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By Olanov
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Yes ladies and gentlemen, I'm going back to the roots with some Driver and Cops! What a lovely combination, don't you think? Hope you'll enjoy my video! It's supposed to be like one of the Cops TV show openings but in the world of Driver San Francisco!
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By max.thunder
Awesome vid, goes to my favorites, i think it deserve to be a featured vid in the site.
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By Olanov
Thanks guys! :)
Steerclear wrote:Niiice. Glad you've made another Driver video! :)
Yeah, about some time huh? I ran into some problems working with my upcoming GTA IV video and that sorta dropped my motivation on it for a while. Not to mention I've been busy with a lot of things and so I figured something quick and in a way, original would work fine but still with work put into it.

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