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By Miller
Videos by TheASHfire06
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Synopsis from the DRIVER 76 article at :

In the game you take the role of Ray (who was featured in Driver: Parallel Lines, a wheelman). He falls in love with Chen Chi, but she's already got someone, Jimmy. After gaining respect from her father, Ray is betrayed and has to earn money in the mean time. He eventually meets back with Zhou, Chen Chi's father, he tells him of how Jimmy is a traitor and for the remainder of the game you must take down Jimmy's empire. After Jimmy is presumably killed in an explosion, Zau gives Ray his blessing to go out with Chen Chi, but finds out that she has been kidnapped by a scarred Jimmy, however Ray manages to save Chen Chi and shoot down Jimmy's helicopter.

Mission #1

[youtube size=640X385]q69iFAl5dsA?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #2

[youtube size=640X385]ltE1OvFUYec?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #3

[youtube size=640X385]yYb6PBcuK_c?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #4

[youtube size=640X385]1Lg1kkr76Zw?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #5

[youtube size=640X385]J8qssfLx1XY?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #6

[youtube size=640X385]_RGQYGbknZk?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #7

[youtube size=640X385]fC7tQezwdSI?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #8

[youtube size=640X385]pBR6moRkJdk?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #9

[youtube size=640X385]oC_BIWNGMVc?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #10

[youtube size=640X385]QqujxlZfDwE?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #11

[youtube size=640X385]Cr6KF_xA-Pw?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #12

[youtube size=640X385]XH7WMZhPCR8?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #13

[youtube size=640X385]vd9qRTTRrGg?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #14

[youtube size=640X385]ICZ7qlLHssM?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #15

[youtube size=640X385]xBV_4H6Spy4?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #16

[youtube size=640X385]hXKEAlnYEik?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #17

[youtube size=640X385]AFbQO_-ceZc?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #18

[youtube size=640X385]mYyWUWfgRe4?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #19

[youtube size=640X385]FR1sFdOuW54?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #20

[youtube size=640X385]Gu7otcwUd40?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #21

[youtube size=640X385]Lfcjip6ncVQ?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #22

[youtube size=640X385]bJjc9m3WG1A?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #23

[youtube size=640X385]h9xU9p79f6k?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #24

[youtube size=640X385]MJF1ksR7_HA?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #25

[youtube size=640X385]T_wXBhO1xM8?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Mission #26

[youtube size=640X385]DtT51ue-rK4?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

Closing Credits

[youtube size=640X385]V01PFd0gEsY?fs=1&rel=0[/youtube]

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