Old news can be found here.
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By madness
As you know Driver Madness has been down for quite some time because we have been having a hosting related issue with our previous host so I decided to find a newer better more improved host. We should now expect many more improvements from more uptime to more space and bandwidth, a lot more space and bandwidth indeed.

We have that much more space that we have decided to increase all forum uploading limits and we are asking people to add as much as they like to our download database (when we design our new download database). We will also be giving the site a high bandwidth sleek multimedia look which is still in development so you’ll have to hold on for a couple more months until that comes and for all you lower end dial-up users we will still offer low bandwidth versions.

So from now on you’ll notice a lot more improvements to the Driver Madness Network and we will make sure that we become one of the biggest and greatest Driver Fan sites out there, just don’t forget to note that we are still the only full English driver fansite but we still keep the goal of becoming one of the biggest and greatest. Even thought that’s not my true goal, my true goal is to bring all the driver fans every single possible think the can possibility know all in the one fansite.

I have many plans for the future of Driver Madness and I hope we can all archive many goals in the fields of Driver, for example trying to completely mod DRIV3R and hopefully sink in our teeth into Driver: Parallel Lines as fast as possible so we can get into modding Parallel Lines.


Don't forget to take a peak at whats to come on Driver Madness, this is just a peak of what is to come but for the full lists please visit my official to do list by Clicking Here!


While Driver Madness has been down you all have missed out on the latest Driver News! So please be patient while I post them in the next couple of days. Don't forget to check out the list of links below for some driver news I had been typing up:

DRIV3R Modding - The Secrets
The Wheelman (A Drivers Choice)


Important Note: Please report any errors you notice on Driver Madness via. PM or you may email me at madness.productions@gmail.com There are also images on some of the older posts which may not load, I'm working on fixing this, it's just going to take some time.

Driver Madness
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By Sedans
Finally you got it back up I hope your site is better with a new host !!!
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By madness
Well I certainly hope so because I spent a lot of money on it this time around. Currently we have a lot more space and bandwidth allowing us to create a really large download database and I'm currently working on a site where we can place all the driver related downloads.

Today I'm searching the net for every single driver related download so I can make sure we are the driver site with the most downloadable content.

Currently I have set some goals to make this the number one driver fan site.

These include: To be the best driver fansite for

Well everything you can think of. I'm trying to make this the place, and the funny thing is this is the only English full fan site however I'm aware there is someone else is planning to make another English website however this fansite is more focused on new and content from the older driver games which includes Driver, Driver 2 and Driver 3.

Anyways I'm also aware that the new website in development is coming anytime soon but it's in the planning phase.

But were continuing to focus on everything, since I've also noticed other driver fansites don't even mention a word about the mobile driver games and where even expending our site more to cover "Driver: Vegas" & "Driver: LA Undercover".

So that's another few words of the future of driver madness...
I'll leave it at that...
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By Sedans
Yea!!!! I say that we make dis da best Driver site EVER!!!!! You wit me???!!! even though theres not much I can do Im going to try to reach some of the old members from atari community.
Hmm check my help center thread in a minute i have a question maayb u can help.

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

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Crazy Copper Frenzy
