Discussion for the fan-made game DrIVer: Russia (TBA)

Moderator: cleone

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By Skylabh
Only if Cleone requires it (furthermore, i don't know if he has the power to do it by himself, since he is the moderator of this subforum). Personally, this section doesn't bother me.
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By bb_42001
He is a moderator of this section only, And while yes a failed adventure, I try never to delete posts its all history although i way look at retiring the forum at some point



By cleone
I know nobody may actually believe me at this point, but the project isnt actually dead. Been keeping things on the down low since I've made a billion promises and broke them all so far.

What I will say is that the project vision has changed, and the engine is getting heavily cleaned up.

I'll post more information soon, with actual evidence.

While work is being done, I will make no promises as to if it ever is fully completed. Anything can come up, life has surprises around every corner.

My HOPE is possibly it being done mid-2017, with only a focus on the single player. Like I said however, no promises.

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