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History of Driver Madness

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:43 pm
by madness
Here You'll find out all about the History of Driver Madness



January 22nd - Driver Madness was first released to the public



January 22nd - Driver Madness turns 1 years old.
Today we had a chatlog and a countdown to celebrate Driver Madness's Birthday, the chatlog can be found here.
Here is a quote from lseven7 about the chat "the server broke, lseven7 didnt notice and sedans turned up with 5minutes to go having woken up in the middle of the night"

March 18th - DPL-List Released - Visit Site
The long awaited DPL-List comes to a PC near you. Being in just over a year in creation this monstrous website full of Driver: Parallel Lines information which you could never be with out.

April 14th - Driver Madness Downtime
Unfortunately driver madness experienced lots of downtime for about a month and a half.

May 27th - Driver Madness - Comes Back
Driver Madness experienced downtime ever since April 14th however on May 27th Driver Madness finds a new server and a new domain from the old domain and now we are back up for good, at least we hope so.

June 1st - Driver Mods (HS) - Visit Site
Driver Madness teams up with Carluver69 who creates a site dedicated to modding some of the driver games. (Please don't get this site confused with Driver Modding)

July 24th - Driver Gadgets Releases - Visit Site
I release a small but relatively fun site, which enables you to play around will all sorts of Driverized Toys

Augest 1st - Points System
Post content was becoming increasingly low so I decided to include a points system where users get points for doing jobs within the driver community and get points per character rather than by post in the forums.

September 8th - Better Spam Protection
after finding at least 2 spam posts per day I have decided to improve the spam protection here at driver madness. One Week later we have reported to have had no spam for an entire first week.


Unknown Date - Driver Madness Status
Forums have been fully restored. Major features such as News Portal, Download Base, Photo Album, Attachment Feature have been removed due to compatibility and security issues.


Future Dates
Complete Forum Update with Attachment feature restoration.
Move to new server.


NOTE: You don't see much here right now because I'm working on this, I'm also trying to remember the dates of a few big events we may have had, however the forums have only just become active and the big events are coming.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:09 am
by Sedans
madness, you forgot one huge event the helped tha community...

I JOINED!!! lol J/K

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:07 am
by madness
You wern't the only one, lol...
Anyways, there wern't all that many exciting events in 2006 although there will be many more in 2007. :D

2007 will be the year of Driver Madness :D

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:10 am
by Sedans

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:58 pm
by Lseven7
madness wrote:2007 will be the year of Driver Madness :D

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:01 pm
by Sedans
yea madness, you should put some of your videos up

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:36 pm
by madness
I'll do that when I have the videos ready, I'm to busy creating the websites... Once I've finished some I'll be putting some of my videos up. :D

And even if the driver video site isn't up... I'll post it in the Driver Video forum and I'll soon upgrade it so you can make 1 topic per video and people can rate it :D

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:48 am
by nitrored
even though this is probally against the rulz 8) :lol: ,you could get blacklist members to post links to driver madness on other fansites
,id do it but thered be more SPAMMERS :cry: Yea its prob a bad idea.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:10 pm
by madness
In September 2007 I plan to go on a big campaign to get this website out there more so many more people know about it.

By The time I'll have many spam protection scripts so there won't be as much spam and there will be a few more moderators, but as I said before moderators aren't only people who are online all the time they also have to be good role models, like what other members look up to :P.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:08 am
by driver2fan10
I think you should just stop letting the guests in in till they stop spamming!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:10 am
by nitrored
that crosses me,sedans,cars,half of miller,and isseven7 off the list,LOL

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:35 am
by Sedans
what madness? im not a good role model lol btw: its lseven7, i already made dat mistake

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:17 am
by nitrored
yea i dont look when i tipe lol

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:25 pm
by madness
DPLkicksASS wrote:yea i dont look when i tipe lol
I thought you used speech recognition so you don't look when you talk, unless that was someone else.

Anyways I hope to release Driver Modding soon, as it's the next to release on my list and it'll find it's self on this very list.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:26 pm
by Fireboyd78
you phail madness, 1 year later and still no driver modding

also, i apologize pplz for not living up to drivermods! i now run driver database so all is good

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:40 pm
by madness
CarLuver69 wrote:you phail madness, 1 year later and still no driver modding
Driver Modding is now going to be a part of the DriverWiki.
Sadly, I have very little time to work on these projects.
Although I'm still hoping to see what I can get done and we just might see it one day.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:02 am
by myblueocean
Without certain tools, can full modding really ever take off :?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:22 pm
by madness
myblueocean wrote:Without certain tools, can full modding really ever take off :?
It depends how easy the game is to modify.
Objects could all be stored in the .3DS format in a .ZIP achieve.
Positions of those objects in the game could be stored in a .TXT document.

Mission scripts could be stored in .TXT documents.
Vehicle Handling, Gun Specifications, Lighting could all be stored in .TXT documents.

Music and Sounds could be stored in the .mp3 or .wav format.

In this case we wouldn't need any tools.
Just a Text Editor and 3D Max and we could mod most major aspects of the game. But we need tools to de-encrypt encrypted files.

If the game was this easy to mod, we would most likely have tools online for it. It's much easier for a tools to modify positions of objects in the game from an readable .txt document.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:15 am
by myblueocean
This similar chatter was spoken about at Atari years guy was challenging this.