Free-for-all discussion!
By cleone
Thank yall very much for all the flame that has made me reach 2000 posts in 7 months, which is probably a world record on the internet.

Thanks for starting the flame and banning me all the time. Thanks for hating me!

For spamming and bugging the living piss outta me by encouraging PostalDude to continue.

For being my biggest enemy.

Sorry about getting you banned. you did NOT deserve it. UNBAN HIM!!!!

for being the only positive one here.

for making DM better and giving me 100 posts in the topic about the new banners

For not saying a single thing that wasn't flame.

Flaming ba*tard.

Influencing me to make this topic.

For showing me how much driver sucks [sarcasm]

Uncle Mike
For buying me a RUINED copy of Driv3r

My Bro T
For getting me interested in Driver... until he started think that it was gay.

Finding the info about the secret cars in Driver 2.
Last edited by cleone on Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By T.K.
Coyote deserved a ban, and you know it.
Now go enjoy those 2000 over there ---->
By cleone
T.K. wrote:Coyote deserved a ban, and you know it.
Now go enjoy those 2000 over there ---->
--------------------------------------------------------------He did not deserve it. GALEN, UNBAN HIM!!
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By T.K.
No one will unban him. Get over it
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By Nikusakken
chrisl121212 wrote:Thanks for starting the flame and banning me all the time. YOU ARE A TERRIBLE MODERATOR, PAL!
You're f***ing welcome.
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By T.K.
chrisl121212 wrote:Thank yall very much for all the flame that has made me reach 2000 posts in 7 months, which is probably a world record on the internet.

Thanks for starting the flame and banning me all the time. YOU ARE AN AWESOME MODERATOR, PAL!

For being awesome.
By cleone
T.K. wrote:
chrisl121212 wrote:Thank yall very much for all the flame that has made me reach 2000 posts in 7 months, which is probably a world record on the internet.

Thanks for starting the flame and banning me all the time. YOU ARE A FU*KING TERRIBLE MODERATOR, PAL!

For being bi.

EDIT: TK, the "bi" was a joke
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By T.K.
psst....should've posted that the first time. Link removed
By cleone
PostalDude wrote:
For being a sh*tty member that has a crush on TK.
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By T.K.
THAT's the last straw, now. As soon as Damien gets back, you can kiss your link goodbye
By cleone
T.K. wrote:THAT's the last straw, now. As soon as Damien gets back, you can kiss your link goodbye
you remove it, i remove yours. anyways, no one pays attention to it. AND WHAt I HAVE BEEN POSTING WERE JOKES
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By T.K.
Fair enough. I'll get more attention from DM anyway, as they are my newest affiliate.
And too bad, Chris.
By cleone
T.K. wrote:Fair enough. I'll get more attention from DM anyway, as they are my newest affiliate.
And too bad, Chris.
does it make a difference? all of us are already members there!
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By T.K.
yes, but even without your sh*tty little link, I'll get more users and such. And besides, I have an account at GameFAQs still.
By cleone
T.K. wrote:yes, but even without your sh*tty little link, I'll get more users and such. And besides, I have an account at GameFAQs still.
what does that have to do with anything?
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By T.K.
Because now I can post links there.
Besides, your message boards suck, your games suck, your site sucks, and you suck.
Suck donkey dick, that is.
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By PostalDude
chrisl121212 wrote:
T.K. wrote:yes, but even without your sh*tty little link, I'll get more users and such. And besides, I have an account at GameFAQs still.
what does that have to do with anything?
By cleone
cleoneisaretard wrote:YEAH, SCREW CHRIS!
How the fu*k do you even know me?!!!!!!! :?
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By T.K.
Both of you are officially Simmonses
By cleone
T.K. wrote:Both of you are officially Simmonses
No I'm not. Call him whatever you fu*king want, but call me CLEONE
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By T.K.

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