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New Website Feedback - Driver Madness

Leave your feedback for Driver Madness here, whether it be a website suggestion or just feedback in general.
By Miller
As you notice things that look wrong or do not function properly, please post a note about it in this topic. Thank you.
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By T.K.
I noticed some dead symbols that need not be there in the top left corner.
By Miller
T.K. wrote:I noticed some dead symbols that need not be there in the top left corner.
That is just mind control stuff. Feel like switching to Colgate yet, man? LOL

Really? I do not see any of that stuff in my browser. Which pages, T.K., all of them? What browser are you using, please?

Thank you, man.

It seems like I read something about how a person can go to some place online and see what a web page looks like in various browsers without having them all installed his rig. Does anyone know more about how to do that, then? I guess I may need to install a few different web browsers or something to check this stuff out.
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By T.K.
It's only noticeable when the background hasn't loaded or when you highlight it. Just strange really. Only a few, though. I only noticed it on the homepage right now.

In other news, I just got back from buying some Colgate.
By Miller
This is a reminder asking DMC members to report problems with the new web pages in this topic. I have not been on the forum much at all while working on the new pages, but I get an email notification if someone posts to the Driver Madness section of the forum or sends me a private message. Sorry I missed a couple of those, but I have been getting a huge lot of junk e-mail as well, so sometimes I miss the real stuff, of which there is seldom any.

In addition to functionality issues, please let me know if you see misspellings in the displayed text.

The pages I make are tested in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome. If you make a report here, please tell which web browser you are using and maybe something about your screen resolution or Internet connection speed if those things seem relevant to the report.

If you know of a good, lightweight solution for creating slideshows, please post a hyperlink to information about it here or send me a private message. The one I am trying to make work now consists of (these may be the wrong terms) an .xml file, some HTML code, a flash file (object, whatever), and an "images" folder containing two other folders, one with thumbnails and one with the high-resolution duplicates. Something simple like that is what I am looking for, not something complex.

The dynamic menus (both the vertical fly-out and the horizontal drop-down) were ones I really liked where the boxes that appear and disappear faded in and out as well as sort of scrolling open and then closed. They looked really good, but were very sluggish in zoomed-in browser windows. I could not find something else I liked yet, so I adjusted these to open and close faster, but something where the expanding part simply appears and then disappears instantly would be better, I guess. If you know of a good one, please post a hyperlink to it here. These pages are HTML (more or less - lol). Something for that kind of web page would be good. It could be controlled by a javascript and CSS combination or CSS only, I guess.

Thanks, man.

P.S. No need to inform me if this or that is not coded properly. Everyone already knows that and no one really cares unless you are also going to offer to fix it. Just let me know if something is not displaying the way you think it should, which is a slightly different and more pertinent matter. And ideas for a cooler website would be best posted in the "Website Ideas" topic in this same section of the forum. If you have a website idea that you feel merits its own individual topic for discussion, please feel free to create a topic about it, also in in the Driver Madness section where it will be most likely to get proper attention.
By Miller
TheOldGamer wrote:I think if re-written to .php will look way better :wink:
Go ahead and make it. :wink:

I realize php is the current standard. But if I knew how to make a php web page I would have tried to give my web pages the same appearance they have because that is how I wanted it to look. So, how would it look "way better" if it looked pretty much the same? What do you think people do, come here and look at what type of web pages we have and say to themselves, "Ew, look, it's HTML. How much does that suck?" Because if they do, then I guess that is what they say when they go to your website, which apears to have HTML pages as well.

I am sure a more professional looking website is the sort of thing we members of the DMC will have the pleasure of seeing in the future, as well as other cool developments. As long as we remember to present a pleasant environment and be civil to those who visit, our chances of attracting talented modders and web designers will only increase.

There are new horizontal menus in place now (not on the Spill Box page, because I like the way that looks, and it works well enough even on slow computers in zoomed windows, as the page is not graphics intense). Please reply to say if the new horizontal menu does not function for you. I sent the boss a version to put in his forum that already has the correct menu items and positioning stuff done. Maybe he can get that in place soon. It seems like it should work fine even though it is being dropped down in front of animated graphics (that Google thing).

Thank you for the replies, including the private messages some sent offering feedback.
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By Coyote
what the hell has happened to this site, since madness was gone it turned into something completely cheap :S
it was better before

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By Fireboyd78
Coyote wrote:what the hell has happened to this site, since madness was gone it turned into something completely cheap :S
it was better before

You call the site something completely cheap? You seem to have nothing better to do but bag on Driver Madness and call out other people. You didn't even write much in your post as to WHY it's "completely cheap" because nobody else but you seems to think this.
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By Coyote
Come down... no wonder you're still virgin when you act that way :lol:

I didn't say why it was "completely cheap" because I was assuming common sense would already answer to this question.. it's pretty obvious, the site is now the work of a beginner

one less driver commmunity..sad to see, unfortunately the wrong people caring about the right game :wink:
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By bb_42001
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By Coyote
yes - but he made it better

I guess he gave it up because he had no more time and just wasn't interested anymore, otherwise he wouldn't have done that and I don't see any other reason why he would

so its not the "same stuff" at all- and if you cant accept criticism you have a big problem my friend ;) after all this is the website feedback forum...

I don't think anyone would care if he was "permanently banned" here or not, it's clear why driver dimension is a big, successful community, and this not. douchbag :roll:
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By max.thunder
There are more communities than Driver Dimension. Planet-Driver.de and UltimateDriver.net maybe aren't as successful as Driver Dimension but i like them

The disvantages of Driver Dimension.

-It's in french
-Sometimes lack of update of the news (in my opinion Driver Madness and UltimateDriver are the most updated in terms of news)
-The modding community isn't that big, Driver Madness is on the 1st place.

In my opinion the only advantage is the site design.

You mention that Driver Madness isn't a succesful community. How about your Driver-4.net?
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By Coyote
Well, I speak french so for me it's not a problem. Most news and updates are on the forum. It does have a modding community, but of course without speaking the language, it will be hard to understand...

Driver-4.com was a very successful site, being the #1 site that appeared on Google for search results like "Driver 5", "Driver 4", "Driver Working Title" or "Next Driver Game". Also, Driver-4.com was not a forum but a reference site, and by the number of visits which only I can see, I can tell you it was more than just successful...

I'm just saying this is not what it used to be anymore and it's not the same members either, which in my opinion is a sad thing because this site lost it's "vibe" and it's very good image... but it's not my problem anyway... I just hoped madness would read this so he knows he did good job :specialdriver:
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By max.thunder
So why did you shut down your site if it was successful?

I don't know if it lost it's vibe because i came here after Madness departure.
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By Coyote
Well, first because I wasn't interested anymore in video games (actually already when I made it I wasn't, but I was still interested in the myth of Driver). I think there is a time when we all grow up - I have no time at the moment, I study and I work, and I get money for that work. I have no time to mess with video games, I'm not 12; and second because the site was about the upcoming Driver game and what it COULD have become, it was there to make the 5 years in between the two last Driver games pass by faster, and it worked. It wasn't about DPL, nor about DSF - and now that DSF is out there's no need to continue leading that site... Nothing to do with successful... I became enough offers to sell the site and I didn't for good reason...

If you came here before you would have understood my point and would be able to judge it
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By max.thunder
Man, it's happening something similar to me (like a midlife crisis), the games aren't as fun for me as they used to. Maybe Driver SF will solve that but I don't know.

There are rumours that Driver 6 is under development.
By Miller
I see that at on virtually every page here, there is a public acknowledgment, and also some laughable business added to it about how it was "heavily" modified, so no visitor would forget about that either. Not just modified. Heavily modified. (lol) I am not the only laughing at that, you know. Or do you know?

I see that with all content provided at this website (e.g., each file download) there is public credit given where it is due.

I see this, and so does everyone else who visits Driver Madness Network. They see these acknowledgments at the point of public consumption, not just in some message board discussion where few may ever look.

What no one sees is the same sort of notation of credit to the contributor on any of the pages showing content I provided to this website. That was fine when I was here as a part of the staff. I did not care any more about that than Galen cares that it says nothing about how this place is only here because of him. People just know that, even if they do not know that the same has been true due to my own intervention, starting in 2008, and since then with content no one else bothered to back up offline.

Why funds for 18 months of premium web hosting were exhausted after only a half year was a matter of discussion, in which far less attention was paid to facts than it was to supporting Madness, who either spent the money unwisely, or on something else, in either case blaming the Americans and their financial crisis for his unnecessary decision to revert to free hosting and dump hosted affiliates.

Madness made a nice website, especially for a beginner (as Galen pointed out). Madness did a good job until he started doing a bad job (as Galen pointed out in other words). Madness made a great leader, until he became a bad example (which I made a great effort to go through and delete the most disgraceful examples of to help preserve his public image, as well as that of this website).

From what I saw, Galen started off without much in the way of web skills or people skills, but he did a fair job improving on both accounts, as well as developing integrity he did not exactly have when he was younger. Every once in a while I read some post like that gibberish Coyote (REVS, whatever) posted in this thread, in which the heyday was said to have ended after and because Madness left. Anyone who was following statistics (not currently available because they are not stored permanently for websites with low traffic volume) will know what the truth is. They will also know, despite being more correlative to game popularity than who is administrating this website, that Galen's efforts lead to increased traffic and membership. There are unfortunately decisions that have been made and de facto policies which hurt this website's chances to take full advantage of both the launch of DRIVER: SAN FRANCISCO and my own presence as a contributor and moderator when not too ill from cancer or too fed up with adolescent stupidity to be involved.

(Scoff if you want at that; Galen sent me a message of thanks noting that my efforts to add content and promote the website were empirically substantiated. I am not behind this place anymore because I will not stay behind a small group of people who act like ruminating goats that eat anything put in front of them and crap wherever they are standing. Say what petty things you will about how that statement makes me a hater or that my actions make me a quitter. I am not referring to all here, and there is still more I did for this place than most who ever came here, even if the common misconception is that merely coming here is doing something outstanding.)

I like Madness just fine, which may be more than he can say for me. But Madness was this website's founder, not its champion. Your hero in that regard is Galen, known to most visitors as bb_42001. Those are not just my opinions. Those are observations.

Mark? Well, he is staff, too, but he does like to stamp his name on stuff, even in cases where it has no business being there. Mark has done a lot for this website, but possibly not as much as he has done TO this website at the same time, something many people willingly ignore and others fail to realize. How dare I say such a thing? Easy, I just did because I call it the way it is without fear of what others think of me. It is called subscribing to reality without concern for my ego, as opposed to subscribing to others' egos.

Mark is here primarily to gratify his ego, though he does seem to be slowly learning to indulge himself without doing so as much at the expense of this website's real chances for success, all dependent on its public image. (Oh, the knee-jerk responses if they were to be shown, so predictable: "That ain't the only thing he comes here for," as if I even wrote that.)

Mark is a heavy lifter. By that I mean that almost every last thing he ever did for this website was merely an adjustment to (or relocation of) someone else's work. He has never had much in the way of compunction about implying he did something someone else actually did, or allowing others to draw a mistaken inference in that regard, or shamelessly taking credit for the creativity and labor of someone else, the most egregious example of which that I know being the Driver Wiki he started and associated with this website without regard to the impact on this website's public image. By that, I mean he copied and pasted articles directly from other sources without even mentioning the original authors. That was supposed to make him look good. It made Driver Madness look bad.

I do not want people coming here and getting the mistaken impression that someone else, most especially Mark, contributed the screenshots and slideshows known as Cars of Driver. There can be no doubt that if Mark had made that stuff, which actually did require a huge amount of time and effort, there would be a note on each and every gallery page saying "CarLuver69 made this, and it was hard as hell and took me forever, but I did it all for you cuz I am so amazing."

And that is what I would appreciate being done for me (though not verbatim), as it has been done at the point of public consumption for all the other content at this website. I am talking about something like, if not exactly, adding to the end of each gallery description (all of which I wrote) "These screenshots and slideshows were contributed by Arthur Nulan." (Not Miller, if you please.)

If you cannot manage that, you can still keep the stuff where it is with my blessing.

I am glad to see that Mark's actual level of competence with managing web content is approaching the degree of fictitious braggadocio he was spouting years ago. The time in between was annoying, nevertheless.

I remember receiving his messages under the pretense of offering advice. The advice was worthless because he did not know what he was talking about, but he did manage to succeed at pretending he did, and that is probably all that mattered to him, along with laughable attempts to belittle me in the process. Annoying and useless.

I also remember when he was bitching about having spent hours trying (and failing) to center the menu Galen asked me to send him to add to the forum. It took me like ten minutes to figure out how to center it, and I had no previous experience with this sort of thing. I also was not sitting there working with whatever documents were involved, as Mark had. I had to do it without that advantage, then I sent some code to correct the positioning problem, which still remained unattended for so long in a part of this place that was beyond my purview.

Why blow so much smoke up people's asses and then blame others for one's own ineptitude? If you really want to work for a website, then work for it and stop trying so hard to figure out how to make it work for you instead.

I do not see why any pretense was made with the poll about removing the blog module when it was going to happen anyway, regardless of what may be claimed to the contrary. Making false claims is like breathing in and out to some people. And there is many a man in black robes instructing juries to do their duty after informing them as to how they should make up their minds.

Do not misunderstand. I will feel pleased to see the blog section removed. I am voting for it to be uninstalled.

The blog section was a cool idea, and Galen was proud to introduce a module to his forum. I felt happy for him, and that is one reason why I made some posts there. (Also to encourage participation.)

Writing about one's self is native to blogging, and the people who let it ruin their day because I enjoyed recalling good and bad times were already disturbed before they ever read anything written by me. Let us all see how retrospective you may become when most of the people (statistically speaking) who got the same diagnosis the same year you did are already dead. You may find yourself fondly contemplating your life in depth as well.

People like Moonchild acted that way, to name one. Someone considered, and who considers himself, some kind of paragon of intellectuality and, I guess, also maturity replied to a message I wrote him, asking him not to use profanity outside specified areas. Think about it, man. I ask someone to swear less according to the boss's instructions at the time, and the reply is, in part, "Oh, what should I do instead, write a thirteen page story about my life?" The reply, which was completely rude as well as childishly stupid, had nothing to do with the request which was made politely. Such people thought their defiance was disrespecting me, but what they were actually doing was disrespecting this website and making it look bad. That is little-kid nonsense, man, and it was coming from a man over the age of twenty. Typical here, unfortunately.

I was polite to everyone here except for Mark after a time because Mark forfeited my respect, which is arbitrarily given to all or anyone until they insist it should be withdrawn. He did so in no small part by affording me very little in the first place, along with many other users of this website. None at all to some.

More was expected from Mark because with greater rank comes greater responsibility. But Mark proved himself the kind who thinks getting ten people behind you when you are wrong makes you right. It only makes eleven people wrong. Even much of his temporary civility was calculated. Like the people who act pious on Sunday, as if their god is unable to see them the rest of the week.

The blog section was never used to this website's advantage in the first place, so why not simply do away with it and dispense with the false pretense. Or wait until the fifteenth of April. Either way, it hardly matters. Few probably care. That poll is merely a charade, though.

And Clutch has it backward. It is not that anyone has hidden what they have to say from the public in the blog section. It is that the blog section was hidden from the general public, making it a place no one really felt it was worth posting to, and consequently not worth visiting by those who even happened to know it was there.

As far as how much work it would take to fix something (or do anything else) is concerned, what constitutes a lot of work is all relative to the personal interests of the one seeking to provide a related narrative. Mark's main reason for doing anything is to be the center of attention. And he already has that with the update blog, so why would he care about anyone else blogging?

And besides that, you all know that it may be a big deal to some retard to lift a glass of milk without spilling it all over the table, but it is not really a big deal to anyone but the retard and his loved ones. No one else feels too impressed or really cares because they all lift glasses of milk every day, many for whom it is also a challenge. It would not surprise me if Mark got up off the commode each morning and felt a sense of injustice because the whole world was not there to see all the work he just did. If it was not so easy for people with real integrity to come here and find themselves repulsed by the juvenile antics of people like Mark through the years, you might have already gotten some very good web designers and content creators who can do a lot better in far less time.

I am stating facts because that is what I do, not merely something I mistakenly think I do. And I do so whether it is going to earn me the props of a handful of sycophants or not. Despite what those with short, selective memories may think, and what at least one hypocrite here said about it, taking over this website was never my goal or my endeavor. Anyone who thinks so is misinformed or intellectually dishonest, or a dumbass. I made suggestions and criticized foolish moves for the same reason I made the considerable financial and content contributions I have, in an effort to help the website succeed and to try to prevent other people from crippling its potential.

I did not need to be here every day to make a huge difference. I did a great deal for this place without camping. And that was indeed because I like DRIVER, and so you guys could have a place to do more than simply keep hanging out yourselves. So let us not be too quaint about that.

I was happy to see that the European DRIVER fansite operators loosened up and started making content both viewable and accessible to any visitor, including downloads. Hiding stuff so it may be found only by registered, logged-in members is not going to make many people go, "I bet there is more here than meets the eye. I better join so I can see it." That goes for the video section, too, which they can at least see exists. They are more likely to go, "I will just watch it at YouTube instead. And if it is not there, who cares? This place is lame." That is how people are, and ignoring the fact is not going to help.

Call this another rant, or call me a troll, a hater, whatever. Those terms are the weapons of the emotionally insecure and the feeble minded, ineffective on someone like me directly, though probably useful in a manner because of third parties who think like cattle and act like chimpanzees. I could not possibly care less about the opinions of those who take refuge in the usage of such terminology. And neither does anyone but the mutually ingratiating friends who huddle together and act like the real antagonists online with their petty elitist mentality or their comically dramatic sense of indignation.

If you have another contest, it would be a good idea to do as Madness did with the first one. He followed up with the results, not just at facebook (which is fine), but here in the forum, at the website where the contest was supposedly taking place.

Were the results even posted at Driver Madness News, where the entries were submitted? I do not think they were. Maybe I missed it, but those who did not look as hard surely missed it as well then. It seems like no one even bothered to put the information there.

What was the purpose of the contest and the prizes? Let me make a point on this topic.

Do any of you work at a grocery store after school or on the weekends, maybe full-time as your first real job because you are done with high school or because your family needs help bringing in money? I am pretty sure Galen did. Maybe not. And maybe no one still living at home actually works to pay for their own stuff anymore. Just tell mom and dad to buy this or that which cannot be illegally attained online (like some music from Taras, for example).

Did the store ever hold any contests or anything, maybe give out a coupon with each purchase receipt, and draw a number matching one of those coupons each week, then give the winner a shopping cart full of groceries or something? Well, even if they did not, I am sure you are familiar with the concept of using such gimmicks as a way of promoting business. i.e., to improve the public's perception of the store by showing appreciation to patrons (not to employees). How much do you think it would have helped the store's public image if the customers came in for their weekly shopping trip and saw that the free shopping cart full of groceries had been given to the assistant manager?

That is what the general public saw last October, though not much of it because no substantial follow-up was conducted. Just some backscratchers shaking hands off-site mainly. My guess would be that it probably helped your website's image even less among those who are familiar with Mark's history here, more specifically his whining and bitching and nagging to become a moderator.

Yeah, I know; that appointment was to thank him for modifying a forum theme. Or did he "heavily" modify it? (lol) Was it in part because he was so relentlessly petty and self-centered about it all? Many probably saw it that way, you know. Or do you know?

It may be irrelevant that Mark did not whine and b*t*h and nag behind the scenes to be chosen as a contest winner last October. There are probably people who simply assume anyway that this was indeed done so he could get his hands on the merchandise or gain a little more prestige, even if in a perverted way, at the expense of this website's public image. For in the public eye, as with your own points of view whether valid or not, perception is reality.

You have my content. I knew much of it was temporary to begin with. Things are in order in that regard.

If you ask me, I think some of you were cowards for being ashamed of the artistic quality of the web pages which were not outdated, but classic in design, just like the better DRIVER games, whose color schemes those pages were based upon, as a salute to the games' creators. Not all cluttered with a load of garbage either. And easy for many web browsers to load because of their simplicity. You do not call a classic-looking car outdated, even if it is a new one made from a kit. It is a work of art and a labor of love.

Galen was right, too, that the important thing was allowing actual members to genuinely create unique content that would distinguish this website among DRIVER fansites. Now the place looks like one more website in the attack of the clones, but it is functional and safe for those who have no vision or courage. I am glad the home page is a portal again. I think it is all as expected, and I approve, not that anyone would care if I do.

I did not have to upload the galleries again for you after it was lost, along with other stuff no one had backed up. But I did so without hesitation because Galen asked. (I do not know if Nick 's Racing Freak content was also backed up by him or someone else, but I uploaded that as well with other stuff Galen made that has been retired.)

I would like the same sort of credit everyone else has been given at the point of public consumption for their contributions. In case it is not remembered or was overlooked above, the appropriate thing in my opinion would be to add to the end of each gallery description that I authored, "These screenshots and slideshows were contributed by Arthur Nulan."

When people here are not echoing sentiments about how this website is better than its so-called competitors, all of which outclass Driver Madness in every way except perhaps for the galleries and slideshows I made and what Taras noted above, then you guys are lamenting the decline of this place as if that was inevitable. It was not inevitable. You did that to yourselves.

You have a good start again. Are you going to ruin it for yourselves again?

I have a lot of DRIVER tools and mods and patches, well organized. If you do not have yours so well kept, and you want me to upload everything I have, just send me an e-mail about it. I did not bother to upload it before because I figured you guys already have all that stuff well cared for at home, like I do. Maybe you do not. Who knows? I am afraid I never saved full-size images from Nick's (Racing Freak) nice tutorials. Maybe you guys already have that stuff anyway. All I have there is the text and the thumbnail illustrations which I refer to as an end user.

No, I am not trying to make some kind of comeback. You want the stuff, you can have it. But I am gone except for an occasional lurk, and I reckon many are happy about it. They may even liken me to Coyote. There is no possible comparison except, perhaps, in the eyes of the narrow minded.


Reminders of other suggestions lost:

Get that untrue business about new content being added daily to this website off the DriverMadness channel at YouTube. It makes you look like liars, for which there was already a precedent because of bloated false claims and empty promises in the past. (Personally, I like the way Galen has made a practice of waiting till he actually lays an egg before cackling about it.)

Stop letting members of this website who claim to love the makers of DRIVER games so much take the food out of the mouths of their families by posting links to free downloads of stuff that is available for sale (e.g., DRIV3R soundtrack). You are stabbing in the back the very people you claim to hold in high esteem. That is how you repay them for all they did. I guess I know how that feels, which places me in their company, not yours.

Either make the profanity filter mean something or disable it entirely. Partially filtering a word is not doing anything. If readers can still tell what the word is, then there is no point to covering part of it.

The purpose of that mechanism is to remove stuff that makes this place look bad so people who do not want to see that crap every other time they open a topic will not have to see it. People who cannot make a sentence without writing 'f**k' are going to come here even if no one is allowed to write 'f**k.' But many people who do not want to see that stuff will avoid this place if they have to look at that stuff. And they have done so. You are putting off a greater number of users who care about moral standards to accommodate a smaller number of users who have none. Too bad those fish would have been more easily kept on the line than they would be to catch a second time.

I say again, Sedans was right, what does it matter if he is allowed to write fucc once or twice in his signature? Either get rid of that stuff altogether and restore the dignity of this public place so more people will want to come here, or let members write anything they please. Being indecisive and inconsistent helps nothing. It only makes you look like you do not have a clue. Get one.

Organize your website-related topics better. Suggestions are feedback. You do not need a section called Suggestions if you already have a section called Feedback, in which there is a topic for suggestions and where new topics for the discussion of specific suggestions can be created. That is just one more brainless idea.


[I would like to say that Taras is one of the most dedicated DRIVER fans around. He has tried very hard to collect and organize content for people to easily find and view. I was disappointed that Taras never asked for permission to lift that stuff from other websites and publish it as his content. I was also sorry to see that he was redistributing for free music that is for sale along with that which is not available for retail purchase. Other than those misguided efforts which are not respectable, he has my regard.]

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By Clutch
Registration Days Posts Posts Posts Posts Avatar
In one sentention - "overall everything is worth putting it into ass". :P

I think that DM gone bad a little bit because some of the oldtimers gone.
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By bb_42001
Thank you i think, 2 things i will say, the reason there wasn't a full backup of DM was due to the size of it, i currently dont have the time Internet to download a 7 gb package every week, racing freaks stuff was uploaded by a backup we had, but it got messed up, and i did post the results of the competition on the facebook page and twitter and DM news however they were lost ( on dm news i mean) and i made the competition on there so more people could enter and also to give dm news traffic. and not sure where your getting at but the money you donated is not all gone we still have bit under half left....

I agree the blog feature could on been managed better, and i am sorry we haven't provided credit to you in things and will try to change that. And the downloads a made or registered users only because the were first accessible by everyone however they were getting messed around with where people were reported " broken links" when they weren't. As for traffic number to the site they are actually pretty good for the site and about par for other driver sites around, granted nothing like google but modest enough. Look i am trying to provide a clean and fun place to hang out yes which includes a more uniformed look and more of a business look, however i have never not stoped people from suggesting things and if they have a great idea i am more then happy to try to help.

All in all i love that you decided to post and i read through the whole thing, whoever i think you were a bit long winded in sections, also now i think about it i have been working almost 40 hours a week lately so i dont get alot of time to have some fun on the website, and miller if you wanted some driver stuff ask i am sure i can send something out to you, i still have a couple of things left over.
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By max.thunder
Hi Miller,

good to see you again, my intention about posting music was never promoting piracy or something like that. In fact i wanted to share some material that fans couldn't find on stores, like me, or couldn't afford buying with a credit card (or don't have one) online.
Maybe the only copyrighed material that i've posted is (because it's actually sold online) "Driv3r sountrack", "Driver 2: Music Inspired by the Game" and "Driver Parallel Lines 1978" soundtrack, stuff like scores are inside the game so they didn't have the purpose to putting them for sale.

Now that megaupload is gone most of those links don't work, also Driver series Database links hasn't been updated so you no longer can download material related to Driver series.
I can remove other links (the ones that maybe still working) if you want.

I've never wanted to damage Reflections posting this kind of material, also i've never posted the links to download complete games, because their most revenue is the games sales.

Being a fan i've bought lots of stuff:

Driver 1
Driv3r: Run The Gauntlet
Driv3r i-Guide
Driver PL
Driver PL Limited Edition Bonus Discs (includes a poster)
Driver PL T-Shirt
Driver SF (Collectors Ed)
Driver SF Challenger Poster
Driver Nemesis (Book)
Driver SF Keyring

In this topic i've posted that the stuff isn't mine
max.thunder wrote:All the stuff is courtesy of Reflections Interactive and Ubisoft Reflections.
I don't have a purpose to obtain benefits of this material.
Link to that quote

Sorry if anyone was offended with that.
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By Fireboyd78
This post is to address what Miller has said about me.
Miller wrote:Mark? Well, he is staff, too, but he does like to stamp his name on stuff, even in cases where it has no business being there. Mark has done a lot for this website, but possibly not as much as he has done TO this website at the same time, something many people willingly ignore and others fail to realize. How dare I say such a thing? Easy, I just did because I call it the way it is without fear of what others think of me. It is called subscribing to reality without concern for my ego, as opposed to subscribing to others' egos.

Stamp my name on stuff, especially where it doesn't belong? I merely put myself in the credits for the theme, because it looked a hell of a lot different than it does now. I put my name on the end of announcement posts because it's a habit I've developed. What's so bad about that?

Mark is here primarily to gratify his ego, though he does seem to be slowly learning to indulge himself without doing so as much at the expense of this website's real chances for success, all dependent on its public image. (Oh, the knee-jerk responses if they were to be shown, so predictable: "That ain't the only thing he comes here for," as if I even wrote that.)

What a disrespectful thing to say about me. I am almost 19 years old, I have no social life, and I'm constantly depressed. I don't have any ego, and however you got that opinion is beyond me. I have problems with ADHD, possible degrees of autism, and other issues in my pathetic excuse for a "life". I just wanted to help Driver Madness, not for me, but for everyone else.

Mark is a heavy lifter. By that I mean that almost every last thing he ever did for this website was merely an adjustment to (or relocation of) someone else's work. He has never had much in the way of compunction about implying he did something someone else actually did, or allowing others to draw a mistaken inference in that regard, or shamelessly taking credit for the creativity and labor of someone else, the most egregious example of which that I know being the Driver Wiki he started and associated with this website without regard to the impact on this website's public image. By that, I mean he copied and pasted articles directly from other sources without even mentioning the original authors. That was supposed to make him look good. It made Driver Madness look bad.

I will credit you for the Cars of Driver gallery as soon as possible. You haven't been coming around or made any requests to me in regards to that, I had no idea. Again, sorry. As for the Driver Wiki, I'll admit, it was a failed project by me. I've never been a good project organizer, I'm a failure at anything that involves me being the leader. I'm not afraid to say that, because it's true.

I do not want people coming here and getting the mistaken impression that someone else, most especially Mark, contributed the screenshots and slideshows known as Cars of Driver. There can be no doubt that if Mark had made that stuff, which actually did require a huge amount of time and effort, there would be a note on each and every gallery page saying "CarLuver69 made this, and it was hard as hell and took me forever, but I did it all for you cuz I am so amazing."

Another stab to the heart, I am in no way seeking that kind of attention/recognition. This is depressing to read.

I am glad to see that Mark's actual level of competence with managing web content is approaching the degree of fictitious braggadocio he was spouting years ago. The time in between was annoying, nevertheless.

I am in no means boastful or arrogant. You have the wrong opinion of me, and it breaks my heart to read this stuff you're saying about me. In fact, it's depressing me more than I need to be.

I remember receiving his messages under the pretense of offering advice. The advice was worthless because he did not know what he was talking about, but he did manage to succeed at pretending he did, and that is probably all that mattered to him, along with laughable attempts to belittle me in the process. Annoying and useless.

I was only trying to SINCERELY help you, but I guess I'm a liar and trying to make my ego look bigger. I won't bother helping anyone ever again.

I also remember when he was bitching about having spent hours trying (and failing) to center the menu Galen asked me to send him to add to the forum. It took me like ten minutes to figure out how to center it, and I had no previous experience with this sort of thing. I also was not sitting there working with whatever documents were involved, as Mark had. I had to do it without that advantage, then I sent some code to correct the positioning problem, which still remained unattended for so long in a part of this place that was beyond my purview.

I can't remember this too well, but whatever.

I do not see why any pretense was made with the poll about removing the blog module when it was going to happen anyway, regardless of what may be claimed to the contrary. Making false claims is like breathing in and out to some people. And there is many a man in black robes instructing juries to do their duty after informing them as to how they should make up their minds.

I don't have the right to remove things without consulting Galen first. And then of course, I had no idea if anyone even cared for the blog mod. I believe in community feedback, if I were to just go removing stuff without consulting anyone, that would almost feel like a dictatorship to me. "Oh, you liked the blog mod? Too bad, it's getting removed."

Do not misunderstand. I will feel pleased to see the blog section removed. I am voting for it to be uninstalled.

Fine by me.

I was polite to everyone here except for Mark after a time because Mark forfeited my respect, which is arbitrarily given to all or anyone until they insist it should be withdrawn. He did so in no small part by affording me very little in the first place, along with many other users of this website. None at all to some.

Because I've been SUCH an asshole to you, right? It's the other way around. You're being an asshole to me, which makes me lose respect for you. I am hurt by your accusations.

More was expected from Mark because with greater rank comes greater responsibility. But Mark proved himself the kind who thinks getting ten people behind you when you are wrong makes you right. It only makes eleven people wrong. Even much of his temporary civility was calculated. Like the people who act pious on Sunday, as if their god is unable to see them the rest of the week.

Calculated? Wow Miller...all I've ever been was sincere and honest about who I am. I have problems, and these problems affect my behavior. The outbursts are mostly ADHD and, possibly, depression.

Mark's main reason for doing anything is to be the center of attention. And he already has that with the update blog, so why would he care about anyone else blogging?

You're an asshole. I am not trying to be the center of attention, why don't you talk to me in private first and ask why I behave this way instead of publicly disgracing someone who is nothing like you say I am.

It may be irrelevant that Mark did not whine and b*t*h and nag behind the scenes to be chosen as a contest winner last October. There are probably people who simply assume anyway that this was indeed done so he could get his hands on the merchandise or gain a little more prestige, even if in a perverted way, at the expense of this website's public image. For in the public eye, as with your own points of view whether valid or not, perception is reality.

I personally felt I didn't deserve to win the award. I felt the whole thing was rigged, but did I come out and say that? No, it would be unnecessary, don't you think?
All in all, I think you have me backwards Miller, and I'm upset that you would say these kind of things about me. It's bad enough I'm depressed all the time and I feel unwanted by most people, but you just put the icing on the cake.
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By Fireboyd78
T.K. wrote:For crying out loud, can't we all just get along?
I don't know, why don't you ask Miller? He's made me look like I don't care about anyone but myself and my ego, so my only instinct is to respond to his accusations. I agree with you, why can't we all just get along?
By Miller
bb_42001 wrote: i read through the whole thing, however i think you were a bit long winded in sections
Yes, I was, and deliberately so. I am about to be so again. Thank you for your time and attention. It is well appreciated. This will conclude my business in this topic.

This place did not simply mellow with age, and neither did Mark. I had to be the ranting troll or whatever on several occasions, and that is fine with me because I am not concerned with what people think of me. The end result is already, for the most part, the sort of community that T.K. was asking about and Mark was echoing, as if that was his concern all along or something. That dude had to be pounded into shape, and you know it better than anyone except maybe the people who had to be protected from Mark.
bb_42001 wrote:i did post the results of the competition on the facebook page and twitter and DM news however they were lost (on dm news i mean) and i made the competition on there so more people could enter and also to give dm news traffic.
I am aware of some of that having been done. I did not see anything at DM News about it. If it was there, please excuse me. But I looked more than once, starting with where the contest had been announced and entries were submitted, after which T.K. started struggling with the fact that there did not seem to be quite enough DRIVER related news to keep blogging about. (lol) That was all before anything was lost, and well after the contest was concluded.

Here is primarily what I was referring to. The contest was announced in your forum as well, in the Competitions section. It was already a month later (before any posts were lost, no?) that I sent you an e-mail asking if the contest had ended because I still saw nothing about it at DM News or in the forum. Then I wrote another message saying, "Nevermind, I see the results at facebook," to which I suggested it might be a good idea to also post the results in your forum where the contest was announced there. I think less was made known to people about the contest results right here than should have been. That is what I was talking about, and I think rightly so.

I know you are a busy person, boss. That is why I wrote previously that one of the best things about your style of administration in contrast to that of Madness is that you are willing to allocate work to others so things can be done in a timely manner instead of relying so much on one person doing so in his free time. You have my admiration for that management skill.

You do all right, man. I have mentioned your style and progress to others away from here because I enjoyed watching you at work on this place. It was my pleasure to work for you, regardless of whatever else it was.
bb_42001 wrote: miller if you wanted some driver stuff ask i am sure i can send something out to you, i still have a couple of things left over.
Actually, what I wrote above was that I have a lot of DRIVER stuff, well organized, which I did not bother to upload when you asked at the beginning of the year because I assumed you guys already have those things at home as well. I guess most of it, people do have, but what I have been reading sounds in part like people probably have this or that if they can find it.

I do not want anything. I was offering you a package of DRIVER stuff, including what was lost here, if you want it, saying just send me an e-mail if you do. I will not upload it one piece at a time though. If you need it, then please open a place where I can upload all the stuff to, neatly organized via FTP. You can have someone else move it into your downloads section. If you need it, that is.
bb_42001 wrote: and not sure where your getting at but the money you donated is not all gone we still have bit under half left.
Good example of one drawback of being longwinded, it makes it difficult for each thing one writes about to come across as effectively as it might if addressed in a more concise manner. Sorry about that. The money I referred to in my previous post was that donated in 2008, which made it possible for this place to be resurrected from the grave that year, the narrative of which was somewhat disingenuous, if not dubious. I was not referring to money sent to you later. Boss, you do a lot better job of managing funds than Madness did, which is another advantage of having you for the administrator.

I do not mean to knock Madness. Among other things, Madness was especially good at website promotion and content management.

Thank you for your consideration. May I remind you of a previous request, not to nag, but so you do not forget? Would you please unlist me as a moderator? Thank you, boss.
T.K. wrote:For crying out loud, can't we all just get along?
T.K., you did a nice job of changing your tune here, becoming a valuable asset instead of a liability. You know what I am talking about, and you have my regard and gratitude for that. The best part about it was that you improved willingly without making it like pulling teeth.

Yes, you guys can get along. And you know it was no piece of cake bringing that about. You also know how many times Mark had to be hammered over the head and shamed for it before he stopped abusing you in the forums. One way or another it was necessary to put Mark on a leash, even if it meant I had to look like an ogre to get it done.

I am not kicking a dead horse, even if I do sound like some Jew crying, "Don't forget the Holocaust," too many times. The dude's primary focus is still servicing his own ego, which should be preceded by his service to this community, not the latter providing a vehicle for the for the former.
CarLuver69 wrote: I don't know, why don't you ask Miller? He's made me look like I don't care about anyone but myself and my ego, so my only instinct is to respond to his accusations. I agree with you, why can't we all just get along?
Spoken like a true martyr. And what does it sound like? What did I write before it even happened?
Miller wrote:Oh, the knee-jerk responses...so predictable: "That ain't the only thing Mark comes here for," as if I even wrote that.
That is a perfect example of the kind of intellectual dishonesty I referred to. Misrepresenting what someone else said or wrote to make it more convenient to argue against is common. I got fed up with people who argue that way before Mark was ever born. No one wrote that the only thing Mark cares about is himself and servicing his ego. I wrote that this is his primary motivation, and that observation stands up to scrutiny, meaning it can be substantiated.

If Mark's previous posts did not show it well enough, then here is a bit more of what I mean. It has to do with feedback about your new website layout, specifically the homepage. Unfortunately, the topic of website feedback cannot be easily separated from the matter regarding Mark's manner of disposing of himself. I am sure he is enjoying the attention, so there can hardly be anything to complain about.

The homepage used to be a showcase featuring work done and things created by all the members of the DMC. Featuring that sort of thing, especially the models, screenshots, and videos made by DMC members, was a good way to reward them for making things. It was also a good way to encourage participation and visitation and recruitment. The homepage was like this: Here are some models someone972 and benflex made. Here is the music that T.K. composed. Here is a review StarWarsFanatic wrote. Here is the video that Olanov made. Here is the game that carking1999 made. Here are some screenshots that Runo and PostalDude made.

Now it is one big, long string of the webmaster writing, look what I did, what do you think about that? Please pat me on the back. I guess that is not necessarily a problem, but it is a clear illustration of what I was writing about above in this thread. I think it is a pity, if not a shame. The dude should be making the homepage work for the various members of the DMC instead of trying to make it work for him.

I think it is too bad that the focus of your homepage is no longer upon the members of the DMC, but rather conspicuously on Mark, even if it is supposed to look like it is only about website updates. You could just as easily save that stuff for people to look at and respond to after they enter the forum and use the homepage to better serve the DMC. Same old thing, man.

And, duh, no kidding I stopped treating the Mark with respect. What an incredible grasp of the obvious. Other people can see what is obvious as well. People can recognize narcissism when they see it. And that is not likely to make those people feel more like visiting this website. Featuring their work on the homepage might though, just as it did in the past.

Well, that is the follow-up on my previous post, to clarify that which was addressed in replies. It concludes my business here. Good luck to you.


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