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Good idea?

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By nitrored
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Alright im tired of this crap!Im talkin about all the spam that we get,Its conspericy i tells ya!

I say we get 5 trusted members (decided by madnrss of corse)
And give them privlage to delete posts from a poster that has less than ten posts,(say that ten times fast).Last time i susgested this well....nothing happend...It will be Operation

........................................ ASS

..........................or ATTACK ON STUPID SPAM!

..................................Please vote!
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By Sedans
if you honestly ask me this post here is spam itself, i mean, spam is a problem, but mayb madness should try a harder letter cache, so spam robots have seriously hard times when regustering. pplus not everyone who had less then 10 posts is a spammer, i mean, you had less then 10 posts once....
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By Lseven7
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The problem with spam isn't really that serious. You see spam, report it, and its usually gone within a day. Considering the relative size of this forum at the moment, there is not really any point in giving more people the ability to do things like that.

EDIT: Better suggestion = If it is possible, why don't you just make it that you have to make 5 posts before you can put in any links or pictures or other code in your posts?
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By Sedans
Lseven7 wrote:
EDIT: Better suggestion = If it is possible, why don't you just make it that you have to make 5 posts before you can put in any links or pictures or other code in your posts?
now thats a good idea right there!! but another suggestion how about you cant post attachments under 5 posts, to stop with the porn.
By nitrored
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it was a big problem a wile ago but its starting to emerge again
EDIT: Better suggestion = If it is possible, why don't you just make it that you have to make 5 posts before you can put in any links or pictures or other code in your posts?
That would cause even more spam
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By Sedans
DPLkicksASS wrote: That would cause even more spam

No it wouldnt- most bots..in fact no bot would make 5 legit posts to make 1 spam post, i mean think about it, they wont even know what the hell to say on a driver forum.
By nitrored
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weather they are saying "cars are cool" or "buy viagra" its still spam
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By Sedans
they wouldnt say cars are cool becasue they are robots!! and if they said buy viagra theyd put links in, i mean cmon...
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By madness
there is only one real way of going about this.
As a bot can be told to make a post multiple times then it'll post the spam links. Meaning that the spam bot will post 5 spam posts and then another post full of bad images and links.

I'm thinking about implementing some sort of verification system so a moderator or admin has to verify the user before they can post images and links or basically bbcode.
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By Sedans
but dont you think that if (since the board had been unusually active, and there are alot of people visiting) one of these spam bots made the 5 posts they were told to make, we would notice it was spam, if i were browsing the forums, and i saw a post that said "Hi im Samantha, i really like games. talk to me please" it would be obvious, and i would report it i mean, its not like theyd post their "5 posts" one after another.
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By madness
The whole idea is that a new user doesn't have the privileges to post links/images/music or whatever which requires any sort of BBCODE until their account has been overview by an admin or moderator.

Meaning they'd have to be proven as legit before they can post this content and any spammer is going to have enough time to follow any of these steps which he could be spamming a more popular forum.
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By Sedans
right yea ok im mean im not disagreeing im just saying ya know..
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By madness
ok, and another idea which just pop'ed into my head was that we could set a time-frame in which a post must be made from pressing the post reply button to pressing the submit button.

We could disable posting for a small amount of time if a user tries to make a post in less than 10 seconds or something similar and if a user can make a post in less than 10 seconds it stops them in their tracks so the post can't proceed. Then the spammer would have to have the page loaded for at least 10 seconds then press the submit button.
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By Sedans
Good idea, but we have to be thoughtful, and think of th people who have slow web browsers and submit their posts too fast, we dont want to interfere, but i guess that is a good idea, but you might want to rasie it to like 15 seconds, or oh, wait, hold up, i might have misread, well, i mean sometimes also they have poeople who are able to post in under 10 seconds but i guess that is a good idea so i support that..
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By Lseven7
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That last idea is a good one, there is know way that any legit user would click the post reply button to make a post that takes less than 10 seconds to type. Also having admin verify users would probably work, as at the moment you dont get that many new users often, so it wouldnt be that much work.
Also there are heaps of users that have made no posts but dont appear to be spammers. What is up with that?
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By madness
Only problem is that, all of this requires research... time... more time... and lets say more time...

It's a big job, that's why I haven't done anything yet! So we'll have to be patient. Until I can find some more time on my hands to implement such a system. It's a pretty big job as well as the points system, But at least I found that a little more fun! :P
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By Sedans
those heaps of users are probally users are probally people who registered and forgot about this site, i mean it happened to me, i mean, after hurricane katrina i forgot to log in at AC for almost 2 WHOLE YEARS. wow...
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By madness
Lseven7 wrote:Also there are heaps of users that have made no posts but don't appear to be spammers. What is up with that?
I think many users sign up and don't know what to do next... lots of people are new to technology and forums and things like that and don't know how to post. Some users may sign up for extra features on this site or because they wanted to bug someone via. PM. Either that or they did what the front portal page says.

I'm not 100% sure why any user would sign up for no reason. But it's a thing that I see on a lot of forums. I'm not sure why they sign up for no particular reason but they just do and there is nothing we can do about that!
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By Sedans
as i repeat, they probally forgot, but maybe sometimes they also might join so they can just claim a name, that way if they feel the need to ever come back, like if they are at a different forum,, and want to come to somewhere new....
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By madness
Sedans wrote:Hey madness you'd better get that new fancy system goin up fast, gifures we were talking about spam and.. Pop! SPAMBOTs come and finish it off..
well the good thing was the post was only viewed by me and you and it had only been up for no longer than 60seconds.
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By Sedans
yea, that is a good thing, atleast it wasnt sexually explicit, and the faste we wipe out spammers, the better our guests will orefer this site then any othe site. see, it is good that you have a member that is online alot =D
By nitrored
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Is there anybody that you guys mite of pissed off a wile back? I wonder whos doing this.....?
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By Sedans
DPLkicksASS wrote:Is there anybody that you guys mite of pissed off a wile back? I wonder whos doing this.....?
just companies that want to be hos and they puit out advertisments, like they actually think someone with a life will sit there and go take their stupid survey, or go try out their inhanced viagra, ect ect ect....
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By madness
Sedans wrote:WTF!! Did you ban him yesterday madness? this is the seme guy but it says he only has one post!!
well I completely deleted his account because it contained obscene content, and he come back and make a new account under the same username, so now it's time for an IP ban or at least a complete ISP Ban.

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