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By madness
UBISOFT recently added a Driver: 76 mini-game to their website. You can visit the Driver: 76 Scratch My Car mini game by clicking here.

The goal of this mini game is to move the mouse back and forth to release it only when you feel you have pumped enough action into your mouse movements once you do so you let go of the mouse and try and perform an amazing stunt.

Hints: Take a look at the gauge down the right hand side and watch the bar fill up with red once you’ve reached the maximum amount release the mouse from your car and be prepared for lift-off. You’ll need to try and perfect at the exact time you release your mouse however.

Warning: If you don’t succeeded in the first 50 shots we suggest you take a pretty long break because you’d have to have a pretty sore hand by now.

NOTE: Make sure you take screenshots of your results as I'll be making a small contest on this great little mini-game soon.
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By Sedans
Damn!!! i cant even get the car to move =(
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By madness
yeah, well I couldn't do it the first few shots and then I decided to go back and read the instructions and then I got it. I think my top score was about 1417.

and if your using a lap-top I suggest this game isn't for you if you have one of those touch pads.

if your using a ball mouse it's possible but a lot harder.
if your using a optical mouse it's pretty easy as long as you use it correctly.
If your using a laser mouse I suggest you go find something cheaper to use because you just might destroy it.

I was playing this game on one of my optical mouses and within about an hour I had warn all the rubber pads of the bottom of it so I decided not to push as hard with another mouse and I found the game a lot easier.
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By Sedans
Yea im jus using a touch pad.
By Moonchild
Registration Days Posts Posts Posts
my top score was about 1417
I've tried at least 10 times and the best score I did was only around a 1000. It's a fun little minigame but it got kinda boring after a while...

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