Old news can be found here.
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By madness
As you know the site hasn't been working very well back on drivermadness.net so I have found some free hosting space to put the site at the moment where it works all fine and perfectly. I'm still trying to work out what is causing this issue with my host but for now feel free to use the forums here.

I may end up making a complete upgrade losing portal, photo album and a few other features you know and love here but it'll be better for the availability and the efficiency of having this site running all the site nice and smoothly.

So feel free to use this forum as you would the previous one.
Note all posts made here will be transfered to the other version once it is fixed so all your posts won't be lost!

and I hope they never will be lost, I backup all the time to ensure your time is never wasted and remains online for at least the next 50years :). Hopefully forever :)


If your around here now please feel free to drop a welcome back message here :) and feel free to ask any questions.

Note: the downloads database works the portal doesn't work.
Nor does the chat! just the forums and the download db!
Last edited by madness on Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Lseven7
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Welcome back Driver Madness!!!

Get Well Soon!!! :D
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By Daltarin-Elite
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may end up making a complete upgrade losing portal, photo album and a few other features you know and love
When you say this, you don't mean we'll lose all our post counts and points and things like that do you? That would be unfortunate.
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By madness
all posts and post counts will remain the same.
I'll try my best to transfer over the points system.
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By Daltarin-Elite
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Another thing i have just notticed now, is that two topics i have written in have been commented on, but i haven't received the usual topic reply emails i receive.
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By Sedans
I know its off-topic, but in the period i was gone, for a long time, did i miss the 2nd aniversery chat?

when was it?
who was there?

I hope i didnt, considering i had to stay up forever to be at the first one, and i didnt have intentions to miss the second one...
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By Daltarin-Elite
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You most certainly did miss it... So did i actually, but it was my dad's birthday so... I couldn't really go on it. Also with it being so late to us in NZ it makes it less likely for me.

But still, to anyone who knows, where are the topic notification replies?
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By Coyote
No, you didn't. Drivermadness was almost down at the anniversary. Then madness said he would organize something on the weekend ( for the anniversary ). But on this weekend Drivermadness was already down
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By madness
The anniversary will be re-scheduled because of all the problems driver madness has been having.
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By Coyote
If you would have learned HTML, CSS and PHP ( and maybe also JavaScript ) you wouldn't have these problems. And you know why ? Because people who code by thereselve don't go to hosts like Bluehost ( even if they're good ). They go to little, unknown hosts where they have everything they need ! Some good examples : Driver-Dimension, Driver-4.com.

Plus if you would know how to code a site you would have a real site ( and not only a board ) and you would use more proffesionnal techniques ( like using the HTMl <meta> redirection tag on this page instead of putting a link with a "Click here" ;) ).

After some testing, I got it to work. You have use[…]

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