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By madness
A couple of months ago i decided to add 8gig of driver content to this website. Many things have set me back and I haven't been able to update this site latly.

Since I have 2 free weeks i'll update it during this time.
In the next 2 weeks i'm trying to complete the following things.

- D-PL list will be an intergrated part of this site sometime soon. (D-PL Founder: Comero)
- All Promised DRIVER videos will be uploaded as the next 2 weeks progress by.
-Downloads sections will be updated with all new origional DRIVER Mods.
-Downloads sections will also be updated with more DRIVER Content in general including some screensavers, games, wallpaper and themes i've been working on.
-Music Player which has the abbility to play all DRIV3R Tracks which is usually herd during DRIV3R Gameplay.
-Music Player which plays everysingle DRIVER: Parallel Lines Song. All these songs will be Samples to keep everything legal.

Hopefully I'll get this all done soon. Check Back in the next could of weeks for more amazing updates.

I'm also thinking about creating a few themes for this site instead of the plain look it has now. Theme will include DRIV3R and DRIVER: Parallel Lines Styles. And if i have enough time i might make a DRIVER 1 and 2 Style.

Hopefully you will enjoy these great new updates and i'd like to hear any comments you may have.

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

https://youtu.be/7UtWj3THgfg See for yourself! […]

https://youtu.be/_2yMdyltjIw Lucas in Nice takes […]

Crazy Copper Frenzy
