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Your hobby photos

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:11 am
by Sedans
obviously im interested in model railroading, so ill put up photos about that, all hobbies are accepted, currently im using a mac so i cant put up any photos right now but ill get some when my pc wokrs so go ahead and post ours ... .php?t=219

yea this is a different topic but some of my pics are in here

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:27 am
by Sedans
ok heres some

thats it 4 now

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:27 pm
by Lseven7

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:59 pm
by Alberto
Making music (i play the piano), i love also playing Soccer and Halo. Ill get some pics in the future if i can find them :D

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:38 am
by zoton2
Me and my dad are interested in Model Railways (the same thing as you?) and we are building a layout in our attic right now. I'll have to get some pictures when I have the chance!

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:09 am
by Sedans
zoton2 wrote:Me and my dad are interested in Model Railways (the same thing as you?) and we are building a layout in our attic right now. I'll have to get some pictures when I have the chance!
yes, this is my hobby other than graffiti-lol but uhhh put up yo pics wen u getta chance man i would like to see it. i'm mainly trying to get rail road cars of the internet before i get track or buildings or scenery and all dat,this way i can get my train ready and then set up da rest :D. I buy my train cars individually, not in sets, really if ya wanna look for some anything you need for ur model, look here:

this is where i get my train cars. :D

anyway, are you doing steam (old time) or diesel? (Current age)

obviously im doin diesel,
i have been saving up money so i can buy some "hoppers" (Coal/ballast, sometimes even chemical loads) because i only have afew

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:26 am
by zoton2
Well that site doesn't really help as I live in the UK (no offense meant!)

And... I have no idea if we are doing old time or current age. I think my dad wants to set it as a old time type thing though.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:28 am
by Sedans bad

I dont really like old time, jus tha shape, they mostly passanger cars and i like freight

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:18 pm
by Sedans
heres s'more...

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:58 pm
by Sedans
heres s'more...

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:02 am
by Miller
Thanks for putting up these images of your train collection, man. What scale are these, O?

When I was a kid, living in Phoenix, AZ my old man helped me build a 10’x6’ table that we bolted into the wall of a pretty big room at home. We used a jigsaw to make long cuts in the board to create smoothly graded, sturdy inclines, and I bought some crap called ‘Mountains in Minutes’ down at Hobby Lobby to surface terrain with.

That came with some latex stuff you could paint over real rocks and then fill with this goop you mixed up and poured into the rubber molds. The goop became foam that filled even the tiniest of contours in the molds, which peeled away for further use.

That was kind of a new thing back then and not easy to use because you had to mix the goop in an open container and pour it…quickly. The detail it created was killer, though, especially like areas of eroded strata outcroppings or places where it was supposed to look like the land had been excavated (or whatever it’s called) for the rail line. We did a lot of traveling and camping, as well as dirt bike riding in the desert outside Phoenix, so I had no trouble finding rocks that offered a wide variety of convincing miniature surfaces to make rubber molds from. The standard then seemed to be plaster, so the lightweight alternative of foam was also better, as well as the intricate cracks you could achieve. The instructions for that junk said to fill your molds, and then build with your 'rocks', but I thought it looked more natural, less redundant, to hold the rubber molds against the structural skeleton and pour in the foam junk.

It must be a lot easier to get that sort of result these days, since there are so many products out there that just spray foam out of a can with a tube attached. To be sure, I don’t know what they make for buildings layouts these days. I don’t do anything but look at model railroads online.

That was an HO railroad layout that I financed with my paper route money (what I didn’t spend on Star Wars BS). It had a control station from which all the switches and stuff could be operated. It could run two trains. Pretty big deal for a little kid, I guess.

I also guess that at the time I expected to live in that house forever or something. But before I even finished that layout—not that you ever really do, but before I got far enough along with the thing to be able to continue without a decent hobby store at hand—our family moved to some town in Joklahoma where there wasn’t much besides a Sonic drive-in restaurant, a Pizza Hut, a gas station, and a small grocery store. What a change. Suddenly something as simple as watching some drunk broad barfing all over everyone else on the Zipper ride when the carnival came to town seemed like excitement. No Internet back then, not a commercial thing like now, anyway, where you can shop for whatever you want. It was a long, long way to the nearest train stuff store, and I didn’t really have any way to know where one would be in the first place, so I didn’t rebuild the layout and stopped playing with trains.

I was already in my thirties before I even knew anything about computers or used one at the library—kind of funny, since my old man’s career was teaching computer stuff for the U.S. Postal Service. But once I found out about the Internet and bought a PC, all I saw online tempted me to get back into model railroading. Places like that YouTube where you can check out people’s model RR vids are trying to give me the bug again. I rented this four-bedroom house last year (no wife or kids here, just me), so now I have to think up reasons not build a train layout in one of the larger rooms.

I’ve been trying train game demos on the PC to see of that’s any fun, and I tell myself that that’s a lot better than building a layout (less expensive and doesn’t take up space). I must be kidding myself about that being better, though. I suppose there’s no comparison, really. Two totally different things. Build a layout and rig it with cameras. That’s got to be the thing to do, I guess.

Thanks again for posting pictures of your collection, man. What scale are those, then?

6MBps cable connection

DX 9.0c

Dell Dimension 4600 desktop
Windows XP Home Edition
P4 at 2.6GHz with HTT & 800MHz FSB
1.25GB DDR SDRAM at 400MHz
128MB DDR ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

Dell Dimension 4100 desktop
P3 at 800MHz
64MB DDR GeForce 2

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:56 am
by Sedans
man thats cool.....this is HO scale. I really havent been focussing on backrounds yet. This set-up is temporary until i can save up enough monet to buy more things. :D


Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:27 pm
by Miller
Thanks for the reply, Sedans. You had me fooled with that graffito on one of the cars. I wouldn’t have thought you could make it look that realistic so small. I guess those would be some huge pushpins if that stuff were 1:48 scale.

My PC Specs

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:41 am
by Sedans
no is my specialty so it really isnt that hard 2 do on tha cars it just takes determination. in about 2 weeks i have another order comin in i'll be able 2 post new pics wen it comes in, and showl yall wats new......

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:45 am
by Sedans
Wow, ireally kneed 2 update. Unfortunatley my compuers internet aint workin and idk how to put em on mi moms mac

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:28 pm
by Sedans
Ok so ALOT has changed in my layout...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:49 pm
by nitrored
dang! how moch did all dat cost?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:14 am
by Sedans
DPLkicksASS wrote:dang! how moch did all dat cost?
well lets see---
(all numbers are in USD)
track - $145
Traincars (the big one) - $2,952.77
Locomotives - $234.65
intermodal stuff (something i have no pics of, but they are cars that carry containers) [like my old ones]cars/cont.- $134.05
cars/roadway - $53.88
spare pats (couplers/trucks) $5.00
people - $1.00

I got paid by doing a local job, i work every saturday, however these funds are estimates givin by receipts that im looking at right now, i dont have time to add up all of it to have a perfect answer, but this layout is temporary, you'l notice its on a pool table, im setting up a permanent one in my attic, so i can play pool :D

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:48 pm
by madness
It all seems pretty expensive especially the train cars.

Anyways, I kind of had an interest in train sets, it's just putting them to together takes some time and money, currently I just prefer to spend all my spare time on this website and on playing the driver games as well as trying my best to mod them.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:31 am
by Sedans
Yea, well you really have to be into it to make the decision to start and put effort into it.If you dont feel like going custom like I am there are little starter sets starting as low as $30 for a cheap Loco and like 4 cars and track-- its a nice little way to start off.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:04 pm
by Sedans
I have a video, I made it and posted it on youtube,

heres a video of the layout i have in my room:

I jus made it today =D

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:06 pm
by Miller
H*** yah, man! This is killer. I was hoping that if I found you guys again, you’d have some new pics up. Didn’t expect all this, though. Killer, to be sure. Thanks for posting a video, too, man. Is that what it sounds like, those little HO cars going by? That clicking noise sounds like I’m at a RR crossing doing my favorite spectator sport.

That graffiti really makes stuff look realistic, then. BLOOD$ LOL Did you even think to fill that little pick-up truck bed with sand, or did it come loaded with a little molded pile of sand in it?

Man, one time I was—

Oh, no. Not another story from your youth.

I’m afraid so, buddy. So, like I was about to say, one time (at night, too, so extra scary, to be sure) I walked up to the tracks as a freight train approached near my older brother’s apartment where we were all partying and all that business—funny place, but that’s another story, and just as boring as the rest. So I lay down on the rocks that the tracks crossties set on with my head near the rails and just looked up as that thing rushed by. Every muscle was clenched, man. I swear, I just knew some piece of rebar or the bottom of a ladder or something was going to come along and use my noggin as a golf ball.

Hey, what was the product in that box with the UZI picture that says ‘HOT UP version’ or something (can’t see entire words)?

Nice job, man. I could have sworn you said you just collected cars, but I guess you got it goin’ on, then. Thanks for posting to your topic. I’d post some photos, too but my only hobby is photographing myself, and you know how I feel about protecting my identity.

LOL, my hobby is photographing myself. That’s sick. And just a joke, btw. Man, it’s good to see you guys again. Just being at your forums makes me start laughing about stuff. That’s cool.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:28 pm
by Sedans
Yea lol...

The UZI thing is a box for an airsoft gun i have, and its says "hop up"
Basically its an automatic BB gun with plastic pellets, Us kids now shoot each other with em, they dont really hiurt except in da winter lol

Yea, I did start off just collecting cars, but as i kept collecting i got more interested and decided to build a layout.

Unfortuantley even though it was only built 2 months ago it had already been abandoned, Im now making a permanant layout in my garage; which will be like 50x better than this one. :D
Im also happy to see that yuo are interested in My layout, In the future I will put up new pics for ya.

O ya and lol, It was my idea for the sand in truck :D