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Movie Project Idea

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:47 am
by Badnick24
I couldn't get this idea off my mind. So I thought I'd share it with you.

I think it'd be really cool if we could make film director videos of the main story missions in DSF, do a ton of editing, and put them together to be a film. It'd be a massive amount of work but I think that maybe someday we might be able to do it. That is if the entire Madness community helped out! :)

Honestly though, I don't think I'm ready to commit to such a project right now. Maybe in the future. What I do plan on attempting is a film version of the first level in DSF. From the beginning up until Tanner is put into a coma.

I'd love to hear what you all think about this. I might be a bit ambitious, but I think we can do it. :D

EDIT: I've started doing the first chase of Jericho up until the truck accident. It'll take a long time to finish though as I plan to add lots of effects to it such as camera movement, sfx, etc.

Re: Movie Project Idea

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:57 pm
by Fireboyd78
This would be pretty awesome, actually. Maybe some people will help out, who knows? I'm not good at Film Director :P

Re: Movie Project Idea

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:58 pm
by Olanov
Haha! That's a funny coincidence. I also thought of this but didn't get anywhere with it. I did create a cinematic version of the ending mission though! Haven't released it yet.

Re: Movie Project Idea

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:30 pm
by Steerclear
I've already done some film director videos of missions, one being the ending chase, the other where Tanner is chasing Jericho (but it is actually some random guy) and then I've done the first mission.(The last two I haven't uploaded yet, as I've been editing them for a long while) There was a glitch with film director on one of the final 'jericho throwing cars' missions, as you can see here:
This may be a one time glitch for all I know, and is just a heads up. Don't know whether I'll take part in this, I would like to, but getting a capture card for my xbox and then attaching it to my million mile away computer is going to be a pain.

Sounds like a fantastic idea anyway, would love to watch it, see if you can get it in all cinemas around the world lol! :D

Re: Movie Project Idea

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:05 am
by Badnick24
Yeah I did want to do the ending mission but it seems like a few of you beat me to it! :lol: Anyways, I think it'd be possible if people posted their film director videos in .avi format and then I could edit them in After Effects.

The problem is this would take a LONG time and I'm not ready for such a task. Another issue is that everyone would have to be using PC/Mac to make the graphics more consistent. Maybe someday in the future though. Right now, I'm gonna try to do the cinematic version of the intro. Thanks for the feedback!