Free-for-all discussion!
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By T.K.
Ain't that a kick in the head?
</dean martin>
Well, anyway, here's my list of people to thank now:

PostalDude: For being my good loyal friend here on DM, and everywhere else, and keeping me mildly sane, and giving me bad ideas.

Harlequin: For being logical and fun to chat with.

madness: Creating this godforsaken site.

Nikussaken: being a great member.

chrisl121212: being so much fun to troll, thus raising my post count exponentially. Yeah, f**k you, too =D

bb_42001: Keeping the site alive.

Sedans: for having mature discussions

Myself: for being born *bows*

Thank you all very much. I hope to be celebrating my second anniversary here in January.
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By PostalDude
*listens to moar ELO*
PostalDude: For being my good loyal friend here on DM, and everywhere else, and keeping me mildly sane, and giving me bad ideas
Heh,you're welcome.
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By Sedans

That makes three legit members with 2K posts.

Once again, congratulations.

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