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By madness
Sure... We aren't going to see a next generation preview of the next driver because it's too early, but how about the next best thing, a preview of the beta version.

Ok, yeah, yeah. It's pretty fake and I got the idea from Driver911 here but I used some awesome techniques in Sony Vegas and it's looking pretty good.

Stream - Coming Soon

What do you think..?
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By Coyote
Looks fine, that goes to the video section of =) (if you want of course ...)
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By Coyote
No I will put the video on the site (so people can watch it there) and when they click on the download button it will link them to you download section.
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By madness
Umm... Ok, I guess.
I guess it doesn't really matter as much.

Anyways are you embedding the video from youtube or an external service like that or is it going on the server to stream. If so will it be a flv stream or it's native .wmv stream.
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By Coyote
I think you've been accepted in the team and you said something about video so umm… i think that will be your job :P

Hi. I saw in Helegad's thread about beta stuff in […] Lucas in Nice takes […]

Crazy Copper Frenzy