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By bb_42001
PostalDude wrote:None of them. They all go on the Video Blocker plugin list. I despise Youtubers/Youtube celebrities/personalities whatever you want to call them. They're obnoxious, have fanbases of idiots, and make dross for ad revenue, nothing more.
While i agree most youtubers are like that, Jacks channel is different, I would call him the exception. He has never done a supported video, And while yes he makes money on it, He is really down to earth on the videos, I suggest give him a shot. As for the other one, i watch because i like the F1 games.



By car
Registration Days Posts
I found myself liking jacksepticeye more and more. But my favorite of all is Vanoss. Honorable mentions: FailRace, SlapTrain, YBR, Vsauce, TaxTheRich though he rarely uploads.
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