Having an issue with the game you can't seem to figure out? Request assistance here!
By e30driver
Registration Days
Hello all !

I'm trying to get the original Driver You are the Wheelman Version 1.2 working on a PC running Windows Vista.

I had it working previously and it was running fine, however, the music didn't play. I looked on this forum and found I had to disable any other drives I had running, as the game looks for the first drive to play music from the CD. I did so. I fired up the game and it gets to the A Game by Reflections title screen and then I hear a bong, and I receive a message from Windows saying that Game.exe has stopped working and it wants to look online for a solution.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Thank You !!

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

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Crazy Copper Frenzy
