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Use the options !

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:55 am
by Coyote
Hello everybody

This site is very big and its got very much options. You can rate things, post comments, have your own photo gallery,…
but nobody uses this options. and i would like all the active members to use all the options. today i've rated the Driver demo 8/10 and now i'm gonna post a comment :)

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:18 am
by madness
yeah, it would be nice to see people using these options.
I know sedans has already used the gallery and JAY tried to but it didn't work because back then it was broken. A few other users may have but I haven't been checking all that much recently.

But it would be nice if users start rating files in the download database and comments if they want to spend a little extra time. As this gives other users the guide weather the file is worth downloading or not.

and this will get everyone, since I've got 10 shirts on hand I'll be offering users who contribute a lot a D:76 shirt.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:24 am
by Coyote
I didn't understand your last sentence :S You mean users who uses this options will have more chances to get one of the D76 T-Shirts ?

[quote=madness][…] if they want to spend a little extra time […][/quote]

I spend all the Day here, I'm online from the morning to the night.
I'm sure you can check that somewhere so check it !

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:35 am
by madness
Yeah, I can check.
But only for some users, not all of them. Because the damn script is broken. :(

But for you I have the following information
Coyote Stats wrote: Total Online Duration: 2 Days, 01:48:14
Last Online Duration: 02:08:57
Number of visits: 95
Number of page hits: 3367
Also I must look into that script soon as now it's becoming more useful and I seem to only have it for the older users. So maybe some day soon I'll look into fixing it!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:39 am
by Coyote
hum… this is bizzare
the total online duration, its since im connected or since i joined ?

if its since Im online its normal, cause ometimes I go to lunch or play Driver and I quit Firefox in this case.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:43 am
by madness
Last Online Duration: is ever since you logged in.
Total Online Duration: is ever since you joined.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:42 pm
by Coyote
Yesterday I discovered the photo album, cool :) and you can rate pictures from other users !

today i discovered that over the news in the portal, at the top, in the right corner they are 3 symbols and one of them is to send the news to a friend :) I'll use that option very soon :)

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:13 am
by Miller
Some of this stuff, I didn't know about. Thanks. That said... LMAO. I’ve had milk come out my nose here before, and I also choked on some food one time when something I read caught me off guard and I started laughing. But there’s one thing that makes me laugh every time I think about it, because I joined like a half a year ago, but still can’t figure out how to upload a picture or include one in a post I submit. After a while I was too embarrassed about it to ask. LOL!

How do you upload a darn picture, man? LOL! Where’s this gallery thing at, anyway? I tried to figure out where to go by following links to other ppl’s galleries, but once I’m there, I can’t tell where I’m at. I don’t know where I’m going, man. LOL! I’m blind—a total Driverboob.

For that matter, how do you upload a video? I‘d like to use that, but I don’t see any instructions. I’m sure this is all very easy to do, but man, sometimes stuff just goes right by me without stopping. I don’t know why. BTW, the downloads here are a lot faster than many other places I have been to over the years. That’s cool, boss. This place rules.

Are there instructions on how to do all these things? because ppl can't use stuff if they don't know how. I guess it's been a while since I looked in the FAQ, but it seems like that only ever had basic message board info. Is there a thread where you can post questions about how to do stuff in here, then?

Oh, I guess I've been to the "Album" album deal, but what about users' albums? How do you get to those, or how do I get to mine? Do I have one? Man, I'm laughing because I feel so stupid. BTW, I don't see how to rate screenshots. Is that actually obvious how to do, too, and I' just can't tell?

Well, I went to the FAQ again, and I guess it says how to do some stuff, though not in much detail. I still think I must just be confused on some matters. So what, pictures in your posts are actually hosted somewhere else? What's all that business about upload quota space percentage used when I click on my forum name and stuff? I thought that's where ppl were putting pictures to show in posts or something.

God, I hate asking stuff. I don't know good ways to word anything and I usually do so in the wrong place. I don't mean to be so problematic, man. If I didn't like it here so much, I would just go away, know, this place is cool to visit.

So what, should a person (like me) just start a new topic in this area for each query he may wish to make about how to use a particular feature at Thanks again for taking time to answer questions and explain stuff.