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By Miller
Man, is there a way to create a hyperlink that takes a person not only to a certain page in a thread, but directly to a specific post on that page? I know I suffer from a lack of imagination when it comes to devising ways to accomplish some things in here, but it seems like this would be helpful sometimes, more so than merely quoting someone and then giving a link to the thread the quote came from.
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By madness
You mean like iFrame.
Well I don't think I'll ever end up allowing people to put real html in their posts as it's a real security risk. Someone could put a page with a virus in it using the HTML and it's even possible to do all different types of things like putting a little script in which I can't even see (only if I edit it) that makes your computer freeze or they could even put a script which makes 100 pop-ups display. This is why we can't allow html.

We allow something called BBCODE, users can't do as much with it yes, but the more they can do the more of a security risk everything could be for the users. I might see if I can find a way to do something like this but It's easist to just post a link to another site, and then the user can look at it before they click it and see if it's trustworthy or not.

If a user can just put html in the forums people can blame Driver Madness for their problem were as if they click on a link all they have to blame is themselves and the poster of that link.

So I usually build up a database of safe websites and only click on them links if there provided and I also make sure anything with drivermadness.net on it is completely free of viruses and things like that.

Hopefully this answers your question, and sorry about not being able to allow html, that's just how things are. I can however make it so I can post HTML but I wouldn't allow this for all the users, maybe just some of the users but that would be a lot of work and even users you trust you can't really 100% trust anyone with such features. I guess it's not that bad but if used in the wrong way things can start to become a pain.
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By Sedans
.. hold up, im lost, ive posted HTML before i think... IDK i mean i put up links to my youtube videos and my myspace and sometimes other junk...
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By madness
You've tryed doing that via.. bbcode currently we only allow Google Videos.
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By Sedans
madness wrote:You've tryed doing that via.. bbcode currently we only allow Google Videos.
O. Well in tthe future im going to post videos anyways
By Miller
Oh, sorry (about mentioning HTML code). What you were reading there was someone who doesn't know what he's talking about. That's all. I don't really care if we get to use the hypertextmarkupwhatever. I thought that's what we were already doing is all. No, I was just asking if there was a way to have a link to another page in this same message board display that page at a certain spot so far down that page when it first appears instead of at the very top of that page.

Sorry I don't articulate very well when I don't know what I'm talking about. Oh, that's most of the time. Isn't it, then? In lieu of that, thanks for all your patience, then, as well as the explanations of how things work.

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

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