General discussion for the DRIVER series.

Worst Driver

Driver 2
Driver: PL
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By Sedans
because they SUCK
By Moonchild
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DPLkicksASS wrote:would be better if you could record longer
I agree but you have to remember, it's a 3 year-old last-gen game. So you can't have everything.
Skeleton wrote:i wonder why they took thiss feature in parallel lines
Here is your answer, straight from the Executive Producer....(from the developers chat)
Gareth Edmonson wrote:So the Film director has been dropped, but for very good reasons. Firstly, whilst it is a cool feature, and loved by many hardcore fans its infact a huge drain on the resources of the console, and compromises the game in many ways, more vehicles in the environment, no pop up / draw in of vehicles / better AI etc etc. It allows us a lot of scope for other improvements."
Last edited by Moonchild on Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
By nitrored
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lol "SPLkicksASS"
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By Sedans
lol, i saw that too...

anyways it still sucks, even if they do have a good rreason.
By Moonchild
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I think it's a justified reason to remove the Film Director, plus after D3's reception, Reflections just wanted to start from the beggining and make the game have no real connection to previous Driver's so they got rid of almost all the previous features.

Sorry about that DPLkicksASS, it has been fixed.
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By DriverKid
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Driver 2 because from what I've seen it doesn't look too good and it's not for PC.
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By Daltarin-Elite
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It wasn't that bad. I had voted for DPL at the start, but now that i own the game i quite enjoy it. but i can't change my vote can i?
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By Daltarin-Elite
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Well everyone take a mental note. I'm changing my vote to D1. because i like DPL now and when you swerve you go faster than you do accelerating in a straight line... and that's just dumb.
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By madness
I'm still quite amazed, that the game which has scored poorest out of the series by pretty much all critics. Is voted the best driver among us fans.

I'm not trying to say I never liked driv3r.
I thought driv3r was the greatest too.
If only the rest of the world thought that, I guess they game could have done with a little more time and slightly better organization and planning on reflections behalf.

But when you think about it, it's kind of the film directors fault parts of the game felt so bad, the gameplay was great and the story was awesome and we all see past the draw distance problems and stuff like that.

Also previously I did say driver 2 was the worst in the series, but I'm now playing it again on my pc, yeh my pc. But it's emulated. And it seems to have major improvements over Driver 1. Except the draw distance which annoyed me a little.
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By Coyote
I'm changing my vote to D1
Dude, are you crazy or what ? Driver 1 was the best of all the series, the most sold, and it has the best marks / points / percentage of all Drivers on sites like IGN.
I think there is no 'worst Driver'. You can't say a Driver game is bad, maybe one is better than the other one, but there's nor worst Driver :P
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By madness
Well worst driver is like saying their is one better than the one you picked. Whenever the isn't a lower one.
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By Nikusakken
Well, I voted for D2 bacause of the downgraded graphics and a bad frame-rate
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By bryand751
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dpl sucks they took out the boats vehecle choosing at the main menu no main menu no driving games u cant swim and u cant jump has anyone thought of that?
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By Nikusakken
bryand751 wrote:dpl sucks they took out the boats vehecle choosing at the main menu no main menu no driving games u cant swim and u cant jump has anyone thought of that?
Those two things: Too similiar with GTA, makin' it a GTA clone. 2
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By bryand751
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anyone remember that thing i made that said you can not swim in dpl
you can not jump in dpl?
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By bb_42001
Everyone of the games has there good and bad points and there worse points. but all in all you may say you didn't like the game now, when you got it you loved it. And thats what really matters.. you can't really vote as everybody would of liked the games at some stage!

And driver 3, wasn't a GTA clone it was in competition with them both of them have been trying to out do each other over and over again thats why you have to kill GTA characters in DRIV3R and same in GTA.

Also none of you can say you haven't played GTA and DRIVER? so wat someone should really be asking is "Which game did you dislike at time of purchase?"



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By T.K.
I chose DRIV3R.
I used to love that game when I first started playing it, and from then on. But after I got DPL, I just didn't like D3 anymore. It got boring. I still put it in everyonce in awhile and enjoy it, but I prefer D2, for I just beat that one.
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By Coyote
I love them all and for me there's no worst Driver.
By Miller
I thought Driver 2 sucked the most of the three that I have played. It is also my favorite. So, I think the question is phrased well enough. I think the Driver game I like the best and play the most is the suckiest one. They should have called it Driver 2: The Car is in Control.
By cleone
Sedans wrote:I voted Driver 2 because tha storyline and graphics sucked
The graphics were good, but just messed up on the PS2.
I can't vote. It's too hard. I loved all of the Driver games.
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By MikuMikuCookie
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Sedans wrote:I voted Driver 2 because tha storyline and graphics sucked
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By Sedans
grrr driver 2 sucked.

dpl was chit too.
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By Clutch
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grrrrr driver 3 sucked! why? because it has a lot of bugs

Here they are ^^^^^

D2 was fun, but I think jumping PSX textures looks bad.
DPL has nice atmosphere and storyline, nice graphics, but you couldn't jump.
D1? Polish say: "the first house you build for your enemy, second for your friend"..... "and third for yourself". lol.
So Atari can put D3 into their ass.
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By Sedans
yeh. D3 did suck.. never said it didn't
By Glitchy SIlver Car
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It's truly sad that Driver 2 is rated the worst Driver.

I guess an amazing game being called terrible is what you should expect when a topic is being run under the dictatorship of Sendans.
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By RacingFreak
I bet its all fault of the fact that if it was released later (when PS2 came out), it would have been looking way better.
By Glitchy SIlver Car
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MikuMikuCookie wrote:
Sedans wrote:I voted Driver 2 because tha storyline and graphics sucked
Finally, someone on this topic who knows what a good game is.
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By Olanov
I don't know, this is a hard question considering I enjoy all of the drivers a lot. I bet the PSP/Mobile Drivers would be worst out of all to me but none of em' are on the list so I'll go with Driver 2, considering how unoptimised it was with PS1 being pushed to it's limits, it performed pretty bad.

Low and choppy FPS, with some really bad framerate drops, textures being much more low res/quality, worse A.I (police A.I at least), view distance, lack of actual water on most cities. Wish they would've done a PC version of it, but oh well. We'll have to go with what we have. Maserati Huge Stunt […]

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