em, Tanner. Castaldi, Hancock and Vaughn. We got 'em all. ...Take your badge back now, Tanner.....How much of the FBI did Vaughn drag down with him?.It's gonna take some time for us to shift right through all this. Meantime, take your badge back... Take it! ...Tanner! Now you get yourself back here, Tanner! Now you come back here and you pick up this badge! Tanner! You just bought yourself a whole lot of trouble, fella! This is your last chance, Tanner!.Gooood... I gotta visit a man with a bad memory. Let's go!.His memory just got better!.Go!.Get us outta here!.Get us there on time, pal!.You screwed up! We're late!.What the hell was that? We're late!.Lose the tail, man!.We got a tail, man!.Do somethin'! We got a tail!.W-who... w-wha... That's my godd*mn wheels, man!.Fly, man! That's the car with the French cat! Let's go get 'im!.Hey, man! Watch the paint!.God D*MN!.You crazy?!.Woooooaaaaah!.Hey, man! Okay, okay, okay!!.You wrecked the car, man!.Get the hell outta my sight, man! You the worst driver I've ever seen!.Get out of the car, man. Stop wastin' my godd*mn time!.What the hell was that, man? You ain't no driver!.Sh****t... Maybe I'll give you a call when I need a drive to the grocery store..Gawd-d*mn! You da man! We gonna need you!.Okay, okay, you proved your point. We'll call..Sh****t... We'll call. Now let me out. I don't feel too good..Nice driving, son..E-easy....W-whoa! I take it you never voted for me!.Where're we goin', son?.Are you trying to get us caught?.I thought the idea was to get away....If you're not sure how to work any of the controls, just ask. .See that thing next to your right foot, Tanner? It's a gas pedal. Try using it....Right, that's it. I'm going to drive..Let... me... drive!.W-what the...?.W-waaaahaaaaugh!.W-wooooah-ho-ho!.Oh my god!.W-what do ya want?!.Tell me what you want!.Alright... Alright... I understand!.No, man! What the hell you doin'? I don't want no tail! I don't want no tail!.I said no tail, man! Lose him, lose him!.Two units now in pursuit of the target vehicle..Three units now in pursuit.All units in pursuit of the target vehicle..Requesting immediate assistance..Suspect is heading....North!.South!.East!.West!.Suspect has hit another vehicle!.We've lost him!.Suspect has run a red!.You have one new message..You have two new messages..You have three new messages..You have four new messages..It's us, so listen. We wanna use you on a bank job. No hassle, should be real sleepy. You want in?.It's me. You did good. We got a real hot car..We gotta get it outta here by afternoon. We need plates changed, respray, man!.We need a whole godd*mn workout! Get yourself down here if you want the work..But this car's hot, man! I mean real flame-grill superhot!.Name's Ticco, and I heard about you. I heard a lot about you! I need a ride. Don't bring no tail!.We wanna talk to you. The marina on South Point. We'll just hang loose till you get yo' *ss 'round here..Rufus here. I've been watchin' your progress, boy. .Come meet me at the Electric Lady Lounge on Ocean. We gonna talk. No tail, you dig?.I got some ram-raid work for ya. Should keep ya real busy. It's gonna be real disco. Call me soon, man..Listen, got this real superfly car, needs deliverin'. This baby's got the kinda groove injection horsepower that'll make you drool like you just spent six months in quarantine! Needs to get to an associate of ours before seven. See, he's got a job lined up for her already. So looks like it's gonna be tight, and it ain't gonna be no good to him if you get it there wrecked. Man, this baby's gotta look like it just rolled outta the factory! Man, he don't even wanna know anyone looked at it a bit, let alone touched the leather! .Get here real soon, or some other cat's gonna get the job!.Yeah, listen up, we're settin' a trap. Now you one wise Caucasian, so maybe you figured out. Use the bait! .Call me, man!.Di Angio's been messin' with our sh*t again. We want one of our drivers to take 'im out, so he don't show his face tonight. If you want in, buzz me. The number you got's gonna be good for a couple of hours..Cowboy, I got a briefcase that needs exchanging. There's a card with a number under your door. .Now, if you're interested, call..Come see me down Fisherman's Wharf. I got myself some sworn off action in the trunk! .Yeppy's gang are lookin' out for these hearties, so I need a driver who can punch it if he gotta! This disco your beat?.I got a visit lined up to a mall. Should be sweet. Just short of a driver to complete the picture. I know you got what I need. This in your line?.It's me. I got some trouble with business. Associate of mine just crossed the line. .Got a guy who's gonna make him haul his *ss back to the other side. See, we got a cab waitin' for ya, and you pick up this guy and give him a ride that helps clear his thinkin', make him understand our point of view..Real sweet job, cowboy. Pick up some crates we just shipped into the warehouse from outta town..Get your butt down here, and I'll lay it all out for you..We got us some plans to do a payroll job! Simple getaway, twenty percent. .You have yourself some thinkin' time, see if you want in with us..One of our men, Ross, has been spotted by the cops on the tram. They'll be waitin' for him when he .gets off the other end. Get down to Hyde Street before the cops do. Bring him to us! .We need to have ourselves a little "pow-wow" with Mr. Ross..We need a cop car. You get it, and you bring it in. Your usual fee. But it's no good to us if you wreck it..So you boogie on over here, but with a Beverly Hills shine on that bodywork..We got ourselves a possibility downtown. Should be smooth. Our boy Lucky's gonna be with us..Granger's gang's been seen in town, and they got our boy Lucky. We're puttin' a team together to go get him outta there. We still need a driver, and I know you can bring somethin' serious to the dance. We plan on heading out in one car, packin' a sh*tload of heat, then gettin' in and out like we think we're somethin' in the movies!.Check it out, man! I gonna offer you a getaway job! We're headin' up to Beverly Hiiills! .I got it all figured out. We're up to somethin' mighty fine!.We plannin' a job 'round First Interstate, see? We wanna use a new walkup. .We wanna know if the timings stack up. You the man to test the plan?.Cowboy! We need to make a switch at Grand Central. Something's cooking, and I want someone on it who's gonna be cool. Cool as lyin' a family stone. This whole job's still full of ifs, man, but if this sounds good to you, you know where I am..We got a real beat-up car in our yard. We need it taken care of. But hang tight, cause you're gonna get a whole lotta static on the roads with wheels like this, I tell ya! Ya never seen such a heap of sh*t. I just hope that if you gotta run, it's gonna getcha there!.Listen, cowboy, we need you to take out one of Granger's drivers, but it's gotta look like the cops did it. .There's a cop car waitin' for ya over in Bowery. All ya gotta do is get to the bank by the library and wait down the back alley for Granger's boys to pull the bank job. When the dust settles, after you ran the guy off the road, Granger's gonna think he's got a rat. This is a highly competitive business, my friend, and a little distraction for Granger goes a loooong way in keeping us out in front..We need a cab, see. We got some more cab rides we need to give in the city. .We just need you to bring us one we can use. Don't bring it in if it's all beat up!.Granger's wheels've just been spotted, cowboy. They're parked up in midtown. .Call me if you wanna make a mess of them!.Yo, man! Am I happy you picked up! My *ss is on the line, here! Word's gettin' out you're good! .One of our drivers lost his cool and left the car sittin' out in Carl's gables. You better understand, that baby's got more prints on her than Jane Mansfield! Get yourself down there and get her to the yard before the cops find her and think it's Thanksgivin'!.T"Thug: Yo!.Tanner: It's me..Thug: Sh*t, dude! You were cuttin' it real fine! Here's what's goin' down. I got some problems with this businessman. He thinks he don't need to pay protection no mo'. We gonna have to explain it to him again. He don't capeesh too good, see? Well, he's got himself a chain of restaurants in town, so I kinda promised him we'd pay a visit on every one of these places by the end of the afternoon. Drive through the front of every single one. That don't give you a whole lotta time. You just get it done, you clear?..Russian_mafia_man: Yello!.Tanner: I called you..Russian_mafia_man: So listen, get yourself over to Bow Harbor and attract the attentions of the Black Interceptor. Make 'im mad, then bring 'im to us behind Slippy Jack's. I'll set the trap up now, then we gonna have ourselves some party!.Thug: Yeah?.Tanner: Di Angio..Thug: Yo, driver! Di Angio's already been makin' a whole lotta trouble for himself. We had to bump the schedule. It's goin' down right now..Tanner: I got plans..Thug: Cancel them. He's got a line on one of our jobs, need him taken out real soon, need his car wrecked real good. Wrap it up as fly as you can. You ain't gonna let me down now, are you?.Listen, a shipment of Kalashnikovs is comin' in tonight. I need you to meet it and get the hardware outta there before the cops get their noses in..Hello? Good. Meet me at my office. I just need to be sure you're not gonna be tailed. On the flip side of the card there's three places I want you to go through on your way over. Oh, I have men on the rooftops. They gonna check your progress, and if they see you bein' tailed, you ain't gonna find me around. One last thing, cowboy: this job ain't gonna wait forever..Bad_man: Yeah?.Tanner: It's in my line..Bad_man: That's good, that's good! Then we're all set..Listen, Cosy's just a few blocks away from your place. You gotta get him quick before the cops do. .Get 'im to the chopper. If you ain't there, the chopper's goin' without 'im!.Thing's have gotten real messy here at stuff by Chinatown! A driver blew us up!.We need a ride back to the crib and fast, man!.Stan: Mr. Tanner, I got your little friend Mojo here. Say hello to Mr. Tanner..Mojo: They bluffin', Tanner. They bluffin', man..Stan: : Heheheh... No, I ain't bluffin'. And more to the point, no, Chester ain't bluffin', and he's the one with the meaner gun. We want ten thousand greenbacks, or you ain't never gonna hear what Mojo made such a stink about findin' out for ya. Now we don't care what it is, we just want the ten thousand. We know you got that kinda money; matter of fact, we were thinkin' of usin' you ourselves, but first, we're gonna have ourselves a little game. Get yourself to the call box at the embarcadero and pick up your instructions. And one last thing: better hurry, cause it's gonna ring any second, and if Chester gets tired of waiting, that's bad news for Mojo here. Heh... Ha ha ha... Real bad news....Duval owes us money. He thinks he's givin' us the slip. We just heard he's got plans to leave town.. He's headin' for the airport. Stop him getting on the Frisco plane, and we'll handle the rest..Sh****t! You gotta help me! It's Maya! Castaldi's Maya? She's OD'ed on me, man! She's dyin'! .This'll be my *ss, man! You gotta get her to the hospital! It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, Castaldi'll fix it! It won't come back to him! Just get here quick!.It's us. We're on, and we're superbad! Let's go, come pick us up!.It's me! I'm in trouble! This is getting' outta shape! Me and our team are holed up downtown. The cops have us pinned down! We can't hold 'em off! They're packin' some serious heat! Get here quick man! Get us outta here!.Listen, we've got trouble. Granger's gang's on its way to us. You gotta make us some time to get our sh*t together. Stop them getting to us before we can clear out. There's gonna be a few of them..Cowboy, I got a job in your line. One of Granger's boys been picking up negs that we wanna take a look at. Now you get your *ss in your car, and you chase that dude... and bring us those negs lickety-split..I wanted you to show 'em somethin' special. But first, I want everyone to have as much confidence in you as me. If you can beat the time Rusty Slater set across town, no one's gonna doubt you. See it as a... rite of passage. ...Don't disappoint me..Ali: Tanner, it's me..Tanner: Where?.Ali: I'm in Hancock's office. I've been in his safe..Tanner: Bad move, Ali..Ali: There's a guard in the building, Tanner. They found my car. I need you to come and get me out quick. Real quick. .Heeey, it's Loser T. Ducree, your man downtown who knows the score when you absolutely, positively gotta get yourself some wheels you know is gonna be fly! Come get ya eyes on, man! See what I got!.Heeey! I got somethin' new for you! Get yo' *ss over here, baby!.Listen man, if you wanna do yourself a favor and pick up some wheels that's gonna be real cool down,.get your *ss down to Delight's, cause I'm the man!.Delight, man! Gotta new delivery, she waitin' on you. You wanna check her out, .or do I gotta ship her out again?.Uh, yeah, I'll have, uh, two extra-large chicken deluxe pizzas and, uh, put some extra cheese on there, wouldja fella? Okay!.Hi! Uh, yeah! Let's make it a bucket of dunkin' drumsticks, extra-large, hold on the onion rings,.and uh, uh, you know that B-B-Q sauce you guys do? Give us more of that! You just cover the whole thing.in that sh*t! And you know that salad crap you gave us the last time? Do me a favor, don't send any!.Tastes like sh*t! Uhhh... And three pork porkies with extra pork! Extra-large fries all around and don't screw up this time!.So like, I wanna order, like, an extra-large pizza, all-dressed, but like no onions cause onions make my breath all gross, at least that's what my ex-boyfriend told me when he broke up with me. Like whatever. It's not like his breath was minty fresh, either. Oh, and can I have, like, a bottle of diet soda with that? It HAS to be diet! Oh, and can you send that hot delivery guy over? You know, the tall blonde guy? He's soooooo dreamy and his smile is totally cute! All my friends totally dig him too, but I know he's only interested in me! You should really think about hiring more cute delivery guys like that! So yeah, extra-large all-dressed pizza, no onions, diet soda and a hot blonde delivery guy! Kay, thanks, bye!.Hello? Anyone there? I want to talk to a manager! I called for a deluxe bucket of crispy chicken thirty-three minutes ago, and I'm still waiting! Just how long does it take to make that chicken, anyhow? Are you raising the d*mn birds yourselves? I tell you, no one nowadays has any respect... No one even has the decency to deliver a lousy bucket of chicken to a poor, starving old man. I say, that chicken had better come here soon! I'm not payin' for it, either! I'm not payin' for a bucket of chicken that's probably gone cold by now! No one has any decency these days anymore! Why, when I was your age, we were punctual with our dinner, and we didn't eat cold, either! You kids these days... Shameful!.Those punks, Stan an' Chester, just a couple 'a low-lifes. You got lucky in takin' me for a meal ticket, man! Figured I knew somethin' you was gonna "uncrease" some bills for. You know what I sayin'? I guess I was their ace, an' they played me, man! Ah, the French cat and Castaldi met some suit up in the painted ladies. The suit goes by the name of Hancock. Ah... Don Hancock. That smooth operator runnin' for office on the east coast. That self-same cat who serves the backwater of sleaze, you know what I'm sayin', my man? You know somethin' else? ...There's some cat called Slater, he don't like you, man. He don't like you at all. If you brakes ain't workin' too good, he's the cat who knows why, you know what I'm sayin'? He ain't finished with you yet. So be cool, man! .See, here's what's goin' down..You're talkin' to Rufus.The kitten's Jessie..The wheels you drivin' around this town.are makin' a whole lotta noise, and you know what?.I know you..I know your face. .You know who this is, Jessie?.He's just some drivin' cat..No, no he ain't..He ain't just some drivin' cat, baby..This cat's got gasoline in his veins..Looks like you could use a drink, pussycat..I ain't thirsty....Looks like you could use a drink, pussycat..I was at the track when Slater got a little bumpy with ya..Man, you started some fire that day..I thought they'd never put that baby out..Okay, so listen..You an' me gonna do some business, see?.The cops're babysittin' a friend of mine,.and he ain't too happy with the arrangement..I'm gonna take him off their hands,.you catch my drift?.There's a French cat in an armored car..Man, he's one mean, cold-blooded killer..When he ain't in jail, you know some cat.somewhere's gonna take a visit to the morgue with a cap in his *ss..See, we gonna bust him out..You gonna drive him away,.all the way into a sweet eight thousand bucks..You dig?.My friend, you better understand about Rufus..You screw up, you better not show up..We got a deal, man?.Small... bills..Truth is, Tanner,.three years on the department.and you're still the best driver I got..We don't get too many ex-racing boys in here..Low-life rumble in Miami.is there's a hunt on a guy who can pump the gas..Big getaway, big job..Maybe even some kinda hit..Some hood by the name of Rufus is in the picture..We need a line on it..Coffee?.Black, right?.Guys upstairs were asking for you in person..Look,.we need you to go under.but no one's gonna know except me..If I bring anyone else in, I'll let you know..I need your badge..Any questions?.Baby, baaaby....Listen to me....Why don'tcha come into the office?.Come on, baby..Maybe I got a little somethin' for ya....I got somethin' for you..Now back off!.Whoa, Jessie... Stay loose, kitten..You know what this is, don't you?.Gimme the piece, baby..Back off, Rufus..Don't you go makin' this worse!.This ain't what I wanted!.Baby... Gimme the piece..You got what's yours, "baby"....Listen, lady..I gotta tell you, you got a real bad attitude..That ain't helpin' any-.I wanna see my lawyer..You don't get it, do ya?.We don't want you,.we just wanna know about the French guy..Or maybe you wanna tell us.why you blew away your boss..He wasn't my boss..Whatever. .Listen, if I don't do what I'm told,.I don't live too long..If I tell you what you wanna know,.I don't live too long, either..Life sucks, huh?.Ain't you just a wiseguy?.You gonna cut a deal,.or you gonna take communal showers for 20 years?.The French guy was pullin' the strings..Who's pullin' his?.I don't know. I don't know..Uh huh. Well, we can come back to that..Suppose you don't know where he is, either, huh?.I said, I suppose you don't know where-.I heard! I heard!.The guy's in Frisco..Listen, I dunno how they know, but they know..Maybe they lookin' for me..Soon as I take care of business,.I gonna haul my beautiful *ss outta here,.you know what I sayin'?.Hey, be cool, man! Okay?.Listen, just buzz me when you get a line on this thing,.okay man?.You know Rudy? .Man...! I... I dunno no Rudy!....Oh, that Rudy. Sure, I know Rudy..He's my main man!.Lay a little more of that green stuff on me,.man, an' I will sing you any song that you like..You know the Gold Rush Motel, Mojo?.D*mn, man! Hey, the threads! Watch the threads, man!.You know it..Yeah, yeah, I know..French guy in the city, on the run, Miami..Tell me who he talks to, where he goes.....For Rudy..We gonna get on fine, man!.Sh***t....Wow... Maybe ya need ta....lean on the guy a little more..I'll uh, leave it to your, uh,.professional judgment..Tanner, hey, c'mere..Slater, here's the guy I wanted you to meet..He's been doin' some drivin' for uh,.associates of mine. Uh?.So, uh, you two know each other?.This guy used to be a driver....until he had a little accident..Heh, well... A little competition might be, uh,.good for ya, Slater..He ain't no competition..This is the guy who got me out..I don't think you want to shoot him, my friend..Not with a .357 magnum in between your eyes..Hey, hey, put the piece away, Slater..That's what happens when you run off at the mouth..Now the score's even, so let's everyone just....take it easy.Hey, I may even use both of you when, uh,.Jean-Paul here earns his pay..But we'll get around to that. Slater....Tanner's doin' work for me now..The ten thousand dollars, Tanner....Hand 'im over, Chester!.One day, you and me gonna dance..Strike up the tune baby..Talk..Those punks, Stan an' Chester,.just a couple 'a low-lifes..You got lucky in takin' me.for a meal ticket, man!.Figured I knew somethin' you was gonna."uncrease" some bills for..You know what I sayin'?.I guess I was their ace, an' they played me, man!.Ah, the French cat and Castaldi met.some suit up in the painted ladies..The suit goes by the name of Hancock..Ah... Don Hancock..That smooth operator runnin' for office on the east coast..That self-same cat who serves the backwater of sleaze,.you know what I'm sayin', my man?.You know somethin' else?.There's some cat called Slater, he don't like you, man..He don't like you at all..If your brakes ain't workin' too good,.he's the cat who knows why, you know what I'm sayin'?.He ain't finished with you yet..So be cool, man!.Shift your *ss, Tanner..D'ya hear about Slater?.We think the cops got him..We saw what was left of his car..Looks like he chewed on too much speed..Wasn't even a job. It don't add up..Mr. Castaldi don't want you workin' for.no one else from now on..Only his contact. Understand?.Ya can't trust no one here..Town's packed full of gangstas, heh heh heh..Get your bags.We got ourselves some work in L.A.!.We gonna do our gangsta sh*t there!.Okay,.it's time we took care of the business.we came here to this town for..Since we don't have Slater,.we got ourselves a different driver..But, uh, Jean-Paul,.you handle the hit and I'll handle the backup..When do we go?.Tomorrow night, on the steps of the Chinese Theater..I want to know, .does this mean the hit in New York is lined up?.This means we take out Bill Maddox,.then we wait for the signal and....Yes, my friend..Then you can start shinin' up those silver slugs.with a famous name on 'em, okay?.Thank you, gentlemen..Oh, and one last thing, gentlemen..Don't let me down..It's Lech! McKenzie sent me!.Hancock met Castaldi in Frisco..They're cookin' up some serious sh*t together..Find out what you can..Sure! But McKenzie's gonna want more than that..All he's getting is bodies and expenses!.There's gonna be a hit on Bill Maddox..Bill Maddox? The FBI security guy?.I didn't think anyone knew he was in town..Castaldi knows, and he's gonna cut short his visit..When?.Tomorrow night on the steps of the Chinese Theater..We'd better pull him out..No. Don't change a thing, I want to keep my cover..They ain't gonna groove to this, Tanner!.Put a vest on 'im, wrap him up in bodyguards,.pull what strings you can,.but make sure he's seen at the Chinese Theater..Do what it takes. I'm staying under..Ah, they knew we were coming,.I'm sure of it!.They were just sittin' waitin' for us!.We were like tin ducks in a shootin' gallery!.Quiet..Godd*mn this sh*t, man! We got a rat!.I said, quiet..Yeah, ya d*mn straight we got a rat..You think it's the driver?.I don't remember askin' you a godd*mn thing..We got a rat for sure..You drove well tonight, Tanner..You, uh, you got somethin' you wanna say to me?.I drive well every night..I'll ask you one more time..If you got somethin' to say,.then you better say it..Slater..Slater's in a Frisco cell takin' heat..You better get real specific, real quick..It figures!.Slater knew all about this,.and so he sings a song to the police.and saves himself some circuits on the exercise yard!.No way! Slater? That don't lay right..You would never do that, right?.The question is simple:.do you trust Slater, or do you trust Tanner?.This changes nothin'..We finish up here,.then we move on to New York.and wait for the signal..Lech!.It's Tanner..Why all the officers the other night?.Not my idea..Maddox wouldn't play ball unless.they were there. Did your cover hold?.Is McKenzie talkin' to the FBI?.They were with him this morning..Marcus Vaughn, no less!.One of their top guys paid him a visit..He told him nothing!.Hell, that ain't hard for McKenzie..He don't exactly dig Vaughn..I'm piecin' this together, Lech..You wanna know who flew into town tonight?.Marcus Vaughn!.I know, cause I've just seen him talking with Castaldi..Godd*mn, what the hell you sayin', Tanner?.Just telling you what I saw..You tellin' me Castaldi's talking with Hancock and Vaughn?.What the hell's goin' down?!.That ain't the kind of information.I plan on keepin' to myself, Lech..Castaldi's gang's flyin' out to New York tomorrow..I'll see ya there..Hey, Skim..Hey..Fix me a quarter pound of them chestnuts..Sure..McKenzie wants you out, ya know?.They don't think your cover's gonna hold much longer..He's doin' what he can, but there's holes everywhere..McKenzie wants you out..Keep the change..I heard you were in town, Tanner..You still breaking and entering, Ali?.As a matter of fact, I was just about to leave..You're still keeping girls waiting far too long..Don't look to me like you're leaving..This time, I'm going to make a fresh start..New city, new job..How long you been workin' for Hancock?.Couple of years, I guess..I know, I know he's crooked..What are you mixed up in, Tanner?.What I know and what I can prove.ain't exactly seeing eye-to-eye right now..What are you going to do.when this all blows over, Tanner?.What's the matter, Ali?.Can't kick this lock-picking sh*t?.Hancock's safe was....What the hell were you thinking?.You said you couldn't lay enough on Hancock..I didn't want you mixed up in this..I got this....Never pull this sh*t on me again..You gonna let me read this?.Got a feeling, Lech..I got a feeling it's gonna happen real soon..They're gonna make the hit..Who'd you think it is?.I got a feeling it's big, Lech. It's all I know..I'm not getting a kick out of saying it, Tanner,.but I'm gonna play the same tune you've already heard..We're not sure if your cover's clean anymore..Man, you pieced all this sh*t together in the first place!.Hancock's bribed half the FBI,.and whatever deal he's cut with Castaldi means your *ss.ain't lookin' like it's gonna see winter this year..Should I spell it out for you? It's time to get out!.Tell McKenzie.I'm gonna need that safe house real soon..I got a hand, Lech, so I'm gonna play it..And I'm gonna play it good..Screwin' up over Maddox cost us time,.but now we pay that in full..So today you gonna see how it works..Jean-Paul takes up his position across the street,.Tanner's gonna pass for FBI,.and so he's gonna be our guy.on the inside drivin' the Cadillac..All he's gotta do is drive past Jean-Paul,.nice and easy, and bingo,.we got ourselves one helluva martyr.and one helluva news story..Now we're gonna have four backup cars.in case anythin' goes wrong:.one at each junction and around....Excuse me, Monsieur Castaldi, but uh, who is the hit?.Today, gentlemen,.we kill the President..Where you goin', Tanner?.I gotta, uh....Didn't you hear none of that in there?.We're goin' now, baby!.You better start givin' off police vibes.if you gonna get into that drivin' seat and do this thing..Need you to make an exchange..This case for a locker key..It's a sweet deal..Cash for a key, in and out, wham, bam, boom!.Meet them at the marina..Get the key or stay out of town..I heard you were in town..Got some work and no room for second-raters..The casino. You wanna come along?.My fee?.Ten percent..Twenty..Man, guy's gotta make a livin'! Fifteen!.Twenty. You know my price..Okay, but we do it my way..Here's the story: take this case and make the exchange..Go over the Golden Gate and into the mountains..I'll let them know the car you're driving..You'll get the picture..Just don't get all hot-headed. They won't try anything..Just make the exchange, and get outta there..It's all ready, man..Yeppy's punks know about this for sure..Now we're gonna just see how smooth you operate!.My man! We gotta work fast..Someone's tipped off the cops..We gotta get these outta here now..Get out of here! Use the RV park lockup!.Don't lose the crate! It ain't tied down..No, no, no. This ain't no Sunday school ride, Tanner..A phone's gonna be ringing the other side.of the Transamerica buildin'..Mojo's hopin' no one answers it before you do..You gettin' the hang of this now?.Now you gonna have to get yourself over the Golden Gate..One last thing: better hurry cause it's gonna ring any second,.and if Chester gets tired of waiting,.that's bad news for Mojo here..Heh... Ha ha ha... Real bad news..We were startin' to suppose you'd lost interest..Hope we ain't borin' you any..Sh*t, listen to me rappin' on..I already started the stopwatch and.I never told ya where to go..That ain't too fair..Still, if you think you can get yourself to the Coal Box.by the Palace of Fine Arts....D'you get it?.They try anything?.They wired ya, huh?.Good, we'll call..Get the case, Seth..Nothin' personal, buddy..Take care of 'im, and I'll see ya back at Dodge..Seth? ...Seth!.Well, thanks to you, I don't have a job anymore..Don Hancock just doesn't seem to need his staff.right now..Did I ever show you this?.It's something else I found in Hancock's safe:.a rather neat little stack of bills..I had a feeling he wouldn't get much chance to use them,.and I thought it would be a shame to waste them..Clever girl..I know..Next time I need you quickly,.I'll try to give you a head start..Either that, or I'll just drive myself out of trouble..I nearly had to leave this behind..I found a lot of things in Hancock's safe..This, for one. A little stack of bills..I had a feeling he wouldn't get much chance to use them,.and I thought it would be a shame to waste them..Clever girl..I know..You okay, sir?.I'm fine, son..We got him..Sir, you okay?.Uh huh..We got 'em, Tanner. Castaldi, Hancock and Vaughn..We got 'em all..Take your badge back now, Tanner..How much of the FBI did Vaughn drag down with him?.It's gonna take some time for us to shift right through.all this. Meantime, take your badge back..Take it!.Tanner!.Now you get yourself back here, Tanner!.Now you come back here and you pick up this badge!.Tanner!.You just bought yourself a whole lot of trouble, fella!.This is your last chance, Tanner!.Yo, man! Am I happy you picked up!.My *ss is on the line, here!.Word's gettin' out you're good! .One of our drivers lost his cool.and left the car sittin' out in Carl's gables..You better understand,.that baby's got more prints on her than Jane Mansfield!.Get yourself down there and get her to the yard.before the cops find her and think it's Thanksgivin'!.Duval owes us money..He thinks he's givin' us the slip..We just heard he's got plans to leave town..He's headin' for the airport..Stop him getting on the Frisco plane,.and we'll handle the rest..Mr. Tanner, I got your little friend Mojo here..Say hello to Mr. Tanner..They bluffin', Tanner. They bluffin', man..Hehehe. No, I ain't bluffin'..And more to the point, no, Chester ain't bluffin',.and he's the one with the meaner gun. .We want ten thousand greenbacks, or you ain't never gonna hear.what Mojo made such a stink about findin' out for ya..Now we don't care what it is, we just want the ten thousand..We know you got that kinda money;.matter of fact, we were thinkin' of usin' you ourselves,.but first, we're gonna have ourselves a little game..Get yourself to the call box at the embarcadero and pick up your instructions..And one last thing: better hurry, cause it's gonna ring any second,.and if Chester gets tired of waiting, that's bad news for Mojo here..Heh... Ha ha ha... Real bad news..I wanted you to show 'em somethin' special..But first, I want everyone to have as much confidence in you as me..If you can beat the time Rusty Slater set across town,.no one's gonna doubt you..See it as a.rite of passage..Don't disappoint me..Tanner, it's me..Where?.I'm in Hancock's office. I've been in his safe..Bad move, Ali..There's a guard in the building, Tanner..They found my car..I need you to come and get me out quick..Real quick. .Listen, Cosy's just a few blocks away from your place..You gotta get him quick before the cops do. .Get 'im to the chopper..If you ain't there, the chopper's goin' without 'im!.Thing's have gotten real messy here at stuff by Chinatown!.A driver blew us up!.We need a ride back to the crib and fast, man!.Listen, a shipment of Kalashnikovs is comin' in tonight..I need you to meet it and get the hardware outta there.before the cops get their noses in..Yo!.It's me..Sh*t, dude!.You were cuttin' it real fine!.Here's what's goin' down..I got some problems with this businessman..He thinks he don't need to pay protection no mo'..We gonna have to explain it to him again..He don't capeesh too good, see?.Well, he's got himself a chain of restaurants in town,.so I kinda promised him we'd pay a visit on every one.of these places by the end of the afternoon..Drive through the front of every single one..That don't give you a whole lotta time..You just get it done, you clear?.Yello!.I called you..So listen,.get yourself over to Bow Harbor .and attract the attentions of the Black Interceptor..Make 'im mad, then bring 'im to us behind Slippy Jack's..I'll set the trap up now,.then we gonna have ourselves some party!.Yeah?.Di Angio..Yo, driver!.Di Angio's already been makin' a whole lotta trouble for himself..We had to bump the schedule..It's goin' down right now..I got plans..Cancel them..He's got a line on one of our jobs,.need him taken out real soon,.need his car wrecked real good..Wrap it up as fly as you can..You ain't gonna let me down now, are you?.Hello? Good. .Meet me at my office..I just need to be sure you're not gonna be tailed..On the flip side of the card there's three places.I want you to go through on your way over..Oh, I have men on the rooftops..They gonna check your progress,.and if they see you bein' tailed,.you ain't gonna find me around..One last thing, cowboy:.this job ain't gonna wait forever..Yeah?.It's in my line..That's good, that's good! Then we're all set..Sh****t!.You gotta help me! It's Maya!.Castaldi's Maya?.She's OD'ed on me, man! She's dyin'! .This'll be my *ss, man!.You gotta get her to the hospital!.It's okay, it's okay, it's okay,.Castaldi'll fix it!.It won't come back to him!.Just get here quick!.It's us..We're on, and we're superbad!.Let's go, come pick us up!.It's me! I'm in trouble!.This is getting' outta shape!.Me and our team are holed up downtown..The cops have us pinned down! .We can't hold 'em off!.They're packin' some serious heat!.Get here quick man! Get us outta here!.Listen, we've got trouble..Granger's gang's on its way to us..You gotta make us some time to get our sh*t together..Stop them getting to us before we can clear out..There's gonna be a few of them..Cowboy, I got a job in your line..One of Granger's boys been picking up negs.that we wanna take a look at..Now you get your *ss in your car,.and you chase that dude....and bring us those negs lickety-split..Switch this key at Grand Central..There's a guy in a Stetson waiting for ya..Just be careful. I don't trust him.

You can sort out that wall, I really can't be arsed. It's all a transcript anyway, and I see errors in there.
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