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By karliczek10
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PSX era hyas ended wiht many fine games, like final fantasy need for speed, grandtheft auto and driver. all those games made it to PS2 Now its drivers turn into DRIV3R first of all the name is weiord but oh well.
but its a reminder that failures do exist, this is one of em.

Now lets review this game

Story: All right now for driver youd expect crazy arse chase in a car or w.e, nope a gun fight, all around turkey, Why istanbul, anyways tanner dies, he all sudden get memory of a fail and a mistake he made, while in acmoma (driver san francisco? continues after this? refelctions replay your games), i say the story line is interesting, a crazy gng is stealing bunch of cars, adn you gotta stop the gang and get those cars as they expensive and rare.

But how Jones explains it BTW is black not white anyways hje says they steal GUNS................ and cars.

OK is this Driv3r or shoot3r?

Gameplay: aboloute horable, not that many new features other then a gun, ok, safehouse usefull, but the fact that swimming kills you if in for 1 minute yea. i wanted new mini games thats more driverish, thats why i got wheelman, cause its what dirver should be.

Controls: ok the ocnsole versions had the worst controlls ever, get the pc, but refelctions decided to make em crazy, why not program everything WAS IT HARD TO USE DEFAULT BUTTONS FOR SANDBOX STYLE GAMES!

instead i gotta chnage my elf eveytime i go on and the specail moves are fucked.

Music: well we got no real music other then refecltions songs. they good, but some are onyl in mission meh.

Badthings: my godd this can go real longggggggggggggggggggg like my long. but some was already said up there, gltiches happen outta nowehere its a unfinished game, cop problems, why is cop car faster then a bugatti or a ferrari?, and the fact that the free mode isnt that fun, i dunno, when in a gun battle your exposed, and its free aim, i understand comp versoin, but crouch does jack sh*t, the cars arnt all avaibel in choose a ride. and 2 player is gone. theres way mroe to say like how why they make fun of GTA.

Well GTA was way better at the time and always will be no offense but i like the driver seris. GTA was never copied from Driver, gta was more of a aracde crimminal game, driver was 3d, undercover cop doing crazy drving, Driv3r tried to be GTA 3 but tis a cop. I think you driver fans should agree that driv3r should of been iomprovved and finished. and the fact that the beta was better come on, i WANT THE TANNER SUIT!!!!!!!


OK lets say the verdict

no 5 gold star bu a 3 outta 5 gold starts

The average socre id say would be in my opinions 7.3 untill i find a unfinished thing making it down to 6.8

its not a bad game but come on refelctions you could of done better, id say get pc version where it get a boost up to 8 due the fact the music can get changed and mods exist. to put beta colours on cars as someone is doing that atm

NOTE: i have enogugh wiht my bad english critisement, i aint good at english so please make me feel happy and dont yell at my english

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