General discussion for the DRIVER series.
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By Sedans
All in all reality, Driver 1 for the PSX was and is still one of my favorite games ever. Lets be honest, clearly a site for Driver fans will have people who enjoyed every installment of the game, but myself, personally, believe there is no competition. Driver was the originator of the 3-D, open world, vehicle related video game, and it's truly disappointing to see this website in the shape that it is in now. I'm not saying we dont have good members, i'm simply saying that it's practically dead in the sense that some days i log on and there is literally no new posts. Shame that the Driver community has broken down immensely. Its quite obvious the decline of the community can be attributed to the likes of Grand Theft Auto and it's toxic, brainwashed community, the relentless media, and the ever so apparent lack of care by developers of Driver games that came later on. I think the only other Driver that was truly good after Driver 1, was Driver: SF; and that game didnt capture the magic and place in my heart, but that could have something to do with aging into adulthood and distancing from video games in general, yet i digress. My point is that, people truly fail to see the masterpiece which is Driver. Other titles did not reach out to me the same way, however i bought every one of them simply because it was a Driver game. Driv3r and DPL damn near killed my love for the series.

Driver is definitely my favorite Driver game and one of my top ten video games ever. This is high praise, as i also rank GTA: Vice City, San Andreas, IV, Bully, Red Dead Redemption as some of my all time favorites. (all developed by R*, ironically)

The soundtrack, the cars, the sounds, vibe, story.. everything about it was awesome. Not too easy, not too hard… well, actually, it took me 6 months to find out there was actually more to the game than undercover mode, but that's probably because i still wasn't even 10 years old at the time, and it took even longer to complete the garage mission. I never beat The Presidents Run until i bought the game again 7 years later after losing it.

It's a true classic.
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Yeah it's sad to see this site falling apart as it is, rotting to dust. I've read the oldest posts and everything seemed far better with members and content. This silent time in the forums has happened before, 2010 I think it was. I'm sure with my Driver animations and parodies that people will begin to notice Driver, and of course these forums. With that in mind, what any forum needs to survive is dedicated members with content. Carluver69, SOAP, Skylabh and I are the only few individuals who post any solid content, Skylabh and I having finished or working on big projects the least.
If we really want this site to thrive, we need creativity and of course open mindedness with more kindness.
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By Olanov
VAIMAHDO wrote:Carluver69, SOAP, Skylabh and I are the only few individuals who post any solid content, Skylabh and I having finished or working on big projects the least.
If we really want this site to thrive, we need creativity and of course open mindedness with more kindness.
Ey, don't ya forget.


Hint: I'm working on the 2006 version.
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In that case my apologies for disinclining you. I must have missed that video, and as for PostalDude, I never knew about that.
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By Olanov
All is forgiven.

We can only hope one day we'll get some form of a multiplayer mod for the later Driver games, though I am doubtful. Still, you never know.
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I may have the worst possible self esteem of all time, but I'm very confident. I would love to give an attempt at making DRIV3R and Driver Parallel Lines multiplayer abilities.

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