Driver Madness competitions will be posted here.
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By Lseven7
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when i do it really fast, i keep on getting that same glitch again... its almost as if once you get to a certain speed, it exceeds the value for the ramp to appear or something
By nitrored
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it happend to me
By Moonchild
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What score did you get when the car just kept going because it didn't hit the ramp. I got around 1200 once. I was so happy too, I though I was gonna get some huge distance and then bam, instant failure.
By nitrored
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679 :oops:
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By madness
Well finally we have our winners.

Here is the leader board


1st - Moonchild - 2406 meters
2nd - Lseven7 - 2306 meters
3rd - Coyote - 1546 meters


points will be sent out soon and these points can contribute to winning a Driver: 76 Shirt. :P

So congratulations to Moonchild, Lseven7 and Coyote.
Our top three winners in the scratch my car mini-game.
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By Coyote
What today was the last day ? sh*t yesterday i thought "I'm gonna break their records now" but it was too late so I thought "I'm tired, I'll do that tomorrow" Damn! Thing is im in the top 3 :P
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By Lseven7
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yea, i decided to beat it when i got home, not a good idea when im tired... but im happy with second :D
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By madness
yeah, well next time I'll set up that counter thing so it counts down till when the competition ends. So everyone knows when it ends. Timezones are quite annoying, over here the 25th of August has just about ended. So I thought I better end this competition.
By Moonchild
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So I won Congrats to the second and third place members though.
Lseven wrote:yea, i decided to beat it when i got home
Out of curiosity, what score did you get? because I tried it again, and I repeated my distance of 2406.
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By Coyote
Thanks :) congrats to you and Lseven7.

I really think 2406 is the max. What could that be ? 06 for DPL and 24 for … ?
By nitrored
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madness wrote:yeah, well next time I'll set up that counter thing so it counts down till when the competition ends. So everyone knows when it ends. Timezones are quite annoying, over here the 25th of August has just about ended. So I thought I better end this competition. this is prolly the best countdown timer there is,
By Moonchild
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Coyote wrote:I really think 2406 is the max. What could that be ? 06 for DPL and 24 for … ?
I don't know, maybe. But Lseven said "decided to beat it when i got home" so he probally got a higher score. See the thing with this game is, I was moving the mouse really fast from side to side for maybe a minute or two, if someone did it for say...5 minutes straight while keeping a fast and constant speed, they should theorically destroy my score. But maybe then that glitch would happen so there's no real way of knowing what the max score unless some decides to really go all out on the game.

I wonder what score that person got who one the Driver 76 ipod.
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By Coyote
2407 lol

Maybe we can like take the game out of the code

its somewhere here i dont know where exactly…
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<META NAME="classification" CONTENT="Games">
<META NAME="language" CONTENT="de-AT">
<META NAME="Category" CONTENT="Driver 76 MiniGame">
<META NAME="page-type" CONTENT="Game Site">
<META NAME="page-topic" CONTENT="Game">

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<META NAME="keywords" LANG="de-AT" CONTENT="Scratch my car, scratchmycar,, scratch, car, driver, driver 76, driver 3, Driv3r, Driver parallel Lines, mini game, Videospiel, flash game, PSP, Slink, tanner, 76, Ubisoft, Ubi" />
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// Variables globales
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// Version de javascript prise en charge
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	return flashVer;
// Si elle est appelée sans paramètres,
// cette fonction renvoie une valeur en virgule flottante indiquant la version Flash Player ou 0.0 
// ex : Flash Player 7r14 renvoie 7.14
// Si appelé avec reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision renvoie true si cette version ou une version ultérieure est disponible
function DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision) 
 	reqVer = parseFloat(reqMajorVer + "." + reqRevision);
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var hasRightVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion, requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
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                  <td width="604"><p>&nbsp;</p>
                    <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="Style14">>> To see this animation, please download the latest version of Flash Player </a></strong></p></td>
                  <td width="99"><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="img_flash_need/flashNeed.jpg" width="90" height="31" border="0"></a></td>

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		<td align='center' style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9px; font-weight:bold">&copy; 2007 Ubisoft Entertainment. Driver, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.</td>

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By Coyote
Skeleton wrote:i could have been got some points
um… are you sure this is english… :lol::lol::lol: lol I didnt understand you… so um… what exactly do you mean ? :D
By nitrored
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"i could of got some points"
By nitrored
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"i think yours is more wrong than mine"
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By madness
DPLkicksASS wrote: this is prolly the best countdown timer there is,
That countdown timer changes by timezone. So it's no good!
Also driver madness has it's own countdown timer built into the forums.
We used it to count down to the first anniversary.
Coyote wrote:2407 lol

Maybe we can like take the game out of the code

its somewhere here i dont know where exactly…
Code: Select all
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">
<title>Driver The Game</title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
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<META NAME="language" CONTENT="de-AT">
<META NAME="Category" CONTENT="Driver 76 MiniGame">
<META NAME="page-type" CONTENT="Game Site">
<META NAME="page-topic" CONTENT="Game">

//rest of script cut out see original post
There is nothing in the code that you provided as what your looking for is all built into the flash object and is impossible to be seen. It was possible via. Memory Hacking however macromedia had fixed that up in a previous version of their flash player.

So it is basically impossible to edit the code with your score. Because the code isn't visible and will never be visible due to high encryption.
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By Lseven7
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i didnt manage to beat 2406 lol... its was really annoying trying to, because if you didn't do it enough you got a low score, but if you did it too much it glitched. so having the glitch is actually more challenging then just trying to move the mouse for ages.
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By Coyote
So taking the code out doesn't work. Somebody must try to beat 2406.
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By Coyote
The competition is over since the 25th but you can still play the game on their site.

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