Free-for-all discussion!
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By madness
People just all of a sudden post weird things in topic, these things are totally unrelated. Things commonly used in this community like the following:

this in a what is the dpl-list thread.
Sedans wrote:hey yo when get a chance u and i still kneed 2 talk about that 3D game, do u have a pro-, jus PM ,e

this in a Better gaming console thread.
Sedans wrote:at taco bell, u can get soft tacos

So if your going to post anything random like this do it hear, and only here either in this thread of in this Free Chat area.

I'm starting to get a little strict with smaller posts so please make sure all your posts here our at least one line long. Just to keep the quality by post level up. If you do not wish to post more than 1 line please use the free chat "No Post Counted" Area.

Note: If you ever get the urge to post something unrelated in a post please post it in here. So to make this easily please book mark this thread by pressing "Ctrl+D" or by using the bookmark feature in your browser.
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By Sedans
NEW MYSPACE PIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check it out yea i did that myself
By nitrored
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By Sedans
yeai have even newer ones after all that time lol
By Miller
Sedans wrote:WTF so u jus kill everyone .......
Sedans wrote:who da flip is carlos
DPLkicksASS wrote:daTS wat i said
LOL! You guys are funny, man.

Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant—sorry, I mean ‘rather popular family restaurant and fast food chain.’ Yah, I learned the hard way, too, that it takes a bit of reading first before you can make an episode blend into the story well enough. Man, I was impressed with the way Daltarin-Elite didn’t miss a beat by converting whatever the h*** that first bit was into a dream and then continuing on with the story where it left off, and also the way he picked up on the relationship dynamics. I’m sure that just thrilled Cars358 to no end, as well, since he’s such a great fan of the dramatic aspects of the One Big Story thread, while the rest of us strictly like action scenes (I think I’m supposed to say when I’m kidding or something to avoid confusion— thanks, buddy— Anyway, that was a joke.)

But, yah, that one guy wrote so well. You guys are so young, but so bright and witty. Makes me feel stupid. But most stuff does, so I’m used to that. If you see me looking like I’m sulking, don’t think it; I merely suffer from bad posture. Thanks for adding to that story, Daltarin-Elite, and for capitalizing your sentences in posts that were part of the story, because I can’t stand mojos that don’t capitalize. (jk, and I know a mojo is not the same as a mofo…but Miller doesn’t.)

Anyway, Hey, you guys. I don’t know what was displayed on the screen when I kept clicking on the address I had saved for the Driver Madness website, but it said something like access denied, and can't connect to database, and a bunch of other crap I don’t get. Man, I thought I got banned or something, like the boss got fed up with something about my posts (understandable) and made it so I couldn’t even look at the website or something. (Yes, I’m that insecure and that ignorant about what can and can’t be done online, and besides, you do know that Madness is scanning all of our rigs without permission when we visit.)

So anyway, I thought about PMing the boss over at the Ubisoft forums to ask what the deal was, since I’ve been registered there for a long time. But I thought he might think I was following him around. I kept doing a Google Search on ‘Driver Madness’ and finally this address popped up and looked different to me, so I clicked on that and ka-ching. Here I am to further prove I have neither pride nor sense of humility, if that’s possible. (This here where I am being the USA, I guess anything is, then.)

Naturally, I had to head immediately to see how your story is coming along. For those who can’t tell or don’t know or whatever, KFC = money. It’s a slang term I heard in an Australian movie about ten years ago called Kiss or Kill. I suppose many of us were pretty young then, and perhaps not yet watching movies about people driving around committing crimes, but I thought over the last decade that term might have caught on. Perhaps not. I really wouldn’t know, since I’m antisocial, and even had to use the slang dictionaries online to contribute my episodes with Miller in them.

BTW, I know my vote doesn’t count except in polls, and that makes sense in a world that wouldn’t make sense if I were relevant, but some of my favorite posts in this message board were when some guy called Sedans would just go LOL or WTF, and that’s it. Somehow that’s so funny because he has a talent for knowing when just that much is the perfect thing to post. But that’s not a protest, just an opinion. So much for the merry days of our careless youth. Madness is going to make men of us if we’re not careful—thinking men at that, eh? So that might mean an aneurysm for me. I knew that, one way or another, I’d wind up with my brains blown out.

Oh, and sorry for writing nothing more than ‘Hello’ in that one thread when I first registered but in my defense, feeble as it usually is, it did say: Description: talk about urself or just say hello!

Here’s me just saying, ‘later’. Anyway, it’s good to see you all again. I’m glad the website is still going strong, boss. I’ll try to stop back in this weekend and see what you and babbs and the rest have on offer these days, and what everyone has been writing over the last couple of months.

Oh, yah. One more thing. Soft tacos are b***s***, man.
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By madness
First of all welcome back, if you haven't read it anywhere yet! we had a few problems with out previous host so we moved to a host which provides us with a lot more space and bandwidth as well as many other features.

I'd have to say your almost the last person I would ban all your posts are full of quality interesting content, a administrator could only dream of a person like you and this dream has become a reality. Your always make sure you follow the rules and I haven't even been able to enforce the new rules I made I haven't even issued any warnings I only deleted all those spam members and banned "driv3rdood" who gave us a bit of trouble a while ago.

I also haven't kept my self up to date on the "One Big Story" thread I seem to be spending a lot more time on creating the additional sub sites for driver madness.
By Miller
Sedans wrote: Driverboob
Hey, boss. How the h*** are you, man? Thanks for the reply, and for the nice words. I should like to reiterate previous wishes of good luck with your website.

I forget how far the DMC had managed to get since that night Miller took off in Atlantic City, New Jersey, but I doubt it’s Florida yet. They’re still at it, though, to be sure. Aren't they?—And at each other’s throats if there isn’t something better to aim at. Let’s hope ‘Da Boss’ can keep the DMC busy so they don’t wind up their own undoing.

I think I'm going to go read the recent episodes again. I like the way some of the new contributers write. Have a nice weekend, man.
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By Sedans
Ha. Now you got me reading it again!
By Miller
HAH! Hey, there he is. Hey, buddy! D***, I feel like I know some celebrities, man.
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By Sedans
Yea! looks like eveyone is getting back in touch!

So wats up miller?
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By Daltarin-Elite
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Whilst miller apears to be here i think that you should come and write some more in One Big Story.

And thanks for all the good things you said about me. It makes me feel all warm and fluffy inside.
By Miller
Daltarin-Elite wrote:Now No offence to carluver. but your story sucked
Sedans wrote:uhh.. ya well...

Sedans - Cool, funny, and slick, Cool with da girls and Hot with tha glock17, Well respected among the Bloods/ Rollin 20's*
Bwahaha! Hey, you forgot to mention being a roaming contemporary arteest. BTW, buddy, that was nice of you to update the facts and all that.

Hey man, here are some ideas regarding the One Big Story thread.

Maybe we need a parallel line, so to speak, for the One Big Story thread. You know, like another thread for commentary, so the story thread itself only has story in it and thereby remains more contiguous or whatever that word is.
Sedans wrote:dammit!! I jus realized we both put up story!
Oh, now that’s a real issue to be tackled, to be sure. Isn't it, then? I know how it feels. I remember (oh, no) trying pretty hard the last time I submitted some episodes, and I was concerned that someone else might be contributing a conflicting story line at the same time. So here’s…well, it’s just a suggestion.

Suppose that anyone who starts to compose a new episode leaves a post that says he’s busy writing an episode, and then he just edits that same post with his bit of story when he's got it done. That way, anyone else who comes along and sees that temporary notice will know to not post just now until the dude already working submits his episode. Then no two dudes will be writing an episode at the same time.

BTW, it’s funny when the characters sound like the members, but when the members here start sounding like the characters in the story, now that's really funny. Your story sucked. LMFAO, man. And after reading that, I'm glad Miller died, I think.

*[edieted my crappy spelling and stuff so you can read this message. No alteration to content, though.]*
Last edited by Miller on Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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By Daltarin-Elite
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And after reading that, I'm glad Miller died, I think.
After reading what exactly.
And good idea about leaving up the posting notice and the parallel commentary. It realy would help as so much of the thread so far are people writing that the must get round to writing something or bitching because in a momentary lapse of judgement i killed everyone.
In my defense it is a very confusing story to follow.
By nitrored
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takitos r better than boritos!
By Miller
Daltarin-Elite wrote:
And after reading that, I'm glad Miller died, I think.
After reading what exactly.
After reading Your story sucked (still lmao). I’ve just got a weak spine, man, so that was a joke. I find that creative writing stuff to be very difficult, and since I thought I wouldn’t have to write anymore of it if I killed off Miller, I was glad I wouldn’t have to face any more critics.

My big fear since then has been that I'd log in some evening to find that Miller was discovered in a trash dumpster with only a broken neck, paralyzed from the waist down, and the only thing that worked on him was his mouth. Oh, that's funny. Talk about torture, I mean for everyone else. Miller can't do anything but run his mouth. I think NATO would finally be within his rights to go ahead and act on impulse at that point. Thank goodness the DMC already split for LA.
Daltarin-Elite wrote: ...In my defense it is a very confusing story to follow.

Boy, you got that right. No need to defend on that account, I should think.
DPLkicksASS wrote:takitos r better than boritos!
OMG, it’s h*** on wheels. Hey, my brother. LOL! I think you need to create a poll regarding Mexican food. WTF is a takito, that little rolled up, hard-shell deal?
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By Daltarin-Elite
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Well don't worry the whole YOUR STORY SUCKED thing wasn't directed at your stories which i thought where great. Because they actually made sense and like you i like to use correct spelling and grammer as much as possible.

But it was Carluverwhaternumberisafterhisname's story that i thought sucked. I actually found the whole story hilarious and have copied it all onto my computer so i can read it whenever i want.
By nitrored
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:lol: lol :lol:
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By Sedans
Daltarin-Elite wrote:
And thanks for all the good things you said about me. It makes me feel all warm and fluffy inside.
Were you talking to me?

if so, was that sarcasim or were you actually thanking me?

sometimeas its hard to tell- especially with you (no offense)
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By madness
he was talking to me, if you read my full post above you'll understand why =D
By Miller
I'm a little confused. I hope no one thinks that I wrote that I feel fluffy.
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By Daltarin-Elite
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he was talking to me, if you read my full post above you'll understand why =D
Actually i am pretty sure it was millers post. You know. The novel on the front page. And wow Miller you really are paranoid sometimes. you just need to calm down a bit. people aren't as judgemental as you might think. unless you are my drama teacher but that's a whole new story.
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By madness
"sorry to burst your bubble"
for some reason I've been saying that in a few posts recently. If you wondering where I got it from well you can take a look at the owner of the post above "Daltarin-Elite" who has burst my bubble a couple of times before. Well two times in one day exactly.
By Miller
I’m still a little confused about who is talking to whom, here. I guess it doesn't matter anymore. Sorry to have interjected if anyone is bothered by anything I’ve posted.

How does it work, then? I mean, if there’s no quote before a comment someone makes in a new post, or no address by name, like where Babbs started a comment by typing “Miller, …” does one just assume that the post he is reading is directed toward the author of the post immediately before it?

On a couple of unrelated topics:

I don’t know if I should be cluttering up the Rules thread, even though the admin has invited ppl to use that forum to ask questions about the rules at the Driver Madness website. Anyway, about this question I was asking:

1) Could you try to explain these instructions again? “However you are allowed to change more than 1 letter which doesn’t make it look like the word, the only way someone should be able to work it out is if they already know what the word is and what it means.” Can you give an example or something?

Is an example of that like when Sedans writes something like “holy shizzle?” BTW, Sedans, you’re a lot better at improvising that way than I am, to be sure.

Also I’d like to say this about a post left in the word game Sedans runs:
DPLkicksASS wrote:car :specialdriver:
Hah! That’s cool, man. I like that. LOL

Boss, regarding your suggestion that I take a look at Daltarin-Elite: Okay, then. I’m about to do some reading here at your website this evening. I’ll take a little tour through Daltarin-Elite’s contributions while I’m at it. And I’ll probably wish that I had waited until I had already done that and have a better frame of reference before commenting that I only wish I were as sure about anything as Daltarin-Elite is about everything. LOL!

Oh, yah. Daltarin-Elite, no way, my precocious prodigy. I’m not paranoid sometimes. I’m paranoid all the time. I sincerely hope you never have to know what that is like. It’s kind of a drag, to be sure. Drama class. Heh, I used to sign up for that every year during high school. And I did my best to suck at it, the reasons for which might have seemed simple for me to explain until I got to page two of trying to do so. So I’ll just save that particular bit for another day, then.

Anyway, thank you for the suggestion that I calm down, Daltarin-Elite, and for your feedback on the ideas regarding the temporary posting notice and the commentary thread that might accompany the One Big Story thread. Coincidentally, since proposing that, I visited a message board where they have a poetry thread, and the administrators ask that comments on poetry submitted be posted in a sort of co-topic thread thing, so the poetry thread itself only contains poetry to read. From the looks of things there, it seems to work well enough for them. It keeps the thread that’s strictly for reading very tidy, while denying no one his or her opinion.
By nitrored
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madness,are u moving posts here?
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By Sedans
Why do you say that?
By nitrored
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its just thattheres a lot of posts here that dont make sense :?
By Miller
You are experiencing free chat. BTW, there are lots of posts throughout this website that don't make sense. LOL!

Anyway, and not an example of such as was just referred to...
From the thread Delta-38 started about Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven.
madness wrote:I'm just taking a look at the site now and multi-player looks so great! Unfortunately I'm not connected to the internet that often so I won't be able to play online but if it has LAN functionality that would be great! Then I could take it to LAN parties and play it with others…
You go to LAN parties, boss? That sounds like fun. Is it like at some kind of LAN party place that has banks of PCs already prepared for dudes to come pay to use, or some deal you have going on with ppl who bring their own rigs, or what, then?

Oh, I forgot; public schools these days have rooms with multiple PCs, don’t they? Do any of you guys go to LAN parties at your schools or anything like that? That would rule. I’d like to inquire about what sort of facilities they have at local schools here. Maybe I could organize some LAN activity there. Yuk, the sound of that is making me cringe for some reason. Oh, I know why. It's not even the logistics that make me feel a sense of apprehension. It's the B-holes. (hah, b-holes...I haven't said that in a long time.)

I’ve never been in that setting, btw. I only have two computers here, on which we use to do a lot of COOP mode and playing together in various MP servers online.

It doesn’t look like anyone is coming over anymore, though. I don’t know—call me a stick in the mud, but for me there’s just something tiresome about ppl who interpret “Come on over and jam some vid,” to mean, Come get too drunk to play worth a crap, burn holes in the carpet everywhere you haven’t taken the precaution to soak it with beer, and try to start a fight with ppl who are supposed to be your friends.

It’s all because the Auto Director’s arbitrary camera views suck. Everything was fine till then. The masses will react to dissatisfaction, you know. LOL, JK. Actually, those guys have been trying to turn my place into the same kind of dumps they have turned their own places into for years. I guess I got fed up with all that, including the part where ppl act like trying to prevent that from occurring makes me the bad guy.

That’s just it, too; their places aren’t theirs. We all rent. It’s not their property they keep ruining as they move from one apartment complex to another, trashing each unit they occupy, and then leaving the mess and the property damage. We’re talking about ppl who are adults, too, man.

You know what? I think this is why I’m feeling so conscientious about how I behave here at You spend a lot of time and money setting up something cool. Then ppl cruise over and act like a bunch of idiots, going way past the point where it’s possible to laugh about what they think is funny. I don’t feel like coming here and acting like a hypocrite, especially when I know how it feels to deal with that sort of thing year after year.
Last edited by Miller on Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Sedans
damn Miller you must type REAL fast huh??
By Miller
Sedans wrote:damn Miller you must type REAL fast huh??
Hey, buddy! How you doing, then?

Regarding your query; Ha, I wish. No, man, I discovered it was easier for me to type my big ol' long, boring posts in a text editor that I am used to looking at, and then paste them into the box that you're supposed to type your post into before submitting it, and then just touch it up with the tools Madness has provided. Nearly all that stuff in my previous post was already typed before I added the bit at the top about experiencing free chat. I do type with all ten fingers, rather than using the two chickens fighting over a corn kernel method, but it isn't that fast at all, especially by the time I preview it ten times to help remove the spelling and grammar errors.

Thanks for those pics you put up showing more images of your trains, man. Excellent, to be sure.

*[Edit]* Wow, that's funny, man. I finally just got that thing you have in your signature about the stars and your ceiling. LOL! Talk about slow. Jeez, I guess I just need to calm down. Oh, no. Now I'm doing it, too. Oh, well. We reap what we sew, I guess.

BTW, yes, ten fingers is what I have. Some ppl are all thumbs. I have ten fingers.
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By Sedans
Miller wrote:
Sedans wrote:damn Miller you must type REAL fast huh??
Hey, buddy! How you doing, then?

Regarding your query; Ha, I wish. No, man, I discovered it was easier for me to type my big ol' long, boring posts in a text editor that I am used to looking at, and then paste them into the box that you're supposed to type your post into before submitting it, and then just touch it up with the tools Madness has provided. Nearly all that stuff in my previous post was already typed before I added the bit at the top about experiencing free chat. I do type with all ten fingers, rather than using the two chickens fighting over a corn kernel method, but it isn't that fast at all, especially by the time I preview it ten times to help remove the spelling and grammar errors.

Thanks for those pics you put up showing more images of your trains, man. Excellent, to be sure.

*[Edit]* Wow, that's funny, man. I finally just got that thing you have in your signature about the stars and your ceiling. LOL! Talk about slow. Jeez, I guess I just need to calm down. Oh, no. Now I'm doing it, too. Oh, well. We reap what we sew, I guess.

BTW, yes, ten fingers is what I have. Some ppl are all thumbs. I have ten fingers.
Lol. I do have more train pics coming as i am expecting a new package soon. Its good to see someone appreciates my pics and for that i shall keep posting.

As for my sig, lmao...
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