Many different driver: parallel lines modifying experiments will be taken out in here. Make sure you remember to bring those safety goggles.
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By madness
I have set up this forum to distribute all the experiments I have taken out on Driver: Parallel Lines. All these experience are mod related either by tweaking, modifying or hacking the game in anyway.

Here you'll also be able to try out some of the experiments yourself with detailed instructions. You won't have the ability to try them all yourself since some have no purpose and are just experiments I've taken out just to show you. But for the things that maybe useful in your game, all of these experiments how you how to do them in detail.

Each experiment contains the following structure

The Experiments name will belong here.

This tells you about the experiment, like what has to be done.

For some of the experiments this will be detailed or won't be included at all depending on the usefulness to the community.

This is the result of the method, it may include screenshots and videos as well as files but always includes what has happened.

Standard Users on the forum will be unable to post new topics here, they only have the ability to reply to current topics. If you have an experiment you'd like me to take out or you have taken out yourself which includes the above information you may PM it to me and I'll post it with a certain unique experiment number.

So I hope you like this new audition to the Driver Madness Network and if you have any comments or questions please post them in here and I'll answer then as soon as possible.

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…] See for yourself! […] Lucas in Nice takes […]

Crazy Copper Frenzy