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By madness
While looking to improve my flash development skills I have decided to make a small mini-site dedicated to give you something to do in your spare time, this mini-site is nothing all that much but it’s better than being board.

If your never always that board, it’s a great little piece of work to check out and if your at school and a teachers coming around quickly press the calculator button and start adding up some sums so your teacher things your using a specially designed calculator which is stimulating your mind.

One and every while I’ll be performing updates to the site so don’t forget to always check back as soon as possible. It’s one of my goals to give all the driver fans and maybe even developers something to do in their spare time while enjoying the experience and similarities of the driver series.

So I hope you enjoy our new audition to the driver madness network and don’t forget to check by at http://www.gadgets.drivermadness.net/ every time you have a bit of spare time on your hands so you can enjoy its wonderful content and design.
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By Coyote
lol this is realy funny ! I like that blue Driv3r-Mustang wich you can drive with the ←↑→↓ buttons :)

You're asking what we think would be good to add it. I think a 3D city explorer would be cool. You could make that about Miami (D3R) and NYC (DPL) so we could explore Driver's city's :)
By Moonchild
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This is a cool little place and yeah, the aptly named "Take A Ride" mode is by far the most appealing feature.

A 3D city explorer would be sweet but it would probally take a long time to make....and on that note, how long does it take to make a flash site like this?
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By madness
I used something similar to the 3D explorer except it was still in 3D, the above camera would follow the car and you can play it just like you would play driv3r or driver: Vegas on the mobile.

However you can re-create a 3D environment in a 2D development environment, I could only do this in something like JAVA and I don't really have that kind of skill yet and plus it would take forever to develop on my own.

and it took quite some time to make the driver gadgets site, I never really counted by probably somewhere around 30 to 40horurs. I did spend a lot of time trying to work out the code since I'm still learning flash development. But if I already knew everything then I would have only taken somewhere around 15hours.

It's a pretty big job! but since I've already made the code I can just paste it into other projects and edit the variables so it'll do what I want it to do in the other flash based sites.
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By madness
I've been meaning to upgrade that main part of the site for ages but have never gotten around to doing it. I'm planning on making both a Flash version and a HTML version depending on everyones bandwidth usage preference.
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By Coyote
Maybe you need help ? I can help you with flashs, html, css, php and some other things and i could help making the new forum-design while you make a flash for that part od the site or something else.

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

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Crazy Copper Frenzy
