The highly successful video game series originally made possible by Crytek and Ubisoft.
No website is perfect. Bugs will always exist no matter where you look. But how do we find these bugs? With the help of others, of course! If you find any website bugs, please do not be afraid to post them here! Please be specific when reporting a bug (is it a website design bug? forum bug? MySQL bug?) and try to be as detailed as possible!

  1. Use prefixes for your topics. Here's a quick list to give you an example of proper prefixes:

    [HTML/CSS] - The colors on a page is improper, and/or the formatting of a page is messed up, etc.
    (Example: [HTML/CSS] Improper colors on PM page)

    [FORUM] - Improperly categorized forums, a BB code is not working, serious errors occurred when doing X - resulted in Y, etc.
    (Example: [FORUM] YouTube BB code not working!)

    [MYSQL] - Trying to access a forum/topic/page threw back a database error, trying to login threw back an error, etc.
    (Example: [MYSQL] Cannot access Forum X)

    [MISC] - Any bug that cannot be categorized properly, or you can't decide which category it falls under.
    (Example: [MISC] Weird problem I found, not sure what to do)
  2. Be as detailed as possible when reporting the bug. Try to explain what you did when the bug occurred, and make sure it is possible to recreate. If it's a serious bug, such as a MySQL bug, take a screenshot of it so we can further investigate it.
  3. Do not post useless/senseless bug reports. If a staff member made a mistake on one of their posts, that is not a bug report and should not be reported.
  4. Driver bugs do not belong here. This is for the Driver Madness website only.
  5. Do not use inappropriate language or be disrespectful towards anyone when reporting a bug.

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…] See for yourself! […] Lucas in Nice takes […]

Crazy Copper Frenzy